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Topics - Beauchamp

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Diplomacy / Coalition & UIF - what clans do they consist of?
« on: October 01, 2012, 08:40:26 am »
what clans exactly does UIF and COALITION consists of atm?

Strategus Issues / horses disappear after battle
« on: September 28, 2012, 01:52:27 pm »
I planned to fight on my own in strategus with small well equipped cavalry force. (just quick trading but mostly robbing in the end).

but i'm afraid i can't do it at all because of 1 "bug"

- i had a battle with 5 horses in my inventory. my mercs took 2 of them, stayed alive all the battle (wasn't difficult against 1 opponent), but these horses disappeared from my inventory when the battle was over. everything else what they had equipped (armor, weapons...) stayed but not the horses.

- now imagine i want a small mounted warband to move quickly, but after every robbery i make i loose all the horses my mercs take? like its fucking impossible to make profit on this kind of robbing ^^

can it be fixed?

Mercenary Recruitment / Some lowlife is stealing my crates!!!
« on: September 28, 2012, 12:09:13 am »
I'm testing Strategus on a small scale, playing it slow, individually for my personal fun, personal gains and personal epeen glory. Trade is simple, works all right. Now I wanted to see the battles but sbdy was faster, because:

One bandit was foolish enough to attack the old geezer Beauchamp to snatch his crates. Merc for me, protect my cargo and get full share from crates that bastard is transporting (6 crates). We are 50 only, just basically equipped (as well as our opponents), except for cavalry department that already has superior champion rounceys!

I wanna see if its possible to fill the roster for a neutral that isn't asking for a clan backup.

[EU_cRPG_3   Battle   Fri 14:31   Karluksa:100   Beauchamp:50]

Strategus General Discussion / He is stealing my crates!!!
« on: September 27, 2012, 02:24:06 pm »
I'm testing Strategus on small scale, playing it slow, individually for my personal fun, personal gains and personal epeen glory. Trade is simple, works all right. Now I wanted to see the battles but sbdy was faster, because:

One bandit was foolish enough to attack the old geezer Beauchamp to snatch his crates. Merc for me, protect my cargo and get full share from crates that bastard is transporting (6 crates). We are 50 only, but all basically equipped, except for cavalry department that already has superior champion rounceys  :twisted:!

[ Unknown   Battle   Fri 14:08   Karluksa:100   Beauchamp ]
anybody knows why there is unknown battle?

Strategus General Discussion / QUESTIONS:
« on: September 21, 2012, 09:32:51 am »
There is a question thread missing, so I start one as I have a few things to ask:

- does having horses in your inventory boosts your travels speed?
- does it boost it significantly?

Strategus General Discussion / trade in strategus
« on: September 18, 2012, 02:40:31 pm »
How does trade in Strategus work atm?

You buy anything in 1 village and further u sell it the more money you get?

How and to who (ai or player?) do u sell it by the way? i can't even see any button to sell anything (though) i have some wheats.

中文板块 / Need help "in China"
« on: July 02, 2012, 02:17:42 pm »
is there anybody speaking both English and Chinese that would help me to paste an English add into appropriate spot "on Chinese internet"? Basicly the help would consist of looking up the appropriate forum board(s), creating registration there and pasting there an add (creating an add thread) for me. I guess it shouldn't take longer than an hour. Of course I'm willing to compensate with some payment for the time anybody would spent doing so.

More info preferably via PMs



Suggestions Corner / Suggestion: Noob server
« on: May 02, 2012, 04:43:37 pm »
I think it would be nice, if there were a noob server for players. Only those with K:D ration <1 would be allowed to play there (or maybe even less than 1).

Imo c-rpg lost a lot of players, because the game was very frustrating for them since beginning, it would be nice to give them some pre-step (maybe with a bit limited multis up to x3 or something else) to master at least basics while being able to kill sbdy and thuss have bigger fun than being slaughtered by veterans with loomed gear.

Suggestions Corner / captain
« on: April 23, 2012, 02:14:08 pm »
i'd like to see a commander/captain in battles (it was discussed million times already)

my idea is that anybody could be voted captain by a teampoll
captain would receive other chat color

(so when he says something it would really look different from all other text coming up. like how can now sbdy come up with a strategy if there are 5 different plans from 5 different people in pregame phase and all look the same (color wise)).

Suggestions Corner / make horses more expensive
« on: April 23, 2012, 02:07:52 pm »
there are to many of them, i'd make those cheaper ones (rouncey, steppe, desert, courser, arab) more expensive.
i don't care about heavy ones, those may as well stay the same.

General Off Topic / M&B Warband for as much as 5 $
« on: April 14, 2012, 04:43:08 pm »
As the title says (time to speed up multi accounting in Strategus or buy a gift for your friends)

Suggestions Corner / Another idea against Teamhits
« on: March 29, 2012, 10:41:52 am »
If you report sbdy by pressing M, you also reduce his kills by 1.

Suggestions Corner / FFS reflected team hits
« on: March 24, 2012, 11:47:59 am »
I'm sure about one thing: People don't give a fuck about how and where they swing and that 5times reporting doesn't work at all. There are way many complete morons that ruin my game experience just because they swing like crazy dumb fucks. What is worse, that the more they piss me off the more I start to swing as one of those fucks as well to make them taste their own medicine. Loosing doesn't really piss me off 10 times as much as meeting with those notorious teamhitters on my team.

Suggestion (edited):
Introduce reflected team hits, triggerable by pressing M key. Simply sbdy hits you, if you report him back he gets -20 hitpoints penalty at the start of the next round.

Give it at least a try, I believe this could work in the end, because those that teamhit the most will be affected the most by this change. Not those that control their swings. If it turns out to be stupid, we can revert it anytime.

General Discussion / play on 2 computers with 1 char?
« on: March 09, 2012, 11:27:07 am »
is it possible to play on 2 computers with 1 char?

I got other PC and installed there another WB with the same serial as on previous one.

General Discussion / map down/up vote
« on: March 06, 2012, 11:20:28 am »
what does exactly upvoting/downvoting of the map do?

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