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Messages - Tears of Destiny

Pages: 1 ... 718 719 [720] 721 722 ... 724
Suggestions Corner / Re: Strategus city naming
« on: February 26, 2011, 10:59:55 pm »
I say no, I want a small degree of imersive play, and judging from the vast amount of names I see from the player base for characters, you can all die in a fire before I trust you to name any city, anywhere, for Strategus.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Polearm torches? Pls? k thx :P
« on: February 26, 2011, 10:54:21 pm »
Too be fair, the heat transfer of a single strike to anyone in armor (Even Leather) is pathetic, the fire is mostly a scare tactic. Only modern clothing goes up in flames instantly due to the plastics.

I do agree though that a 2H/polearm of a torch would be pretty cool, then we could form angry peasant mobs wirh more flair!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Archery buff
« on: February 26, 2011, 10:50:13 pm »
Half of the probllem would be if people wake up and realize that an archer is not the same as one another, we would have more intelligent discussions on Archer buffs/nerfs/leave-as-is topics.

You can build for hitting like a truck and shooting for crap randomness at range due to a crappy 130-ish wp and learn to place shots at groups or medium to close range shooting (NOT a sniper build), OR you can do the alternative, and go more minimum PD and drive your wp to 170-ish and headshot people and snipe at far range at the cost of being a pissant hitter against an armored target (SUSTAINABLE armor builds, ~35K gold worth of crap)

Most people also do not appreciate (nor can tell to be fair) what kind of bow shoved a bodkin up the arse of the character. That too is a massive difference.

But yes, I think we can all agree that the LongBow is a pile of crap and is a laughable weapon. That is the one safe thing I think we can change for archery.

General Discussion / Re: Armor bonus vs arrows
« on: February 26, 2011, 10:35:24 pm »
Yeah, and recently while wearing the same amount of armor, a single arrow took 100% of my health, from medium range, archery is srs bsns.

It really depends on the arrcher build to be fair.

Again, some archers take the minimum PD, while others (Like me) squeeze it for every drop. It also matters quite a lot on the range. I can drop any mid to low level horse with a few hits (Or one well placed headhsot) at close, but have to hit the bugger a dozen times from long range.

Just like some twit can kill you with five swipes form a sword, and others are a STR build to the max and one shot you with the same weapon.

General Discussion / Re: Armor bonus vs arrows
« on: February 26, 2011, 12:51:42 am »
Recently while wearing about 50 armour, I got shot by a warbow from point blank range it took about 1% off.  Archery now is a joke.

Despite this, people complain regularly on the forums to nerf us  :D :lol:

General Discussion / Re: The NA Baddie List
« on: February 25, 2011, 10:08:43 pm »
Alaska not Hawaii brah.

Then where did you pick up "brah?" This is just silly then  :lol:
I hope to god you at least surf.

Hmm, I said the Barbutte because it has the cheek protection, but looking at the helmet list better now that I am awake...
White Steppe Helmet, Khergit War Helmet, Spiked Helmet all seem to work (more or less) for that Roman look. For a later ERE/Byzantine look the Sarranid Veiled Helm works, but that would be best I think for a Cavalry/Varangian Guard look with lamellar armor.

New Build:
Spiked Helmet
Byrnie (I almost said Mailed Shirt, but it looks like it has a blue shirt, and the Byrnie looks red so it will fit the shield better due to the red Roman Legion Emblem. Yes, I want to color-coordinate, I gotta look spiffy when you kill me)
Heavy Board Shield
Short Broad Sword
Throwing Lances (1 pair, not sure I can afford to upkeep all of this and two pairs of Throwing Lances).

Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

Strength: 21
Agility: 15
Hit points: 56
Converted: 2

Power Strike: 7
Shield: 5
Athletics: 5
Power Throw: 7
Weapon Master: 5

One Handed: 123
Throwing: 100

Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: February 25, 2011, 05:14:47 pm »
This reminds me of the Black Company Chronicles, where they keep getting whittled down in ever-smaller numbers while increasing in lethality.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Autobalance - bring your suggestions
« on: February 25, 2011, 05:07:23 pm »
I am  happy with the banner balance.

I want this, and only this at the moment: Break the Spectator mode where if you die, you can only spectate members of the same team you were on when you died.

Lol, I was actually thinking of doing the same build come next gen.  Looking forward to finding out how it works out for you.

Heh, interesting to hear, I am highly amused right now. When my computer comes back from the repair shop this weekend I will fire it up and take it for a spin with this build.

I think I should have some fun with it, the equipment is relatively cheap and easy to upkeep, and the build is quick to level into considering my requirements are low for everything but the shield (And I can use the lesser versions until I get up to 15 Agility).

Will post an update later on if this is the build I plan on using.

General Discussion / Re: Armor bonus vs arrows
« on: February 25, 2011, 08:04:17 am »
Yup, shot Goretooth in the head point blank with a warbow and Bodkin with 10PD and laughed my ass off due to his response of ignoring it and mowing down two teammates.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Stop the archer running BS
« on: February 25, 2011, 07:57:36 am »
No guys, bruce is right. Let's just keep nerfing archers into oblivion until there are no more on the field because they would be so under-powered. Problem solved right?

Oh yeah, after all, nothing says variety like nothing but a bunch of guys with swords!

Better take care of those Cavalry too. Oh, and nerf those "Agil-Whores" since they have the speed to catch up with the nerfed extinct Archers, as well as run away from the tin-cans. Oh and remember, ban those Strength Builds too, them oneshotting peeps will be overpowered now that the fast characters are banned from the server...

Am I missing anyone? Oh right, ban those shields too! unfair against the poorer shield users!

Suggestions Corner / Re: An idea to stop kamikaze leechers
« on: February 25, 2011, 07:34:39 am »
What, who, when and why?

Besides if this is done, god forbid... what if you get hit by an xbowman in the head 10 seconds after round starts. It has happend to me and I've done it to others (At least thrice).

Indeed, I cringe everytime I play in the NA server where there is a map that has two sides facing each other, in LoS, and looks like a Caravan raid with a woody hill on one side and a mountain on the other. The instant I spawn I fire off an arrow and usually hit someone, and if it is a peasent then they die flat out. I even lucked out and headshot someone a few days ago in the first opening seconds (I kid you not, drew an arrow and let loose literally as fast as you can after spawn). Bad map design to allow such an initial fish-in-a-barrel chokepoint in the initial second with two sides that close to each other.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Archery buff
« on: February 25, 2011, 07:30:34 am »
I never tried archery before until now, and I see how painful it is! Its inaccurate and slow, I would like to see a buff, a little one just to even it out. Also, arrows move so slow, you have to aim in front of them enemy while it walks and a arrow hits it 10 seconds later, the arrows are slow, but if they made arrows move faster it would be perfect.

Welcome to my world, and why I have contempt for anyone who claims that archery is OP. I personally am fine with the Archery strength as is, though perhaps a very small increase to either the speed of the draw or the speed of the round would be nice.

I wanted to do something different to take a break from my Dedicated Archer, Shield-and-Mace, polearm characters, so here is something a wee bit different for me.

I would appreciate any critique/thoughts. Please remember the theme for this character before suggesting I swap out something for something else, thank you!  :D

New Load Out
Spiked Helmet
Byrnie (I almost said Mailed Shirt, but it looks like it has a blue shirt, and the Byrnie looks red so it will fit the shield better due to the red Roman Legion Emblem. Yes, I want to color-coordinate, I gotta look spiffy when you kill me)
Heavy Board Shield
Short Broad Sword
Throwing Lances (1 pair, not sure I can afford to upkeep all of this and two pairs of Throwing Lances).

Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

Strength: 21
Agility: 15
Hit points: 56
Converted: 2

Power Strike: 7
Shield: 5
Athletics: 5
Power Throw: 7
Weapon Master: 5

One Handed: 123
Throwing: 100

Old Load-Out
Red Tunic over Mail
Heavy Board Shield (It should display the roman Legion Symbol in the banner pack nicely)
Broad Short Sword
Throwing Spears OR Throwing Lances (Can not decide, they both look similar to Pila)
UNUSED: Glove slot, Boot slot, 1 Equip slot.

Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

Strength: 15
Agility: 21
Hit points: 50
Converted: 2
Ironflesh: 0
Power Strike: 5
Shield: 7
Athletics: 5
Riding: 0
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 5
Weapon Master: 7
One Handed: 146
Two Handed: 1
Polearm: 1
Archery: 1
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 100

Thoughts? Just trying to make an amusing themed character here and keep in spirit of the theme.

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