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Messages - ROHYPNOL

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Character: ROHYPNOL
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Gifts Delivered! Ho Ho Ho and Happy Holidays! ❆

General Discussion / Re: 54 Loom Point Giveaway (18 Winners)
« on: April 24, 2019, 04:41:51 am »

General Discussion / Re: Mauls- are they appropriate for a game like this?
« on: September 07, 2018, 07:05:23 pm »
What he really wants is everyone to be exactly like him. When he still does not win he will find something new to bitch about. His strategy is not to win by being good, but to win by crying on the forums to pile dive the gameplay and make it worse. I think the devs have figured out by now that listening to people like him is what ruined the game in the first place.

General Discussion / Re: Streaming back up!
« on: June 28, 2017, 06:16:19 am »
Streaming back up now!

Streaming is back up for now ENJOY!

General Discussion / Re: Streaming is up soon!
« on: June 26, 2017, 06:06:53 am »
Keep it poppin morris

General Discussion / Re: Streaming is back up 8 pm central
« on: June 25, 2017, 06:13:21 am »
Streaming coming up again soon! Enjoy for those of you who are bored and want to watch

General Discussion / Re: Streaming is back up 8 pm central
« on: June 23, 2017, 03:04:04 am »
It is up for now

General Discussion / Streaming back up!
« on: June 21, 2017, 05:41:39 am »
You are welcome to watch

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: February 04, 2017, 05:37:24 pm »
crpg 2 for bannerlord confirmed.

Concur... and please for the love of God and the community, stop putting retards in charge of item balancing.. Learn from your own lessons, it ruined crpg

Dear Krax and friends,

Boy, I nearly had a heart attack from being unable to post in this thread yesterday. I could feel my blood pressure steadily increasing to a fever pitch.

Anyway, let me try one last time to succinctly explain the position of myself, Duster, and others. I feel that no comprehension of our stance has taken place; only perception of "anyone who plays HA should kill themselves no we arent buffing it just remove it ffs" has been reached.

My top priority with any changes to this mod is increased player population. Specifically, I'd like increased skilled melee population. But to make it simple, more motherfuckers in the server on average is my very top priority.

I believe that increasing power of HA will AT LEAST stifle the slow growth of the mod's population, if not decrease it. It doesn't matter to me the magnitude of the decrease; only that it occurs. If you disagree with me on this point, that is fine. Please understand that all I am doing it attempting to properly convey the position I hold. I am not attempting to convince anyone of anything. In fact, I'd say such a thing is a complete fool's errand. Anyone posting in cRPGs public balance forums in 2015 is going to have a pretty set mind.

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I do not feel that ranged cavalry is overpowered. I agree with you that it is significantly more difficult to make a large, game-changing impact on a round with ranged cavalry than it is with armoured infantry. And I agree with you that, in order to achieve better balance, ranged cavalry should be made more powerful. Buffed.

However, as previously stated, my priority IS NOT balance. My priority is increased player population. I'm sick of 40 people in NA1 on evenings, 10 of which aren't even a contest to kill. Just memers running around in shirts n' shit.

And AGAIN, feel completely free to disagree and tell me that increased power to ranged cavalry will either do nothing, or god forbid, actually improve server population. That's fine.

It just seems to me that Krax and a couple others simply cannot fathom that someone would not hold perfect balance to be the top concern for changes in cRPG. Like, the shit doesn't compute.

I really am sorry to all those players that either have HA/HX/HT(lol) as a main class, or are relatively unable to perform well with other classes. I don't have anything against you personally.

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It's just that my own fun is tied to server population. I'm not holding this position because I'm a utilitarian saint that wants the largest possible amount of players to have fun. I do want that, but that's not why I'm posting.

I'm posting because I want more people to kill, damnit!

I do agree with you, but with all the nerfs, is what caused people to quit in the first place. This could be 1 of many buffs of many other classes to bring back the fun. No one is enjoying getting on NA_1 and all you have to fight is these fucking xbowers and plaine jane melee players all doing the same shit. Everything is very simplistic, not like it used to be, where several things could be enjoyable. Unfortunately a couple bad game balancers decided to nerf literally EVERYTHING and ruined the damn MOD. I do like your point and I do agree, it just needs a buff to make it useful, and not saying it has to go back to like it used to be. But in all honesty you might as well take the class out because its so shitty.

It is actually very common and encouraged that competitive multiplayer games have imbalance in them. I.e. the "noob tube" in CoD/Battlefield games is very easy to use so that even the noobs can get kills with it, although once you become more skilled at the game you realize that there are better options available. In crpg, if HA was easy enough so that any random schmuck could pick it up and be cancer to the rest of the server on day 1, then this mod would surely be even less popular than it currently is. HA is a class that takes dedication and time* to become skilled enough where you can get that valor each round, and that is a good thing. Just because you have extensive experience at being a plated up long mauler, or plated up cav, or super agi my old friend xbow doesn't mean you will  be able to be a top tier HA immediately. Look at Kojiro... he was able to farm valor even during the 15 damage cap days. Conversely, when he did play a melee build, he was relatively awful since all of his crpg skill was in HA. All I see in this thread are barely-dedicated HA's who think they can top the scoreboards after playing it for a few hours every other week.

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I believe I am top tier at it actually, and I can top points in the server while getting 0 kills or a few, because it is that hard. I have experience at every build in this game and continue to top over everyone in the server with every one of them. Please don't even mention Kojiro, he has been doing the shit forever and has ALWAYS been complete trash at it. Now that you have mentioned 4 builds in the past month and I constantly topped with all of them every map.. Now what is your excuse? I believe my opinion is highly qualified in the fact that I can do everything very well while most continue to play the same thing for years to get good with it.

Haha, I like this guy. I never claimed to speak for the whole community, but having played this mod for 5 years, I do have an idea on what most people think.

Killing a horse archer does come with some amount of catharsis, but only because it's the most annoying thing in the game to play against. Is this the only defense of horse archery as a class? That it's fun to kill cunts?

BTW Rohy isn't a horse archer main, he plays gimmick builds with his friends and this is the one gimmick build that hasn't dominated, hence the whine thread.

I love playing horse archery in other mods + single player, because it's fun and it's zero risk high reward. Not a good combination when people's multipliers are on the line and the whole server sits in spectator for 5 minutes while one horse archer circles around.

So you say I play gimmick builds, but here in this thread where we are talking about HA. Now you call it a class and a gimmick build? This is not a whine thread, this is a buff thread. If you got to say something towards the balance of it other than "It makes the community whine" then I would love to hear it? I get so much whine every time I get on the server with literally every build. The response normally is "his build is OP". I really don't understand some in this community that was to nerf something just because they are upset rather than it actually being OP, cmon your fucking the game over.

I am talking about a whole team that cant reach mounted ranged.
The idea of counter  is that one class is better than an other in a 1v1 situation. But with some skill or the help of a mate you can still overcome the enemy.
For mounted ranged there is no skill for an infanteryman that would help him to kill the rider. even with the help of 5 more infanteryman he can't do shit.
you have to have an other cav or ranged to kill that HX/HA.
this is the point that is so annoying. no mather how many or how good you are. if the right equipment is not available there is nothing you can do.
this is unique. every other class can be killed by any other class. some harder, some easier but it is possible.
 not so for HX/HA. SO therefore kill them with fire rape their mothers and enslave their sisters untill they stop their evil existance.

First of all nip that in the butt... if a whole fucking team is fighting 1 HA just stand on the god damn flag... what do you people not get? Is that not why the flag was put there in the first place? There is plenty of cover around for an ground archer or xbow to use and they 1 or 2 shot you or the horse. I swear the only point any of you should make is that "I am just annoyed and I can't play it so why does it need to be there". Also mounted ranged requires more skill than ground range..

what i dont understand is why everyone seem to think all classes need to be balanced against every other class. melee isnt supposed to be able to go one on one with a HA/HX.

And we are supposed to be powerfull on a horse.... the drawback is when you loose that horse. since alot of points are put into the skills and stats to ride that horse the power shifts when we loose that horse.

i dont see when ha/hx was 0 risk. And bad players never did good on a HA/HX they rarely ever got the top half of the scoreboard.

I think there is alot of "i think" or "I heard" facts floating around HA. Dont think their nerfs where based on many hard facts. Some of the patch notes almost felt like someone had a personal agenda against the class.

Could not of been more exact, glad someone knows wtf they are talking about. Some nerds act is if they have tried it or some shit, bunch of biased bitches.

And if you're wearing plate and the enemy is a horse archer you also cant do anything. So the classes have been balanced to be equally effective vs each other.

No class should be nerfed that hard, but HA is near-impossible to balance correctly since it takes on zero risk when fighting infantry players. Even foot archers need to constantly watch their backs and drop their bow if being seriously pursued. Generally speaking you want to balance high-risk with high-reward, and since HA is the lowest-risk class to play it sees terrible reward.

You got it all wrong, I can do something when fighting HA, like stand on the damn flag and he can't kill me... Please don't make my puke my mouth when you talk about archers or even xbowers being high risk even somewhat. They are the biggest pussies out of all tbh and should always easily counter HA unless the dumb xbow or archers gets caught out in an open field with their pants down, and even then generally speaking the HA will be outnumbered and the shitties with long bows and arbs will 1 or 2 shot the rider or his horse. There really is no argument to anyone that says HA don't need a buff, because in every way it does... Mod used to be great until all the cry babies came out wanting everything nerfed and Tydues listened to them. Dude was biased as shit and not well versed enough at every build to be judging off of his own skill. There are really only a select few that are...

Honestly, ranged cav destroys servers and ruins fun for everyone else. Let it stay in the dumpster where it belongs.

Oh yeah and lets balance it off of this guys perception.. nice input.

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