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Topics - N8te

Pages: [1]
So, It's been a while since i've played. A lot has changed, including some new gear added to the game. Anyone have a full gallery of the new items anywhere? Since the shop icons are never updated.

Thanks! :^)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Noob Question
« on: April 24, 2014, 10:19:07 pm »
What is the green bar at the bottom-left in the hud next to the multi? Forgive me, I never bothered to figure it out let alone ask anyone what it is.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Build Help (Archer/Assassin)
« on: April 14, 2014, 05:16:40 am »
I'm about to retire my very first gen, and I'm wanting to go an Archer/1her. Medium to close quarters shooting.

I'm at a loss for which bow to choose from that 1-3 PD requirement.

Short Bow - Seems to have really good cut damage but I'm kinda turned off by the accuracy. Is it bad?
Nomad Bow - ?
Tatar Bow - ?

Tatar or Bodkin arrows?

Note: I'm planning to kind of have an assassin build so I'll be carrying Scottish Sword and Long dagger/rhondel as my sidearms, and a small light bow as my primary.

My build by level 30

Strength: 9
Agility: 30

Hit points: 44
Skills to attributes: 8

Power Strike: 3
Athletics: 9
Power Draw: 3
Weapon Master: 8

One Handed: 150
Archery: 125

Any advice on the above is much appreciated.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Constantly poor, endless grind...
« on: April 10, 2014, 11:08:00 am »
Am I the only one who feels this way? All I've been doing is trying to keep up repair costs while trying to retire as well.  I see everyone trading hundreds of thousands of gold plus dozens of LP's on the marketplace and I feel like I will NEVER get to that point. I know they've been playing since the beginning, but this mod isn't very noob friendly for such a tight-knit community/playerbase...

I honestly don't think I'll ever see a MW weapon to call my own. Any advice?

Alright so having played a longsword fighter for almost all of my time on this mod, I'd like something new. Here is what I'm looking for.

I would like to be an agile fighter/crossbowman who can alternate from ranged to melee depending on the situation. Like a sniper, but can alternate to a durable fighter.

- Crossbow
- 1H/2h(?) Sidearm
- Medium Armor

Some Advice I'd like:

- What build? STR/AGIL, etc.
- Advice on what crossbows/bolts are good (I'm a ranged n00bl0rd)
- Any other advice/bugs i should be aware of

I really appreciate all feedback! Thanks in advance.

Edit: Pls help me! :(

Beginner's Help and Guides / Question about Strat
« on: November 19, 2013, 06:06:11 am »
I've heard people say that to play strat, about 15 STR is usually required? Because they rarely have lower tier items in armory. Is this even true?

I'm probably going to go full agility with like, 10-15 STR, I'd love to use items that aren't transitional and all sorts of this 14 STR plate. Will people accept me as a low STR 2h player? It's what I'm best at. Advice and suggestions are welcomed.

A little bit about my playstyle: Like having high athletics (9-10 xD), Like playing 2h or 1h (No shield), Love the Katana, I like archer but it's just not as fun as a melee class IMO.

Edit: I may just be overreacting, but I really don't want to spec my hero in a way which no one will accept me for strat battles :/

Near enough every round i have to pay to repair my gear pieces and it's costing me a lot more than I'm earning. I'm an Archer class with a Horn bow and bodkin arrows. My armor costs little to nothing to repair, and my upkeep is below the 2k threshold. Is there something a new guy like me isn't understanding? :(

Beginner's Help and Guides / Are the Head Cloths bugged?
« on: November 15, 2013, 04:35:13 am »
I'm unable to wear the black or brown head cloths/hoods. Is it my game? Or are they just naturally invisible? Thanks!

Edit: Anyone know?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Hello I'm new to C-RPG (Questions)
« on: November 13, 2013, 05:47:37 am »
Hey guys! I got a few questions.

1.) What exactly does WPF do to change said weapon?

2.) Is the longsword in the 2h shop, classified as a 1her too? So I could use a longsword with my 1her WPF?

3.) Is there a 1h sword that can be used as a 2h? Example: Longsword, but it's classified as a 2h

I'm trying to run an agile archer/1h build. If anyone has any suggestions for a newbie that'd be much appreciated!


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