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Messages - Bjord

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 352
General Off Topic / Re: Aight
« on: July 03, 2016, 11:08:34 pm »

General Off Topic / Aight
« on: July 03, 2016, 10:52:28 pm »
Peace out

General Discussion / Re: Give Yuang a PC that can run OKAM!
« on: July 02, 2016, 06:28:52 pm »
There might actually be. Next playtest will give clarity

Ah, okay.

Yeah the playerbase is quite big in China.

General Discussion / Re: Give Yuang a PC that can run OKAM!
« on: July 01, 2016, 01:50:38 pm »
How do you plan on playing OKAM from China?

There most likely won't be CHN server for a while too.

General Discussion / Re: Bjord??
« on: July 01, 2016, 11:42:05 am »
Fucking cunts.

General Discussion / Re: Bjord??
« on: June 30, 2016, 06:44:48 pm »
The "i dont give a fuck" phase is my personal favourite. Its funny how long he's been doing that too.

What's funny is the amount of people playing hobby psychologists trying to categorize my behaviour as "phases". Either you're just trying to trigger me or you're being presumptuous little cunts like always.

I've apparently become very apathetic to this community and the game, bored with other games and growing increasingly tired of the toxic behaviour of people in most gaming communities, I can't really seem to enjoy games anymore.
And before you say "Bjord, you're doing the same shit. <insert rinse&repeat remarks about my personality>" NO! Fuckface, I'm losing my shit for manly and honourable reasons. People who use either throwing, xbow or bows are a fucking cancer and it is my right to degrade and defile their bodies with down-hit in fisting mode. Then people start mouthing back to me like they think they have a right to talk to me and I lose my shit even more.

You fucks can sit and smirk behind your monitors but honestly, would you really care all that much in my shoes? Do you personally care about what any of you think about each other? I'm sure most of you do, and I recommend you liberate yourself from such fantastically retarded and meaningless things and you'll find that life is a bit smoother.

I used to care about being respected here but I can't understand why I would ever have wanted that. Frankly, having witnessed your behaviour over the years in this community, there's so much ill will and desire to push people down here. It's repulsive. I was part of that game as well, but now I'd rather fuck a goat than be associated with you shitfucks.

General Discussion / Re: Bjord??
« on: June 30, 2016, 03:10:11 pm »

hmmm. something is smelly here and its not me.
everytime you got banned you whine and beg for unban.
your words dont have sense at all

I'm just being honest.

I like having the option of playing cRPG rather than not at all, but I also don't care too much what people think and say of me, otherwise I wouldn't be behaving like I do.

General Discussion / Re: Bjord??
« on: June 30, 2016, 02:36:28 pm »
Really gotta wonder if there would be even 1 oldmy old friend supporting a #freebjord if he was perma'ed again.

Probably not.

Why do you feel the need to point that out?

Don't believe him, people like us never change.

General Discussion / Re: Bjord??
« on: June 30, 2016, 09:01:49 am »
Ah yes the 'i dont give a fuck' phase. To be followed by apology-thread making phase. Bjerdy I thought you was all zen now and shit, what happened, ran out of trippy plants?

I'm trying, outside of gaming. I just can't seem to be zen when I'm playing computer games. I've been contemplating quitting completely, because raging isn't healthy.

Don't expect an apology-thread, though.

My favorite Bjord story is when he played on alt so he doesn't "embarrass" his legacy as a "pro" because his dad banned him from playing on the internet so he had to stole neighbors internet or something. Or it was his dad downloading porn, making Bjords ping spike all over the place forcing him to play as filthy my old friendcher instead of glorious lolstab abuser. Both stories end with Bjord murdering his parents because of bad cRPG ping. Can't remember which story is correct but yeah, good times :lol:

Ok, Leshma.

General Discussion / Re: Bjord??
« on: June 30, 2016, 12:02:57 am »

Actually, I just don't give a fuck.

General Discussion / Re: Bjord??
« on: June 28, 2016, 03:15:42 pm »
I just love upsetting people, I'm sorry.

General Discussion / Re: Rest_In_Peace
« on: June 28, 2016, 03:13:12 pm »

Talk about making things bigger than what they need to be.  :lol:

The Greeks practically are Turks these days, Panos. I mean, we've all seen your pictures. You look indistinguishable from a Turk. Fair to say, I think, that they've already gotten you.

But the whole Greek/Turk thing is cute. It's like North Koreans and South Koreans claiming they're a different race when no one else can tell the difference.

Xant, this is one of the poorest trolling attempts I ever saw from you.

General Discussion / Re: Bjord??
« on: June 24, 2016, 04:52:05 pm »
I clearly hit a nerve, just get over yourself Popocancer.

What about you? What do you add to the mod? You constantly play as a cancer thrower, which I think people appreciate a lot less than some trashtalking 2h wannabe hero.

And when did I insult new players? What the fuck are you lying about you lil' prick, go fuck yourself.

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