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Messages - Bronto

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General Discussion / Re: I am leaving,enough is enough.
« on: June 09, 2020, 03:06:18 pm »
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General Off Topic / Re: heavy metal thread (no normies allowed)
« on: June 08, 2020, 07:52:51 pm »
do not visit these chambers of internet unless u are sober please,there is enough autism,i can not stand autism + drunkards.

General Off Topic / Re: heavy metal thread (no normies allowed)
« on: June 05, 2020, 10:08:27 pm »
fkin get out of here u inferior npc

I don't know man, it's pretty metal to have hetero friends that you can do things with in a judgement free zone. I mean, we have a lot to learn from Cousin Larry and Belkie. I'm sorry you didn't get the message. I guess you'll just rise and fall, like the wings of my dreams...

General Off Topic / Re: heavy metal thread (no normies allowed)
« on: June 05, 2020, 10:03:54 pm »

Hard song, even harder show.

General Off Topic / Re: WORD GAME!(don't be boring plz)
« on: June 05, 2020, 09:23:38 pm »

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General Off Topic / Re: WORD GAME!(don't be boring plz)
« on: June 05, 2020, 05:24:37 pm »

General Off Topic / Re: WORD GAME!(don't be boring plz)
« on: June 03, 2020, 10:40:48 pm »

General Off Topic / Re: WORD GAME!(don't be boring plz)
« on: June 03, 2020, 10:05:52 pm »

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General Off Topic / Serious Question
« on: June 03, 2020, 09:16:59 pm »
What is happening to/in America right now? Will anything ever change?

We go from ignoring a pandemic, to having the "best, really great, probably the most excellent response in the history of responses", to people in the streets finally sick of their oppression, peacefully (for the most part) protesting, only to be shot with rubber bullets and gassed so our fearless leader can get a photo op with"a bible" in front of an old church. Fuck.

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General Off Topic / Re: WORD GAME!(don't be boring plz)
« on: June 03, 2020, 09:13:17 pm »

General Off Topic / Re: WORD GAME!(don't be boring plz)
« on: June 03, 2020, 07:58:50 pm »

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Spam / Re: Which martial art?
« on: March 12, 2020, 06:58:54 pm »
karate is mostly just learning steps and actually contact fighting.

for taekwan do it's a sport martial art. If you're going to the olympics or want to be the best point fighter there ever was, do this.

Judo is great for people who think throwing your opponent is more effective than punching their face.

overall, Ive never had actual karate/taekwan do/judo lessons so those are just outsider opinions here

Was about to post how wrong you were in your post but then I saw your last sentence. Carry on my non-martial art oriented friend. I've been doing martial arts for 26 years, and you know nothing about what you speak. Practicality of an art comes from your teacher not the art itself. There are only so many ways that you can punch, kick, and throw effectively. Most martial arts teach you to fall properly so you absorb the impact and don't get hurt when someone sweeps the leg.

Your instructor is more important than the type of art when you're starting out. Do any and all of these you're interested in and stick with the one that YOU like the most. Most martial arts schools/studios will allow you take a few free classes to see if it's for you. It's really that easy. You aren't learning a 2,000 year old art to go fight in feudal Japan so it doesn't matter what you pick, as long as you stick with it.

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Spam / Re: Which martial art?
« on: March 12, 2020, 12:57:27 pm »
:oops: should i start judo,taekwan do or karate ,which one is more useful and why?
Or should go to damn cycling lessons to lose weight?

Judo - Steven Seagull is a huge fan, I think that should tell you all you need to know.

Tae Kwon Do - depending on the lineage is probably more sport than martial art.

Karate - depending on what kind (Shotokan maybe), is probably the most traditional. Personally, this would be my choice. You'll get beat up and learn striking/blocking, etc. Probably some grappling moves, mostly standing techniques and disarms, but not BJJ ground n pound, so you don't have to worry bout gettin a boner because you grabbed some guys taint.

General Off Topic / Re: Check out my new Project
« on: November 04, 2019, 02:26:03 pm »
Welp, you made me log in...

SO much improvement! The over-annunciation in that verse, you can hear it, we all can, so that's something to look at. The best thing I can say is, let your words do the talking for you, and if people understand what you're saying and what you're saying does actually rhyme it'll work. You don't have to over emphasize or over sell it, if that makes sense. As for the beat/song, I really dig it. Sounds so old school and just has a good vibe to it. I would say it reminds me of Ghetto Boys or something, and that is really great man. Great job finding your voice too man, you sound confident and like you're finding your style. Keep writing, keep recording, and keep doing what you love. Good on you m8.

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