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Messages - Tears of Destiny

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 724
General Discussion / Re: What happened where is everyone..?
« on: January 17, 2015, 10:04:02 am »
I'll have to stop by for a bit in February then, nostalgia and whatnot...

Faction Halls / Re: Black Company - Recruiting NA
« on: January 17, 2015, 10:01:15 am »
*strolls through lost*

General Discussion / Re: Upcoming "Revival" patch
« on: October 19, 2014, 02:37:05 am »
Well goodness gracious.

General Discussion / Re: sword and bored
« on: October 08, 2014, 11:22:54 am »
too bad there are only three people left on servers, M0D IS DEAD HORSE

because spelled properly (with an o instead of a 0), it turns into At fifteen, I had the will to learn; at thirty, I could stand; at forty, I had no doubts; at fifty, I understood the heavenly Bidding; at sixty, my ears were opened; at seventy, I could do as my heart lusted without trespassing from the square. wtf
Mod is dead?

I logged into c-RPG just for this.

I hope they win.

Toggling on show banners on everything pretty much removes any and all semblance of stealth in this game anyways, unless you have a four-legged butt-rocket between your legs or are playing in a heavy urban map.

I turned that feature on though just to see clan mobs easier.

Faction Halls / Re: Black Company - Recruiting NA
« on: September 12, 2014, 03:48:36 am »
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Faction Halls / Re: The Remnants [NA] Official
« on: August 31, 2014, 08:51:12 am »
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ripperx literally having to advertise his videos on a 100-500 active ppl forum because nobody else will watch them. what an awful person, video maker, voice and life.

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I didn't like it when it happened to anders either.
So what stopped you from posting textwalls of support for him like you are doing for smoothbabe?

I've seen every single god damn insult thread in these cesspools of a community that were based on personal RL-based factors, and this has to be the first thread I've actually seen you polishing your gleaming white armor so furiously.

This pretty much sums up the thread:
Dont dish it out unless you can take it. And Smoothrich has clearly been more than happy to dish it out. As a rule, if you act like a dick all the time you get fucked.

General Discussion / Re: H0w tO B3 G00d W1th FREE dOWNl0aD
« on: August 07, 2014, 01:04:22 am »
Could always create a different mod and name it cRPG - TRON edition.
I would play that, at least we could then drop the "realism" pretense and have fun and interesting maps again.

It's a shame that I could make this same video and my appearance wouldn't be used to judge me.

You people just commenting about his appearance are the real fucking pathetic plebeians here. This man had the BALLS to record this video and allow it to be posted, knowing that anonymous limp dicks like you fools would shallowly make fun of him.

Not interested in speeches of super high pedestals with martyrs of the century who can do no wrong and are so wrongfully prosecuted.

Considering all the bullshit Smoothrich has leveled at people, with or without his posse, including my RL crap, including Adrian's crap, including Gorath etc list goes on, including how they sound or how they look, you don't have a solid piece of dirt to stand on.

I don't think I can be counted as anonymous considering how much grandom crap of mine has been thrown out on these forums (By him or his "friends") and even used as a banner, so yeah I think I'll make fun of him. He's a big boy, he can take it without your protection. You should probably stop white-knighting Smoothrich considering he's a grown-ass adult who can defend his own crap on the internet.

You don't want people to take cheap shots at you? Well then, don't act like a total fuckass 99% of the time for several years straight and do the same . I'll just have to assume that Smoothrich as well as yourself was not living under a rock, is not that completely socially inept, and actually understand how society works as well as consequences.

The post is amusing but the video is not, after trying to watch the video I stopped after about 30 seconds after trying to understand this rambling slow trainwreck of a 90s-era new-to-the-internet home-video.

Does it actually talk about Canary or is this just some random Christmas video someone grabbed?

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