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Messages - UrLukur

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I'd rather not touch the wiki because my ability to edit them is disastrous, but little trivia that I remember:
Nazi changing to chocolate chip cookie and Adolf Hitler changing to albert einstein and Swastika changing to cute puppy, all came from a single thread started by Lech, where he started some crazy holocaust denial talks, which resulted in him getting permanently banned (aka muted) on forums. I can't seem to find his profile now, seems that he was deleted? :o

It was merely a setback. No, it wasn't deleted. So called 'holocaust denial' was in other thread.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Katana's Thrust
« on: July 10, 2011, 11:39:01 am »
katana's nerf was so major it left it being basically weaker than a bastard sword in alot of ways, the people who argue for its potency have never used one, in fact guys like Urlukur are pure 1h'ers forever

I'd add weight back into the katana, the fact now that people are just using MW war spears/red tassel spears/iron staffs etc at same kind of top tier speeds(97+) but with the polestun they're doing it like katanas never could as high agi spammers
I used 2h weapons, when i loot them from the ground for lolz. Always did fine, even with 1 wpf in them.

Red tassel lack damage, even with 6 ps it whiffs a lot with it's swings. It's great weapon for 1h+shield but thats it.

Hmm. Do you even try to make standart HA build here ?

Strength: 15
Agility: 24
Hit points: 50
Skills to attributes: 8
Ironflesh: 0
Power Strike: 0
Shield: 0
Athletics: 0
Riding: 6
Horse Archery: 4
Power Draw: 5
Power Throw: 0
Weapon Master: 8
One Handed: 1
Two Handed: 1
Polearm: 1
Archery: 173
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 1

Do you really think that this +1 riding will make HA inoffensive?

You prefer to play slow character, or balanced character - they prefer to play fast characters, don't you think that's fair enough?

They are horse archers, and on lvl 31 and up they do have 8 ridding. Why should i have ANY sympathy for most annoying class in entire c-rpg that have NO counters 1vs1 ?

With such change, lancers would have some chances against the build.

I don't think horse archers are fair, they have too high damage output atm, and their horses allow them to dodge arrows like there is no tomorrow. Also, it would make 21/18 or 18/18 builds decent choice as those would sport more ridding than 15/24 cookie cutter build.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Skip the fun
« on: July 07, 2011, 04:15:23 pm »
Skip the fun was made exactly for no-grind requirement for strategus if i remember wrong. I do have extra serial, and i don't use if for skip the fun (ok, it's my brother account, but he don't play c-rpg currently, only PW mod, and i have ability to use it), not to mention that it's used on different rig than my own character (I also use it for the forum thanks to my laziness, btw chadz, it's possible to rename forum account or just delate it with option to create new one, or even without such option ? There are no such option in setting, and yeah, i would like to delate this account named urlukur).

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Katana's Thrust
« on: July 05, 2011, 02:01:29 pm »
I don't understand the whole fuss: It is clear that bastard and longsword are currently better, and I don't think weaboos whould be punished or being weaboos.
Add +2 more points to cutting and most will agree it is OK. It remains short, but fast, and with +2 more points to cut deadly weapon.
Or, reduce its price for another three or so thousands, so that it is cheaper than longsword. But, I would prefer first option, especially having in mind that ninjas usually don't have enough PS for decent damage.

So they should invest in power strike.

So khorin, you want to have footwork advanatage and 2 hit kills in the same time  ? Really ?

I see, since my evaluation shit hasn't changed.

This whole topic, katana stats and price last was adressed some months ago.

Katana still is overpriced, its stab is a joke.

Over and out.

P.S Everything in this mod always takes around 3 or more months to change, everybody should know this by now xD

So why despite it's 'inferior weapon' you maintained exact same k:d ratio when using HBS, obviously speed count for something for your opponents, even if you don't feel it so much.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Fuck my horse BURF
« on: July 05, 2011, 01:28:28 pm »
If you did this I think the lower tier horses would need a little bit of buffing or at least reducing of cost. Not to much but enough, seeing as how those are expensive anyway. So you still wouldn't be able to save much money to eventually ride an arabian and courser if they were increased that much because even riding cheaper horses still drains gold reserves fairly well unless you ride around naked :P

Play with good modifier ? I have total equipment cost around 46/47k and i gained a lot of gold lately.

to OP
then add +10 to charge for every horse and I am okay with that.

Coursers already have it too high. When i think about it, i was more often killed by courser charge than by plated charger charge ... :?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: ANOTHER cavalry balance topic
« on: July 05, 2011, 01:23:31 pm »
Also some of it is demonstrably false.  Cav spend points in riding which mean less points to spend for close-combat skills.  It also means they tend, more often than not, to be agility builds.  Between lower WM, IF, and PS dismounted cavalry are all handicapped significantly by their quasi-hybrid status.  All of this also ignores the actual dangers to the character using light cavalry - as I mentioned in a similar thread:

False. Difference between 1h infantry and 1h cavalry (with lance or not) 18/18 build on lvl 30 is 5 if traded for 5 ridding, perhaps even 1 shield or wm or athletics (depends on the player style of combat). Lacking those skills don't handicap cavalry on foot much, pure infantry can withstand an additional hit if it's lucky, difference between 5 and 6 shield skill is so hard to spot in melee it's not worth mentioning.

Actual danger to the character using light cavalry is smaller than innate danger of infantryman. Every player that act as retard is in danger, cavalry is not exception (and even then cavalry can disengage quickly).

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Katana's Thrust
« on: July 03, 2011, 01:03:37 pm »
Katana is not UP, it's op.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Fuck my horse BURF
« on: July 03, 2011, 11:30:54 am »
Heavy horses ARE effective, even very effective in hands of good players. I would loathe playing against multiple elephants for sure. It's like stating that plate should be cheaper because it's not more effective than gambesson.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horses have no natural predators
« on: May 27, 2011, 12:49:32 pm »
Honestly, any player worth his or her salt can take down a cav player if they know what they are doing. True, a cav player can get the drop on someone and ninja them, but so can most classes, minus the clapping of hooves running at them. Cav only becomes an issue when you have a critical mass of cavalry on one team while the other has limited to none. But this issue can even be said with range of any kind. Even when im not on my crossbow character, I can bring them down with relative ease with my 2 hander(the really good cav players are abit tougher but not impossible by any means). You can say that an overwhelming number of cav players is an issue, but an overwhelming number of most classes on any one team is a huge issue for any team to deal with.

Honestly, any player worth his salt can take down average cav player. But the requirement is that cav player have to make a mistake or don't know how to use his lance in proper way. Good player can survive against good lancer (if he have warspear, otherwise he will be couched), but killing the lancer ? No.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horses have no natural predators
« on: May 27, 2011, 12:30:29 pm »
Gorath, 1h with spear (war or red tassel one) can deal with majority of horseman. But against good cavalry that know how to use it's heavy lance, it's useless. Also, horses one hit kill people. If you stop the horse with spear, you have to attack again twice to finish off light horses or more for armored (which means, you have to hold the horseman twice). After you killed the horse, you might have one free hit - with spear and 1h it's unlikely it's going to kill cav (keep in mind that any horseman worth it's salt is autokilling you if you made even small mistake, and can ninja'd you or disengage).

So yeah, horses have free reign right now.

Sell/Trade / Re: Selling one heirloom point!
« on: May 27, 2011, 12:18:17 pm »
300k for +1 heraldic mail with tabard.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Cavalry stuff
« on: May 25, 2011, 02:20:42 pm »

Most of the time you're not seeing a courser with 48 speed in battles. You're seeing a courser with 48 speed plus whatever bonus 6-7 riding gives it (and usually an heirloomed courser too). But you shouldn't change the stats on the assumption that everyone who uses it uses it heirloomed and with 6 riding.
Instead, alter the price and difficulty to reflect its stats (and potential stats).

Why ? 1h (swords, maces can use 12/15) are balanced around heirloomed 1h and 6 ps (5ps). Most people have those 6 ridding anyway, and balancing it around heirlooms is good idea (just like archers are balanced around heirloomed bows).

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horses have no natural predators
« on: May 24, 2011, 10:22:40 pm »
Yeah, you can take your regular setup and accept that you are defenceless against horses.

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