Faction Halls / [OotQ] Order of the Quail - recruiting
« on: January 20, 2014, 05:03:14 pm »Order of the Quail
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Quail's Nest
I wandered out one rainy day
And heard a bird with merry joys
Cry "wet my foot" for half the way;
I stood and wondered at the noise,
When from my foot a bird did flee--
The rain flew bouncing from her breast
I wondered what the bird could be,
And almost trampled on her nest.
The nest was full of eggs and round--
I met a shepherd in the vales,
And stood to tell him what I found.
He knew and said it was a quail's,
For he himself the nest had found,
Among the wheat and on the green,
When going on his daily round,
With eggs as many as fifteen.
Among the stranger birds they feed,
Their summer flight is short and low;
There's very few know where they breed,
And scarcely any where they go.
Credit to John Clare
OotQ_Eddy - leader
OotQ_Kliff - strategus-adjutant
You can use what you want, but still we are a european orientated clan we would appreciate it to use no Weabo/Arabian-equipment.
It is recommended to use green/brown colored or heraldic gear if we are playing together since its the clan-color and its easier to find each other on the battlefield.
you need to speak or atleast be able to understand german
be older than 16 (exceptions can be made)
skill doesnt matter aslong you are able to have fun with us =)
you should be able to be online atleast ~2 times a week
you should join us in ts³ from time to time
be older than 16 (exceptions can be made)
skill doesnt matter aslong you are able to have fun with us =)
you should be able to be online atleast ~2 times a week
you should join us in ts³ from time to time
coming soon™ (as soon strat 5 comes out)
TS³: Channel: Order of the Quail
Steam: OotQ Edwarf or OotQ_Kliff
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