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Topics - Sultan Eren

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Suggestions Corner / Wealth bonus for LORDS
« on: March 03, 2011, 05:29:20 am »
Every fief holder in strategus should get a gold boast to upkeep better equipment. Holding a fief, becoming a lord should be something like a social class, something you really play for.
Village +10 for 1x (5x=300g)
Castle +20 for 1x (5x=350g)
City +30 for 1x (5x=400g)
Amounts can be changed later to balance better.
There should be a difference between the City's lord and a simple peasant. Sounds medieval eh?

Suggestions Corner / Assassin Dagger (One thrust One kill)
« on: January 21, 2011, 07:57:53 pm »
Weapon Stat.
weight 0.25
requirement 15
spd rtng 112
weapon length 36
swing damage 0 cut (we can't swing)
thrust damage 30 pierce (normal thrust)

Assassin mode:
Like lances we need to press X when we approacing someone from behind. And the weapon will be like 200pierce damage for 1-2 seconds. To redo this we gotta wait 30sec. I'm not a stealth killer not a ninja or whatever but if you aproach someone from behind you can easily kill him since he dont recognize you.

What do you guys think?

Suggestions Corner / [Suggestion] Whole skills in singleplayer
« on: January 09, 2011, 07:19:02 am »
Every level brings two attribute points in two different tables. One point for STR or AGI, one point for INT or CHA.

Order: Skill Name - Type - Possible function
Looting - AGI - If raiding villages implements it can increase the loot.
Trainer(!) - INT - None as there are no NPC's.
Tracking - INT - We can see detailed information of parties on map as the skill goes up. We can see their path.
Tactics - Increases roster limit +1. Maybe there should be "Leave some of your soldiers to cover your retreat." option.
Path-finding - INT - We can move faster on map as the skill goes up.
Spotting - INT - We can see more on map as the skill goes up.
Inventory management - INT - Every skill of IM can increase the limit of items that you can carry on Strategus. Let's say 5000 per point. Also the idea that came into my mind is it can be for caravaning from city to city carrying 5000 woods for example.
Wound treatment - INT - There should not be fight until one side is "0". There should be captors, wounded people, deserters, rest of the army after retreating. This is the only way this skill can work. Let's say none for now.
Surgery - INT - After a successful charge you can save some of your death(!) soldiers back.
First aid(!) - INT - None.
Engineer - INT - Diff. requirement for siege weapons in-game. Like ladders.
Persuasion(!) - INT - None as there are no NPC's.
Prisoner management - CHA - Only if there's capturing prisoners. -lords and tickets-
Leadership - CHA - Increases the troop limit by 1000.
Trade - CHA - Let's talk about it after Strategus emonomy system. None for now.

In clans there are real scouts, raiders, generals, merchants, doctors as different classes and all this classes actually works for single purpose. So it sounds fun to me. Don't you agree?  8-)

Spam / Trolol points
« on: January 09, 2011, 06:25:04 am »
I don't understand that lower or higher troll points means they are troll? Should i give "-" or "+" if i see someone's trolling? :D

Closed Requests / You are banned from this server?
« on: January 08, 2011, 01:59:23 am »
When i try to join the offical EU ones it says that i'm banned. I wanna know why and when? Is this a bug or something because i did not do something wrong.

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