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Topics - Nightingale

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Infamy
« on: March 15, 2018, 01:12:10 am »
please fix.

@edit: uh oh its fixed now *prepares for -1s*

Diplomacy / Nova Reyvadin Trade Restrictions
« on: June 18, 2014, 05:41:40 am »
Recent events have led me to restrict trade on a previously Free Trade fief ---> Now you need to notify me when you plan to use the City's S&D.

A few standard things I'll need to know ; army size, good count, where the goods are from/ good name. Do not sell goods unless the S&D is high enough for the price to be 25.

New Tadsamesh and Sungetche Castle is still Free trade and Open to be used without permission. *That doesn't give you permission to camp in said fief for days on end and use every ounce of S&D the fief produces*

Everyone that can't be accounted for in Reyvadin has been evicted if you re-enter the city; know that you run the risk of being attacked, if the S&D suddenly disappears.

Sorry for the inconvenience
~ Desire

Suggestions Corner / Defend the Virgin
« on: June 17, 2013, 01:40:43 pm »
I spend quite a bit of time playing DTV, these are just some changes I think would improve this game mode - none should be very hard to fix/add.

I think we all can agree the virgin is rather annoying.

1) If you could remove her that'll be great, if not oh well worth a shot.
2) Remove range bots ability to shoot the virgin and damage her from afar.
3) Make her weaker, that way people actually have to think about guarding her instead of waiting for Vivi to start spamming chat in a really annoying manor.


1) The most annoying thing about this game mode In my opinion is fighting throwers.... not because they have ridiculous accuracy or damage but they do not switch to their melee weapons when you approach them ( Weaboos seem to be unaffected by this bug but those are the only throwers that do switch to their melee weapon). Varric will continue to throw Jarids at you point blank. Some bandits do switch but its not consistent. Sea raiders are even worse. There is nothing more annoying than being surrounded by 3 bots all spamming the W key and instantly headshotting you from point blank range. So you have two choices; rush into the horde of bots with weapons raised glancing on everything or be head shot, sounds fun right?

2) AI Cavalry: nomad horse archers in particular. They get stuck in every possible place in existence, constantly drawing out the round because players have to go look for them. In my opinion a way to fix this is simply lessen the amount of horse archers that spawn, replace them with more lancer cavalry, infantry, and maybe if it wasn't too much trouble add another nomad class- 1h shield cavalry like Shik- but with a Nomad Sabre and a Round Cavalry shield. My point here isn't to remove horse archers from DTV but to lessen the annoyance of finding them, maybe keep 3-4 each wave max if that is possible.

3) I am not exactly sure how to word this one... but bots phase through each other rather often.  Not sure if it is fixable.

4) There are maps were bots get stuck in their pathfinding on hills, cliffs, and in the middle of roads -  for no apparent reason. Not sure how to fix this but it would be nice to have a solution.

 Re-add the ability to spawn on horses. Now before you freak out and say OP bots can't fight horses consider the following.

1) Disable healing for horses, heal the rider and leave the horse wounded (will kill careless riders, and reward those that are careful.)
2) Range bots will murder horsemen anyway regardless of how careful you are, especially in later waves.
3) Still kill unmounted horses at the end of a wave.

Game Admin Feedback / [Global] Elderly Woman
« on: January 02, 2013, 08:38:30 am »
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credit to witchcraft for the imagine.

After 4 years of service; an old decaying corpse finally rests (partially. it is witchcraft after-all.).
(how dare u witchcraft left me to rot without putting the dirt over me at least.. and what the hell, where is my coffin)

-Carved into the tombstone-
"Over my dead body!"

Diplomacy / Free Village of Tadsamesh
« on: December 08, 2012, 06:56:10 am »
New Tadsamesh, is now a new Free Trading Village.

As the new lady of Tadsamesh, I have opened its boarders to anyone seeking shelter or simply a place to buy goods.  Low tax rate of just 6% and the good price of 9

We also sell the Cheapest Champion Rounceys 73 gold per horse!
Balanced Light lance for 53 gold
All the ruined peasant gear anyone could ever desire!

both taxes and price are subjected to change. Not guaranteed lowest price! no refunds! Also its actually 72.54 gold per horse but I rounded up for the sake of sanity.

Sell/Trade / Masterwork Niuweidao
« on: November 23, 2012, 07:39:19 am »
Hallo everyone How was your thanksgiving?... actually I don't really care.

I have a +3 Niuweidao I am looking for the following trades.

Masterwork Niuweidao FOR Masterwork Shashka (don't ask)
Masterwork Niuweidao FOR 2 loom points, 75,000.

PM me with offers... (if anyone even has a +3 Shashka.)

To be honest, I try to keep the trades fair and this is going to kill me. - Lies.

Also I do care about your thanksgiving! Hope you ate a lot and nearly killed yourselves with food intake.

Refer back to the first sentence, if you feel the need to tell me how your thanksgiving was.  :wink: - Love you all!

Almost forgot a pretty picture!

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General Discussion / Skip the fun
« on: October 31, 2012, 12:22:27 am »
You have to wait 6 days, 23 hours and 40 minutes before you can skip the fun again.  :| 

Bug? Because I am certain they removed the timer on STF, just like a month ago.

Sell/Trade / Trading Masterwork Niuweidao, and more
« on: October 04, 2012, 10:26:27 am »
I am looking to sell these items, For gold or Loom points

Lordly Tagancha Helmet with Veil
Lordly Black Lamellar Vest
Masterwork Niuweidao

PM me with offers but please stay realistic

Closed Requests / Ban problems.
« on: October 18, 2011, 01:09:42 am »
Hello my name is "Hospitaller_minippl" or "Scyllia"

I believe i was ban not completely sure... What happened was i attempted to log on to NA_seige and i began to type in the type box "Hi" i hit enter and 2 seconds later i was kicked from the server. It gave me a kick message on my screen throwing me back to the server menu were you pick your name. i attempted to join NA_battle and it let me in for 1 second. and then kicked me with a message in purple chat saying i was ban from this server. here isa screen shot of that.

I then tried to join EU server. and i was able. As well as LL's new server. And I got some help from NA admins and a few pointed me this way because i didnt appear on there ban list. or what not... i am really sorry i am not much of a forum member nor do i post in forums alot. i avoid them when i can.

I just want to play help me get this solved please

this is prolly not in the right place :D move it were it needs to be

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