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Messages - Xant

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... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: VALORANT
« on: April 12, 2020, 04:53:24 pm »
My reaction time is 150 ms, and has been for 15 years. If you weren't shit at FPS games, you'd realize that aim training has nothing to do with "reaction time." Very telling that you don't know the purpose of the "spazzing out", either.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: VALORANT
« on: April 12, 2020, 01:30:28 pm »

Gunplay almost feels like CS, but with the very noticeable difference that you can walk and shoot, which is huge for rewarding movement instead of just holding angles. There's also no momentum, so no "floating" for a bit until you stop. Just stop holding a movement key and you're instantly accurate, or alternatively hold down shift to walk. Standing still and shooting is still more accurate, but seems plenty accurate enough for business even while walking.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: VALORANT
« on: April 12, 2020, 01:24:20 pm »
Looks like a mobile game
Exactly, which is ideal. Very easy to see enemies, and it runs great. Riot's really outdone itself this time, making sure all the aspects that good FPS players care about are taken into account.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: VALORANT
« on: April 12, 2020, 02:07:19 am »
The way the recoil reset works also seems to allow for a tapping-based playstyle even with full auto rifles, unlike CS where the accuracy took way too long to reset, which made spraying the only viable option.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: VALORANT
« on: April 12, 2020, 01:10:07 am »
Oh man that actually has me excited. Counter-strafe is one of the most annoying mechanics ever and it baffles me that people think it raises the skill ceiling. So you are still pretty accurate while walking in VALORANT?
Look at the video on the last page

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: VALORANT
« on: April 11, 2020, 10:35:12 pm »

Very good, gunplay nothing like CS. Can actually move and shoot.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: VALORANT
« on: April 11, 2020, 09:37:29 pm »


You now have access to the VALORANT closed beta and a new competitive stage to shine from.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: VALORANT
« on: April 11, 2020, 04:34:20 pm »
what falls under CS gayness that VALORANT doesn't have
Floaty movement, no ADS, the need to counter-strafe before shooting which penalizes aggression, awful maps designed to give defenders a massive advantage w/o flashes and smokes, inability to shoot accurately while even just walking.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: VALORANT
« on: April 11, 2020, 02:30:17 pm »
I used to play games like this back in the day. The most famous being Crossfire. AVA as well. Also, some CS type of game featuring werewolves, cannot remember its name. I played those games after Exteel went into the state cRPG is in for the past half a decade, aka dead.

This is not a new concept. But neither is Overwatch. I played the closed beta of Section 8 and Global Agenda in 2009. Both good games that came out before such concepts were popularized. The same can be said about Huxley, which looked wonderful in its beta phase. To this day Star Citizen lacks Huxley game mechanics, which is basically having an open city hub with mission markers that can be PVP or PvE. It was the same kind of shooter like UT3 because it shared the engine.

Koreans did this 10 years ago, the rest of the world is finally catching up.

I have no idea what this post is about

Competitive 5v5 FPS games aren't a new concept, no, they're dime a dozen. What's rare are high quality competitive FPS games, and judging by the opinions of all the good FPS players who've tried VALORANT, it is one, with a lot of CS gayness removed.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: VALORANT
« on: April 11, 2020, 12:41:23 am »
Couldn't care less what it looks like tbh, it's a competitive shooter

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: VALORANT
« on: April 10, 2020, 08:04:23 pm »
Seems fucking awesome, CS with better movement and ADS + a little spice from abilities on top, and better map design

General Off Topic / Re: The Last Kingdom
« on: April 10, 2020, 07:34:20 pm »
One of my favorite shows, so much happens in each episode it feels like an entire season of another show. Uhtred is also a refreshingly and unapologetically bad ass character that the writers aren't trying to constantly undermine to show that Crime Don't Pay And Modern Morals Are Right.

... and all the other things floating around out there / VALORANT
« on: April 10, 2020, 07:30:40 pm »
I will give my first born child for a valorant beta key

His teammates were in heaven.

It's not realistic at all. The opposite. In real life your arm and sword wouldn't be this weird wooden construct that only moves in a certain way and that you can't really control. That's why these too rigid sweetspots are the opposite of realism.

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