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Messages - lionair112

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Character Name: Jedhigh_Vayze

package sent ✔

General Off Topic / Re: Check out my new Project
« on: November 08, 2019, 08:09:55 pm »
Unironically Blink 182 more than one lol

Um...none. I only have jazz,hip-hop, and R&B albums i believe. Besides that Linkin Park's first few albums and some BadBadNotGood albums. These are cds btw lol, I pop em in my 07 sonata you see in the video  :D

Welp, you made me log in...

SO much improvement! The over-annunciation in that verse, you can hear it, we all can, so that's something to look at. The best thing I can say is, let your words do the talking for you, and if people understand what you're saying and what you're saying does actually rhyme it'll work. You don't have to over emphasize or over sell it, if that makes sense. As for the beat/song, I really dig it. Sounds so old school and just has a good vibe to it. I would say it reminds me of Ghetto Boys or something, and that is really great man. Great job finding your voice too man, you sound confident and like you're finding your style. Keep writing, keep recording, and keep doing what you love. Good on you m8.
Hey mate thanks, I have a wave of some stuff im trying to keep a more positive tip on coming soon. I'll note the enunciation and tone it down a bit and continue to flow like water as Bruce Lee said. I always appreciate your feedback and words of encouragement man! I'ma keep it pushing for you if anything. THANK YOU!!!

General Off Topic / Re: Check out my new Project
« on: October 30, 2019, 03:29:28 pm »
I'm so white i don't even know what a chucker is.

 :D ROFL, i actually made that slang up from chucks which is also slang for converses. In grade school I bought all of my shoes myself so I only wore converse all-stars (chuck taylors) which were around 50 bucks a pair at the time. I started buying nikes, mid-tops and high-tops after I got into my first fight while wearing vans. I won the fight however I was sliding around trying to throw a punch and it blew my mind so from henceforth I decided traction should never be an issue! :evil: Well, now i have a colorful assortion of converses that I never wear but look nice sitting around.  But in essence thats why the chorus is "dem chuckers they couldnt fit me no mo, now i cop the nikes still tread lightly". P.S. cop is slang for buy

Disclaimer: whitey who doesn't really listen to hiphop.

Hey, serious growth, this is actually pretty decent, imho. The emphasis on the last word of every line(is that it?) in the first half or so was somewhat disturbing to me.
Ah, that was me trying to be more melodic I guess, a criticism of mine in the past was actually that someone couldn't understand the ending of my words so perhaps I overenunciated.

Thanks for checking out my project and your feedback guys! Looking forward to more with the future.

General Off Topic / Check out my new Project
« on: October 29, 2019, 03:58:22 pm »
Hey guys, I'm excited to announce that I've recently released my first music video. If you could check it out and let me know what you think i'd be greatly grateful. I've posted here before and always took account criticism on how to approach my next project. This is a song that i really love  because it displays my lyricism, character and growth in flow. My music consists of day to day issues and concerns. I don't kill or harm anyone in real life unless provoked so I usually stray away from negative talk and violence. "Human Music" - Kendrick Lamar. This is also my cameraman's first music video so I would love some feedback his way also.  My IGN is Jedhigh_Vayze btw much love to everyone ive crossed and hopefully crpg gets resurrected for the 19th time again and we meet. If u like the video share it please and thanks for reading! Peace.

YT :
IG :
SC :

General Off Topic / Vayze Tunes
« on: January 27, 2018, 09:30:40 pm »
Heya guys, its vayze here rushing to work to promote two tracks I just released. Warning: These are raps, I know people stray away from most of it nowadays cus of the dweebs ruining it for the rest of us who live this hip hop thing. But for the rest who actually take a listen, I hope you appreciate it at least half as much as I do. The second one with my homie is straight off the dome cus we love and live hiphop. Lastly, if you could leave feedback that would be love cus im always trying to improve and please, thanks for reading this essay. I will post other places when i have the time. Got the youtube links in for you youtubers enjoy :D

General Off Topic / Hope im not too late
« on: August 27, 2016, 07:22:20 pm »
Hey people its Vayze, well summer is almost over and i have a gift for all my burnt people. I have released a few tracks on this forum asking for feedback on each of them and I have taken this input to improve my craft and what i ended up with is this EP. I present to you Shoshone Seed : The Smif EP by Uche Smif. Free for download and listen. Appreciate feedback on this project as i did quite a bit of experimenting. Hope you enjoy!

General Off Topic / How do your ears feel?
« on: July 08, 2016, 06:51:51 pm »
Still at it, got a piece on training. And the message is still the same...NA where ya at?

General Off Topic / Uche Smif - Pop Style
« on: May 17, 2016, 03:36:12 pm »
Since i released my last track, i have absorbed the different commentaries i received on people to improve my tracks. In this track I speak a bit on rape cases and how they come to be and how much diabetes sucks! Hope you enjoy and if you sense anything thats a bit off, let me know again :D, much appreciated. My friend had told me he liked this beat and the original song but he thought I would sound good on it, I listened to the song and agreed this was for me. Elated that he challenged me to write to this song, I like the final product and I'm happy that he does too. If you like a beat and think I would sound better than the original artist on it, let me know, I writes all my own stuffs.
Follow, like and share if you like what im doing.


P.S. Lets get these NA servers back up, 60 in china!?!? what are u guys doing??

General Off Topic / Re: Uche Smif - Neo Now [Song]
« on: March 31, 2016, 03:21:32 am »
thnx for your input guys, hope to smoothen out the problems with future problems, always love to hear how different people hear my pieces. Gives me ideas to improve what I originally couldn't think of, hit me with whatever you got  :)

General Off Topic / Re: Uche Smif - Neo Now [Song]
« on: March 29, 2016, 01:13:06 am »

General Off Topic / Re: Uche Smif - Neo Now [Song]
« on: March 26, 2016, 04:16:31 pm »
Thanks Torben, i fixed it.
-your squishing your sentences in a lot, to get them in before the next line
-i feel like you are very flat/monotone in the beginning
-you werent convincing, need to work on that acting
-there seems to be a separation between the rapping and music, as if you are just rapping with music in the background.
-you switched the beat up during your rapping, which helped the song, now do the same for the music playing so that it has a certain cohesion.  Then you wont just have a looping background effect.
-you stayed on topic throughout the song, good job.

There is your criticism, im not much a fan of hip hop, but i try to diversify my music library a bit from time to time.
I REALLY appreciate all ur points, a few of them i've heard before and do intend to improve on them. Shoutouts for listening to a genre past ur circle to help a brother out.
But I am here to present the newest song I've released, it's not a conceptual piece but I think I rid myself of at least 3 of the complaints u presented, specifically the flat voice, "acting" and squishing my sentences. So here you go meleegaming, tear me apart if you please, hope you like it.
Song :

General Off Topic / Re: Uche Smif - Neo Now [Song]
« on: March 20, 2016, 10:57:55 pm »
Instead of posting complaints with internet cliches, could u actually give input on this piece i created?

Hey, i really like to rap and just recenetly posted a song.
Here ya go
Rest of my songs here:
Soundcloud  :
Youtube :

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