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Topics - Wiglaf

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Easy way to stop voicespamming
« on: February 03, 2012, 03:19:02 pm »
It has been suggested before but it hasn't gathered much attention: We have to do something against the voicespamming.
It is so utterly annoying that sometimes I would rather walk away from a critical strategic location than to stay and listen to the imbecile morons spamming "HOLD!" or even something unrelated... Muting a player doesn't help it. Muting the voices entirely wouldn't be the right way to go, as they are a good addition to the game.
So, let's gather ideas on how to stop this spamming.

I think a cooldown of 5 seconds would be sufficient.
Is this possible to code?

What are your other ideas?

Edit: Fixed typos

cRPG Technical problems / unreachable
« on: January 23, 2012, 10:32:04 am »
Since this morning I get this, when trying to visit

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 110 in /var/www/crpg/webcrpg/class/class_db.php on line 56

Beginner's Help and Guides / XP-gain revisited
« on: January 18, 2011, 12:06:15 pm »
I have given the patch some time to work it's magic and i love it. The one thing that i think is sad is that people now spread out like stupid and i actually see much less tactics than pre-patch. While there is nothing too wrong with people spreading out per se (it is most of the time just not that clever) it seems that the cooperative playstyle is inhibited. So, what to do? What did pre-patch do different? It was the fact that you gained xp while standing next to a killer. Here is a way how we could not go back to the old system completely, but to make a hybrid, that also does not interfere with the small server policy:

- keep the per minute income of xp and gold, but reduce it from 1000 to 500.
- take the remaining 500 and divide them by the amount of players in the team, i call the result 'bounty'.
- each time an enemy is killed all players close to the killer gains the bounty (as it was prepatch).
- the per minute income of xp is given and accounted each minute (like it is now) times the multiplier.
- the gained bounties are given at the end of the round times the minutes played times the multiplier.

Eddy played a round of 3 minutes, that way he gained 1500 xp. The enemyteam consists of 10 people, therefor each one is worth 50xp. he mobbed up and saw 5 of them go down, so after the match another 250 x3 = 750xp are added to his account.

- probably the 500 should be divided among the enemies while taking into account their k/d ratio, so there is no wild peasenthunt.
- there would be no problem rounding all fractions UP. You will get less xp than now anyway.

What do you think of it?

Suggestions Corner / New Attribute - Awareness
« on: January 08, 2011, 09:13:26 pm »
New Attribute: Awareness (or Cunning?)

First of all, this is for people that enjoy toying around with new ideas that are probably never integrated into the game – please point out troubles you see but do it in a constructive way. The author is fully aware (hurr hurr) of the complexity arising with implementing a new attribute.

Second, I think it is important to have a possibly third attribute totally voluntarily, so that your überbuild can remain as it is. People should not be forced to have any points at all in this new attribute.

Thus the main reason for implementing a new attribute is to increase diversity. As a pen & paper rpg player I found the character sheet in native mount & blade somewhat meager but it had all the essential stuff. Crpg doesn’t even need half of the attributes and most of the skills from native, so it is even more meager if not bare when it comes to skills.

Awareness Attribute:
Awareness starts with 3 points as the other attributes.
Every point in Awareness increases your Alertness-Radius (to be explained later). Basically it is a radius around your character where you can spot Hidden enemies. The Alertness-Radius should be slightly decreased by the weight of the head armor, maybe 2 meters per point of weight.

Awareness-based Skills:

Stealth is triggered only while not holding a weapon in your hand and walking (as in ‘not running’) or standing still. When stealth is triggered, the character disappears from sight of enemies – he is Hidden. When the Hidden character enters the Alertness-Radius of an enemy he immediately becomes visible again for EVERY enemy. The Alertness-Radius for 3 points (the basic value) should be big enough, so he is far out of reach when he becomes visible (I’ll just throw in 50 meters for an example). More points in the Stealth-Skill decreases the enemy Alertness-Radius (like 2 meters per skillrank – again this is just an example). This makes a character with Stealth 10 appear 30 meters away from an enemy with a basic Awareness value, far enough away, so the enemy can react, but close enough to still come as a surprise.
Additionally this skill should decrease the volume of the walking and unsheathing sounds the character makes by 10% per skillpoint invested. This holds true even when running and also decreases all other sounds the character makes (shouting while preparing your haymaker and so on). Furthermore the volume will be increased by every point of weight the character carries after a threshold of 6 (or 10 or so) – maybe 1% volume for every point of weight after the threshold?
[Probably there should be something like: If you are the last survivor of your team, the Stealth skill is disabled to avoid afk-leeching]

Find Weakness
Alternative 1:
This skill provides a certain chance on every hit (or shot) you deliver to deal 125% of the normal damage. The chance increases with a higher value in the skill: For every single point in the skill the chance is 2% so at Find Weakness 10 you have a chance of 20% to deliver more damage than usual.
Alternative 2:
This skill provides the ability to ignore a certain amount of armor of the enemy on every hit (or shot). The amount of ignored armor could be something like 3 times the value in Find Weakness.

More Skills:
The attribute needs at least one additional skill I think. Some skills I haven’t thought about enough until now contain the following:
Formidable Senses: Character is able to see other characters through walls (he can hear people). This sounds cheesy at first, but think about it. We all play with stereo-sound, so we can only differentiate sound between left and right, this skill could reflect a persons ability to locate the noises other people do. Would be best if you could see a highlighted aura of a character only, not the whole model, I saw something like this in other games that I can’t remember. Skillpoints increase the reach of the Formidable Senses.
Blocking: This skill provides a certain chance to autoblock an incoming hit. (I foresee a flamewar coming my way just for thinking of this idea...)

That’s all for now.

@chadz: If it is completely impossible to implement a new attribute, please say so :)

Beginner's Help and Guides / How exactly does the maintence-system work?
« on: January 05, 2011, 03:12:10 am »
How exactly does the maintence-system work?
That's what I'd like to know and can't find hard info about.
Please enlighten me (us)!

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