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Sell/Trade / selling all looms
« Last post by polkafranzi on June 06, 2024, 08:00:47 pm »
Champion Heavy Ritter Horse
Champion Heraldic Barded Warhorse    
Elder's Noble Dagger    
Lordly Brown Surcoat over Mail    
Lordly Eyeslot Kettlehat with Padded Coif    
Lordly Gold Crusader Face Plate    
Lordly Heraldic Brigandine with Plate    
Lordly Plated Hauberk over Aketon    
Lordly Splinted Leather Greaves over Mail    
Lordly Steel Gauntlets    
Lordly Steel Greaves    
Lordly Zitta Bascinet    
Masterpiece Plain German Heater Shield    
Masterwork Ash Hunting Bow    
Masterwork Colored Lance with Yellow Band    
Masterwork European Cavalry Sword    
Masterwork German Bastard Sword    
Masterwork Staufen Arrows    
Masterwork Swiss Pike    
Masterwork Two Handed Sword    
Mighty Great Maul    
Mighty Morgenstern    
Mighty One-Handed Morgenstern    
Mighty One-Handed Morningstar    
Mighty Small One Handed Axe

pm for info and deals, thx
General Discussion / Re: The last remaining soldiers
« Last post by Yeldur on June 05, 2024, 05:08:39 pm »
im drunk n laughin at ur sheer retardendnss
so you small little cunt don´t want to say that you left uss because of this together with your brother? HA. seriously for every
shit on earth there is a reason. So where is the reason why you run so mad. and play some shitty class like HA or guy with dagger. And don´t lie you have those chars trolling all the time with them.
General Discussion / Re: The last remaining soldiers
« Last post by Wiegraf_BRD on June 03, 2024, 06:41:16 pm »
im drunk n laughin at ur sheer retardendnss
cRPG Technical problems / Re: leadership claim bug
« Last post by zottlmarsch on June 03, 2024, 06:15:02 pm »
Claim leadership
The claim of Wulfing_von_Krems was successful and is currently processed.

I've been waiting for this to be processed for around 4 months now. Pls help, thanks.

So you guys probably heard the rumours that we were in china for a year. It was an amazing and interesting experience.

However, it was a bit difficult to find enough and the right people for our crew there, so we decided to come back to europe to expand the team and finish here what we started.

We are now back in Europe, Poland to be specific. There's some donkeys who are no longer on board, and many new donkeys to meet and troll. You'll get to know them eventually.
We got a sweet office in Wroclaw, which is, btw, a beautiful and awesome city.

So obviously we've been working on a new project. It's very different from what we did before, thematically. It shares some... "game design ideologies", but it's really really different. In short, we were given freedom to work on what we want, and we did. We'll release more info about what that is at some point in the future.

The plan is to have a playable version in some months, and we'd like to give you guys the chance to participate in early tests, if you want.

Also, we're hiring: If you have any skills that you think might be relevant to us (or check ), and are willing to relocate, get in touch!
cRPG Technical problems / leadership claim bug
« Last post by polkafranzi on June 02, 2024, 08:31:34 pm »
Claim leadership
The claim of Wulfing_von_Krems was successful and is currently processed.

I've been waiting for this to be processed for around 4 months now. Pls help, thanks.
General Discussion / Re: The last remaining soldiers
« Last post by polkafranzi on June 02, 2024, 07:37:37 pm »
so you small little cunt don´t want to say that you left uss because of this together with your brother? HA. seriously for every
shit on earth there is a reason. So where is the reason why you run so mad. and play some shitty class like HA or guy with dagger. And don´t lie you have those chars trolling all the time with them.
General Discussion / Re: The last remaining soldiers
« Last post by Yeldur on June 01, 2024, 02:23:09 am »
Dude you are realy wrong,
how many times i saw you (krems) breaking rules or leeching or bro coding or using siege shield to camp unreachable roof and do the poser on it.
Ok it's funny one or two times but not all the times.

You guys have loads of amazing skilled players but when we have krems in team, i feel like starting with disavantage.
Because you generaly camp and hug at spawn or some other shit i said before.
It was the same with SOA.

One example, shanks is the kind of guy who could kill all enemies alone, but he generaly turn around or camp spawn and hug a team mate during 90% of the round time.

Everytime i want to report you guys because it's boring to loose because some team members are trolling.
But because i know you since long time, because i like you and because i know than behind this troll skin there is nice a guy.
I just take on me and do nothing.
(sry for too many "because" use =)

Since few days i'm asking a meeting with fin to speak about it.
Just to say than there is so many occasion to report you and one day you guys gonna fall against an asshole who gonna
start to screenschot (like i do) all your bullshit and make you ban/kick.

an other thing, in old times admins was rly strict and from outside it look like Fin is a bit laxist to his members. So as a friend i wanted to speak with him to tell him this.
Few month ago someone made a thread on me because i said "fucking jews" in game, Fin as the good guy he is, didnt banned me and just gave me a lesson, and i remember he told me something like :

"atm we have lot of new players and it's not giving a good image of the community."

he was right and i think we can apply this advise to krems.

So dude to make simple i like you guys, you are funny sometimes and you give a little plus to the game.
but i'm sick to work hard to win a round and level up my character to see some people (pretty always the same guys) doing bullshit instead playing the game.

dont forget it's a pvp war game, if you want some social stuff go on hello kittie online.

i'm sry but i like competition and i play to win, losing dont give me fun. I always did my best to have fun without ruining fun of others, ofc from an archer it can make you smile but seriously sometimes i have pity for some guys and stop shooting... my goal in the game is to support team mate and fuck cavs...

So please put your self in my point of view as competitor who take the game maybe a bit too seriously just for 2 min and think about it.

i'm sry for this shit english i guess it was painfull to read, i hope you understood my point of view and hope you read everything. =p

Long life to krems

Le pimp

ps : could you give me the krems forum plz ?
General Discussion / Re: Kill Dire Kill WOOF
« Last post by Yeldur on June 01, 2024, 02:22:29 am »
Dude you are realy wrong,
how many times i saw you (krems) breaking rules or leeching or bro coding or using siege shield to camp unreachable roof and do the poser on it.
Ok it's funny one or two times but not all the times.

You guys have loads of amazing skilled players but when we have krems in team, i feel like starting with disavantage.
Because you generaly camp and hug at spawn or some other shit i said before.
It was the same with SOA.

One example, shanks is the kind of guy who could kill all enemies alone, but he generaly turn around or camp spawn and hug a team mate during 90% of the round time.

Everytime i want to report you guys because it's boring to loose because some team members are trolling.
But because i know you since long time, because i like you and because i know than behind this troll skin there is nice a guy.
I just take on me and do nothing.
(sry for too many "because" use =)

Since few days i'm asking a meeting with fin to speak about it.
Just to say than there is so many occasion to report you and one day you guys gonna fall against an asshole who gonna
start to screenschot (like i do) all your bullshit and make you ban/kick.

an other thing, in old times admins was rly strict and from outside it look like Fin is a bit laxist to his members. So as a friend i wanted to speak with him to tell him this.
Few month ago someone made a thread on me because i said "fucking jews" in game, Fin as the good guy he is, didnt banned me and just gave me a lesson, and i remember he told me something like :

"atm we have lot of new players and it's not giving a good image of the community."

he was right and i think we can apply this advise to krems.

So dude to make simple i like you guys, you are funny sometimes and you give a little plus to the game.
but i'm sick to work hard to win a round and level up my character to see some people (pretty always the same guys) doing bullshit instead playing the game.

dont forget it's a pvp war game, if you want some social stuff go on hello kittie online.

i'm sry but i like competition and i play to win, losing dont give me fun. I always did my best to have fun without ruining fun of others, ofc from an archer it can make you smile but seriously sometimes i have pity for some guys and stop shooting... my goal in the game is to support team mate and fuck cavs...

So please put your self in my point of view as competitor who take the game maybe a bit too seriously just for 2 min and think about it.

i'm sry for this shit english i guess it was painfull to read, i hope you understood my point of view and hope you read everything. =p

Long life to krems

Le pimp

ps : could you give me the krems forum plz ?
Faction Halls / Re: K R E M S
« Last post by Yeldur on June 01, 2024, 02:22:19 am »
Dude you are realy wrong,
how many times i saw you (krems) breaking rules or leeching or bro coding or using siege shield to camp unreachable roof and do the poser on it.
Ok it's funny one or two times but not all the times.

You guys have loads of amazing skilled players but when we have krems in team, i feel like starting with disavantage.
Because you generaly camp and hug at spawn or some other shit i said before.
It was the same with SOA.

One example, shanks is the kind of guy who could kill all enemies alone, but he generaly turn around or camp spawn and hug a team mate during 90% of the round time.

Everytime i want to report you guys because it's boring to loose because some team members are trolling.
But because i know you since long time, because i like you and because i know than behind this troll skin there is nice a guy.
I just take on me and do nothing.
(sry for too many "because" use =)

Since few days i'm asking a meeting with fin to speak about it.
Just to say than there is so many occasion to report you and one day you guys gonna fall against an asshole who gonna
start to screenschot (like i do) all your bullshit and make you ban/kick.

an other thing, in old times admins was rly strict and from outside it look like Fin is a bit laxist to his members. So as a friend i wanted to speak with him to tell him this.
Few month ago someone made a thread on me because i said "fucking jews" in game, Fin as the good guy he is, didnt banned me and just gave me a lesson, and i remember he told me something like :

"atm we have lot of new players and it's not giving a good image of the community."

he was right and i think we can apply this advise to krems.

So dude to make simple i like you guys, you are funny sometimes and you give a little plus to the game.
but i'm sick to work hard to win a round and level up my character to see some people (pretty always the same guys) doing bullshit instead playing the game.

dont forget it's a pvp war game, if you want some social stuff go on hello kittie online.

i'm sry but i like competition and i play to win, losing dont give me fun. I always did my best to have fun without ruining fun of others, ofc from an archer it can make you smile but seriously sometimes i have pity for some guys and stop shooting... my goal in the game is to support team mate and fuck cavs...

So please put your self in my point of view as competitor who take the game maybe a bit too seriously just for 2 min and think about it.

i'm sry for this shit english i guess it was painfull to read, i hope you understood my point of view and hope you read everything. =p

Long life to krems

Le pimp

ps : could you give me the krems forum plz ?
General Discussion / Kill Dire Kill WOOF
« Last post by Wiegraf_BRD on May 26, 2024, 03:14:01 am »
Two evil clan

teh dire cheat hak , bully, send the virus to my steam through art program, drink a lot of booze n say the evil racis thing to my people

woof clam tk me notorious tkers well known bad imvdiduals, HMB atck my vro snickelz, n insult the krem, and then   yel at my friend wow

plz kil these clams on sight, bad membranes of tehese cer rmpg community, Asheram tel me to let u all know it is the open season to game n u wil hunt n kill this dire and woo fon the sights
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