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Topics - Mr_Pain

Pages: [1]
Hello there,

It seems to me that said two swords should join the pretty much identical Short Arming Sword in being 0 slots. Scottish Sword is even shorter and seems tinier than Short Arming.  :rolleyes:


Buy / Buying +3 Zitta Bascinet with faceplate
« on: December 16, 2014, 01:12:56 pm »

Offering 2lp 200k for +3 Zitta Bascinet with faceplate. Anyone interested? :D


Strategus Issues / stuck on lonely island
« on: August 08, 2012, 03:09:35 pm »
Hi there,

I spawned on a tiny island that is completely cut off from the mainland. Is there a way to save myself or do I need rescue?

Thanks in advance!

Buy / [BUY] (+1/2/3) Longbow for equivalent heirloom points
« on: May 27, 2011, 02:40:26 pm »
Looking for an hierloomed Longbow. I just hit 31 and found out I can't save my heirloom point for later. The problem is I have no points in PD right now..
So I wanna trade an heirloomed Longbow for an equivalent hierloomed item of your choice. I can do any melee weapon, crossbow or armor with max 18req.

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