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Messages - Teeth

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General Discussion / Re: nostalgia
« on: June 27, 2016, 09:20:55 pm »

120 players at all times, having to mash the connect button untill you get a spot in there.
You mean wait for the goddamn automatic password to come off while the server has already dropped back to 90 players?

General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« on: June 27, 2016, 08:49:31 pm »
Why was the little boy staring at the churchplace and then took off running right to the wildfire? Why did religionguy follow him there? How the fuck did the little boy manage to stab him that badly? Better assassin than the Faceless Men, apparently.
Yeah, this irked me to no end. Nothing in this entire sequence made any sense. I can never quite understand how no one in such a production manages to ask "but... why?".

General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« on: June 27, 2016, 12:36:20 pm »
I bet the North is going to join the Night King because as soon as he is defeated "winter is coming" would not be half as ominous as a slogan. Seriously though, the odds are stacked so much against the Lannisters that it will be three episodes until it is a Lord of the Rings-esque "kumbaya let us all unite and fight the evil dark forces together". I haven't really considered this so far because it seemed far down the line before the ridiculous pacing started, but the White Walkers seem very black and white, "evil for the sake of evil" bad guys. Very uncharacteristic for the series, I hope there is a catch, otherwise this will be dull.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 27, 2016, 12:08:06 am »
Man behind 2nd EU referendum petition was actually a leave supporter
"The referendum was fairly funded; democratically endorsed, every vote was weighted equally and I believe this was a true reflection of the mood of the country." What a hypocritical cunt, starts this thing when his side appeared to be losing and now considers the referendum perfect.

All in all I am enjoying myself watching this all unfold, it got people properly riled up.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 26, 2016, 12:29:11 am »
Just out of interest, how many of you non-brits have ever been to the UK?

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 11:18:41 pm »
I am not sure if most voters realized that their vote on this is likely to make a way bigger difference for their daily lives than the general elections.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 11:10:38 am »
Lol, I wonder how reintroducing the guilder would fly on the stock markets

General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« on: June 21, 2016, 11:33:22 am »
Yeah what is it with these cute kids growing up to have the most punchable faces, this guy too:

(click to show/hide)

General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« on: June 20, 2016, 11:55:42 pm »
The entire battle just was not written in a way that makes sense. Its like the writers can only come up with one move or stratagem at a time, while not being able to simultaneously think of a way for the other side to react in a sensible or logical way, or keep track of what other types of troops could be doing that are not part of the stratagem. Now its archers firing, now the cavalry charges, now its surround with infantry time, now Jon's army does nothing. Its just a string of gimmicks that leaves dozens of gaps in which you can wonder "why X did not use Y" or "what happened to troop type Z" during pretty much any battle shot. And then they brag about how their gimmicks were inspired by historical battles, lol. Also, the lack of reserves, a chain of command and scouts makes everything seem even more silly.

Perhaps I am just too much of a military history nerd and nobody else is bothered by this, but I recall that battles in the books did not come across as if the military tradition of Westeros was left at 3.000 BC. Ah well, at least most of the episode looked really good. It seems like a lot of budget went into two big battles and they felt reasonably large. The horse charge scene with Jon fighting among it looked was deliciously brutal. The Vale horse charge was pretty cool too.

Can anyone remind me why Littlefinger decided to take the Vale north to wreck the Boltons again, I can't recall anything that makes sense? I am not sure how the North situation will be resolved now, since Littlefinger is a greedy bitch and he is the only one left with an army up there. Also, Dany went from being a hobo lost somewhere in the boonies to being all geared up for a Westeros invasion in like three episodes, pretty stupid.

General Off Topic / Re: Microsoft buys LinkedIn for $26.2 billion
« on: June 20, 2016, 11:10:14 pm »
He claimed 'I was a goddamn Christian until 2012' as if that was justification on it's own. And which, on its own, excuses nothing.
It absolutely is, at least for the kind of Christianity I adhered to. To be clear, I am of the opinion that "being a Christian" means actually holding at least some personal conviction that god is real and that the Bible is an inspired text. Once you are in the territory of such beliefs with the Bible clearly denouncing homosexuality and stressing the holiness of the man-woman relationship, not frowning upon homosexuality is just being inconsistent, it comes with the territory. My backwards ideas about homosexuality entirely depended on my belief in a Christian god. As such, as soon as my preference for a bigger picture than my existence on earth finally stopped being enough to patch all the holes, my ideas about homosexuality got revised very quickly and I am a gay-lover supreme nowadays.

Me being a Christian for so long cannot be excused, however, my adherence to Christian beliefs entirely excuses my ideas about homosexuality at the time. I have no idea how anyone is anti-homosexual from an atheist platform. All in all I am not sure what you really want from me here Heskey. Am I a bad person now, even though I have distanced myself extremely far from my prior beliefs in regards to both religion and homosexuality? Have you been a perfect little Bayesian all your life, immune to cognitive dissonance, that you can be so damning? In fact, you claim to have been a Christian and to have never doubted the correctness of homosexuality, that is a nice example of cognitive dissonance right there. Adjusting your religious beliefs to more easily fit with modern society.

By the way, I think the posts Leshma is referring to are in here, read it and weep. I said something really weird here, and I think even at the time I was a bit confused with what I meant when reading it back, and found myself agreeing with what Rhekimos posted next. It sounds pretty shitty though.'r-thoughts/75/

General Off Topic / Re: Microsoft buys LinkedIn for $26.2 billion
« on: June 17, 2016, 05:52:36 pm »
I am sorry I am not such an independent spirit as you are, for whom constant exposure to the views of parents, family, friends, teachers, and an omniscient being on a certain subject from the age of 0 of course provides no interference whatsoever on your ability to obtain the correct information and logically weigh the facts.

Fuck off, you are not that smart Heskey.

30% cottage cheese
70% yogurt

add corn starch until desired consistency is achieved
Your cum is thicker than yoghurt?

General Off Topic / Re: Microsoft buys LinkedIn for $26.2 billion
« on: June 15, 2016, 01:13:23 am »
I'm so going to dig out that post.

Edit: Well, I did make it sound worse than it was and at first you might think it is innocent but there is certain history between Dave and Teeth, they used to shit on each other a lot and this is clear provocation and Dave saw through it right away:

Teeth was also joking how he would like to announce his return again, because Dave used to take breaks and come again, obvious jab at him.

His (serious) opinion of gay people I won't dig out, because I believe he is entitled to dislike them if he wants. But I know some people don't like such attitude. One thing is certain, sweetheart is he not. But those aren't really news, we know very well who we are after all these years. No point at pretending.

As Jesus said: Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her. So yeah, take that into consideration before assuming higher ground ;)
In that thread DaveUKR states that he only had one big break, and I knew that he had a break when his cancer thread was posted. I am also very sure that he auctioned of his items a few months after the cancer thread because "playing this game was not in his interests considering his health issues" or at least something along those lines. Thus I found it very weird that he was now claiming his one big break to be because of balance changes, which was an inconsistency that honestly made me doubt the whole cancer story. So I asked about it, not really any evil intent other than being inquisitive towards perceived inconsistencies within the dramatic claims of someone on the internet.

He went so full on defensive that I still doubt his cancer story, sue me.

Edit: - Found it, here DaveUKR auctions his items and mentions his "not the best health" as the reason, so I really thought he quit because of cancer.

His (serious) opinion of gay people I won't dig out, because I believe he is entitled to dislike them if he wants. But I know some people don't like such attitude. One thing is certain, sweetheart is he not. But those aren't really news, we know very well who we are after all these years. No point at pretending.
I was a goddamn christian until like 2012. Please do dig it up, I am sure I said some backwards ass shit. It will only serve to remind me how far I have come from an indoctrinated upbringing, through sheer force of education and the internet.

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord / Re: 7 min siege gameplay.
« on: June 14, 2016, 01:25:35 am »
Pretty underwhelming as a whole, I mean I fucking love Warband's singleplayer so I will play the shit out of this regardless, but the improvement and polish is not as all-encompassing as I had hoped. Fixing the siege equipment and such is a no-brainer, and it would have been really silly if they would not have managed that. However, I also expected the AI to be significantly improved, but I am hard-pressed to notice any improvement. Mindless clumping, facehugging and rigid routes to the closest enemy, even if its gets them all stuck in a door while looking the other way. It's all still there and it is a huge eyesore, and also makes the gameplay more boring. Fighting animations do not look too great either, not sure if not worse than Warband's.

I get that they still have at least half a year of developing to do, but I am not sure if AI behaviour is one of those things that gets pushed to such a late phase. I do still have hope for a replacement of the old sounds, and that goddamn awful font.

There are things that look better than I expected though. All the animations on the new siege stuff looks good. The bouncing arrows and ballista bolts are cool, and the few turns he did on the horse looked really nice. Rocks that you can chuck down is fucking awesome, I hope that makes it into multiplayer.

Also curious how they find such a crappy player for an official gameplay demonstration, he does not help to make it look any better.

General Off Topic / Re: Microsoft buys LinkedIn for $26.2 billion
« on: June 13, 2016, 08:24:44 pm »
On unrelated note, I really hate that saying. Man, it's 21st century get with the times... well I don't feel like 21st century person. More like 24th century person who doesn't ingest drugs in his body, violence is strange concept for him, doesn't get why we have borders, sees mandatory 8-10 work day as form of slavery and is baffled why we can't travel to other planets. Sadly, in this time and age that makes me look a bit insane.
This must be one of the douchiest things uttered on this forum, congratulations

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