Author Topic: Turkey coup d'etat  (Read 37237 times)

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Re: Turkey coup d'etat
« Reply #345 on: July 20, 2016, 02:34:28 pm »
so anyway our coup has summary with a gif.

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Re: Turkey coup d'etat
« Reply #346 on: July 20, 2016, 03:17:29 pm »
One thing that intrigues me though, is the timing of Wikileaks. Is it the opposite of a conspiracy, and they just need the media attention to be somewhat on Turkey before releasing infos? If so, since when did they have all those files?
What if the coup was really staged by US and Wikileaks is playing its part (willfully or not)? Turkey could have done like nothing happened and remained "friends" officially, but now they retaliate and purge their country of the US-supported whatever and suddenly the western nations remove their blinders and criticize Turkey lack of democracy? Except the possible re-institution of the death penalty (still a thing in some NATO countries and noone is like "HOW CRUEL!") and "taking back their country" from the plotters in that theory, what has Turkey done?

(I'm just presenting another possibility to feed the thread, its not my sacred opinion on the matter, its purposedfully direct, but just food for thoughts  :))

As arrested officers keep stressing, the attempt and its planning phase was known all along. It was even reported as early as 16:00 pm that day, as a high-ranking general stated (now detained and tortured as the mastermind, although he seems to have even done his best to convince others to back off). Everyone did as little as they possibly could to stop it. Just like you claim, it might have been real and even US-backed. It doesn't make anything less fishier. My opinion is still that everyone knew, but played along just to uncover Gulenists. The Tard has had a hard on for them for a long while anyway.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 03:24:13 pm by Daunt_Flockula »

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Re: Turkey coup d'etat
« Reply #347 on: July 20, 2016, 04:08:21 pm »
If that is so, might be.
Looking forward to new development in Turkey.

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Re: Turkey coup d'etat
« Reply #348 on: July 20, 2016, 04:38:43 pm »
Since the US has nukes in Turkey, I highly doubt there is any possibility to a US-backed coup. That would be so stupidly irresponsible... Imagine this actually getting found out 1 day later, what would have happened? Those nukes sure as shit wouldn't be safe. Would the US hand them over? Turkey would almost certainly see the backing of the coup as a declaration of war and would thus focus its attention on the US base. So what's the US do? Hand the Nukes over to a country they would now likely be at war with?
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Re: Turkey coup d'etat
« Reply #349 on: July 20, 2016, 05:12:52 pm »
You don't understand how secure those nukes are. The worst they could do is harvest the nuclear material afaik.

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Re: Turkey coup d'etat
« Reply #350 on: July 20, 2016, 05:14:53 pm »
You don't understand how secure those nukes are. The worst they could do is harvest the nuclear material afaik.

Nah all you have to do is push the big red button on them that says 'Launch' and away you go.

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Re: Turkey coup d'etat
« Reply #351 on: July 20, 2016, 05:21:00 pm »
Since the US has nukes in Turkey, I highly doubt there is any possibility to a US-backed coup. That would be so stupidly irresponsible... Imagine this actually getting found out 1 day later, what would have happened? Those nukes sure as shit wouldn't be safe. Would the US hand them over? Turkey would almost certainly see the backing of the coup as a declaration of war and would thus focus its attention on the US base. So what's the US do? Hand the Nukes over to a country they would now likely be at war with?

So you muricans are indeed paranoid conspiracy theorists. But in a retarded way.

Declaration of war on the US ? My fucking god. Not sure if i should LOL or do a quadruple facepalm.
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Re: Turkey coup d'etat
« Reply #352 on: July 20, 2016, 05:33:43 pm »
You don't understand how secure those nukes are. The worst they could do is harvest the nuclear material afaik.
Likely true, although I wasn't implying anything similar to a "big red button."

So they wouldn't be able to launch them, but they'd now have the resources and the ability to reverse engineer what is now in their hands (whomever's hands that might actually end up being). Is this too no cause for concern?

Still doesn't seem like an intelligent act. If it was discovered that the US backed the coup, that fact alone would very likely strengthen support for Erdogan, thus further increasing the risk.

So you muricans are indeed paranoid conspiracy theorists. But in a retarded way.
When it comes to anything that could increase the chance of nukes falling into the hands of people that actively kill themselves for spiritual reasons? Yes. Absolutely.
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Re: Turkey coup d'etat
« Reply #353 on: July 20, 2016, 05:34:48 pm »
You don't understand how secure those nukes are. The worst they could do is harvest the nuclear material afaik.

Does it run on some Siemens software? Ain't that hard to crack it. It isn't Denuvo ffs

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Re: Turkey coup d'etat
« Reply #354 on: July 20, 2016, 05:49:31 pm »
doesn't seem he'd like to stop anytime soon, in fact he is accelerating his madness. what plays in his hands the most is that eu is flooded by socialists and their electorate - people that had to good life that they couldn't take it anymore and started to want everything without effort and for free (on debt). this is the biggest eu problem right now.

anyway pretty scary how a solid country, that negotiated visa cancelling with eu and has 2nd biggest nato army can within 10 years turn into despotism.

we won't see global war - i mean global war with nukes and stuff. but civil wars and detached conflicts, aye definitely possible. if we see a global war, i don't care - i won't see it for longer than a few mins anyways.

Hehe the left can take the responsability of Islam apologism, but the bend over to Turkey or Russia or any country at all for that matter, is the responsability of the whole EU political class. No balls, no common direction, no united opinion on any foreign matters. The major point where the union of the EU countries could be relevant, a common foreign policy is just non-existent. Some countries calling for an econmic blocus of Russia while others try to make economic agreement or sell weapon, etc... How could EU foreign policy could be taken seriously?..
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Re: Turkey coup d'etat
« Reply #355 on: July 20, 2016, 11:34:52 pm »
3-month state of emergency declared. It wasn't like the bastard was bringing back the Gezi dispute back on the table right in the wake of an attempted coup for nothing. Time to demolish Gezi (probably the Atatürk monument  nearby as well), build a giant-ass mosque in Taksim (the now-dead youth gathering hotspot of İstanbul) and erect a stupid old barracks on top of the remains of Gezi Park.

There probably is a way bigger agenda underneath, where Gezi would be the pettiest item. I tell you people, he just won't give up until there is a massive civil war going. The next 3 months will surely be heralding doom.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 11:39:13 pm by Daunt_Flockula »

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Re: Turkey coup d'etat
« Reply #356 on: July 21, 2016, 12:34:56 am »
Why would there be a civil war if the majority of the people doing things are pro-Erdogan? Are there some active civilian movements?

If noone does anything right now, Erdogan needs to do something reallllllllllllllllllllly shocking to wake people up.

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Re: Turkey coup d'etat
« Reply #357 on: July 21, 2016, 12:45:28 am »
People are being called to the streets for the so-called "democracy shifts". Text messages keep popping up in my phone at least 3 times a day. One from my hometown's MP, one from my hometown's mayor, one from the mayor of the district of İstanbul I live in. They want me to come out. What would that even accomplish? Giving terrorists an invitation for a nice bombing? And people are indeed going out on the streets. They listen to some preachers and go back. But it is repeatedly done everyday. Recently they also started chanting lines like "death to the seculars", without even asking themselves whatever the fuck anything has anything to do with seculars. More importantly, everyone gives everyone else this irritated suspecting gazelle look. Everyone is on the edge, waiting to be pushed.

In the meantime, the Kurdish leader also gave hints that they might be intending to call Kurds to the streets for whatever reason. And as I wrote above, the Gezi business is so on. Might I remind you what happened the last time he attempted to do that?

The state of emergency will mean a lot of restrictions, arbitrary curfews, freedom to shoot people etc. etc.

By the way, on the day following the coup, when people started their first "democracy shift", some provocateur tried to drive the crowd into an Alevite neighborhood. He almost succeeded. People were definitely down for a bloody raid.

Yes, people are trying things. What is most important is that the Tard has actually seen that he is capable of instigating mindless crowds to do his lethal biddings. Remember, during the Gezi protests, he actually threatened the demonstrators that "he was barely keeping his followers at their homes". Now that he has successfully tried it, he realizes he can indeed convince them to come out, that they are indeed so extremely fanatical that they could even put their lives on the line for a retarded cause.

Do the math for yourself. There are many other dangerous details and risks out there. Add to those the stupidity of people and all that could come out of such tight security measures, and you will see the threat.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 12:58:49 am by Daunt_Flockula »

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Re: Turkey coup d'etat
« Reply #358 on: July 21, 2016, 01:07:19 am »
"death to the seculars"

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Re: Turkey coup d'etat
« Reply #359 on: July 21, 2016, 01:09:29 am »
We will miss you.

Don't worry. With a full beard and the correct vocabulary, I blend in quite well.

Otherwise I could have gotten myself killed long ago :|