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Topics - Ujin

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Suggestions Corner / Those extra face textures that we used to have
« on: July 11, 2011, 12:53:00 pm »
Am i the only one who wants them back ?  Imo it added more variety and some of them looked better than the native ones.

I don't think it's necessary to back this up with arguments, it's pretty obvious. I can though if it's needed.

Sign  here if you agree , thanks in advance.

Closed Requests / Merc_Jambi
« on: July 01, 2011, 04:28:02 pm »
Short story :

I spawn , there's  the usual spawn lag, i barely move forward on my horse and bump a teammate. Turned out it was Jambi and he immediatly decided to get his revenge. Since it was crowded his first shot missed and actually hit another teammate, his second shot took 1/2 of my hp.

Unfortunately i don't run my game with fraps on 24/7, but as you can see on the pictures he's not denying anything himself. I won't be surprised if he'll come by this topic and will start  justifying his actions cause he believes he's right.

Closed Requests / MOVED: lor_the_grey abusing bux
« on: May 16, 2011, 06:59:27 pm »

Suggestions Corner / To what level should throwing get nerfed ?
« on: April 12, 2011, 07:49:08 pm »
Well, how about THIS level ?

P.S. sorry, couldn't resist =)

General Discussion / Almost every single map on cRPG 1 ....
« on: March 03, 2011, 05:50:43 pm »
Is a goddamn village. It's boring and repetetive to say the least, especially with so many interesting custom maps already made/in progress.

chadz, please pay attention to this and get some more maps for cRPG 1's map cycle.

Greetings everyone.

Our guys have decided to give it a try and change the current looks of nodachi/katana/wakizashi. If we get a green light from you , the items team will hopefully replace the old textures with the new ones.

 We would like to hear your opinions on this, please be our judges.

All credits go to Hotshot and Arked.

Here are some screenshots ( only nodachi on these pics, if you approve we will retexture katana and wakizashi too)  :

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Server Info / -===Shogunate_cRPG (New Eu Server)===-
« on: February 05, 2011, 05:26:02 pm »
Greetings everyone.

I am glad to announce that we've launched a new cRPG server named Shogunate_cRPG. Yes, it is connected to database, you get xp+gold.

For the present time it will be a battle server, possibly later becoming a Capture the Flag server.

Limit of players :  60 .

Maplist :  ~ 30 maps, native maps + custom maps made by the community.

Server Rules :  same as the usual rules for cRPG 1

Server Location : Germany

Server configuration : Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quad-Core


2 x 750 GB SATA-II HDD (Software-RAID 1)

100 MBit Internet Connection

Server Admins
: some of the Shogunate members (Ujin,Belmont,CraftyBadger,Wookimonsta etc) and experienced admins from different clans (Mustikki, Everkistus,Fasader etc)

Server is made for small/medium sized battles , a limit of 60 players will hopefully provide enough epicness for the battles but at the same time won't overwhelm some of the smaller maps in the cycle.

Server is also good for tactics and guirella warfare, clans feel free to practice teamwork  here !

Don't let yourself be fooled by the small size of the server, the machine that runs it has the same configuration like the machine that runs cRPG1, 3, 5 ,6 so you shouldn't experience any lags and it's supposed to run smoothly.

Feel free to post any suggestions / reviews in this topic .

Thanks go to :

-All Shogunate members for donating,

-Wookimonsta for helping to arrange the server  + donating too,

-Guards,Templars,Ninjas,Fallens and other clans who helped us test it,

-Chagan_Arslan,CtrlAltDe1337, Indigocylinder, Kung Fu Jesus, Nasturtium, Thranduil for the lovely maps they've made !



Closed Requests / [BAN] gronks , random teamkills on purpose
« on: January 25, 2011, 04:35:35 pm »
The title pretty much says it all. The guy goes apeshit from time to time at spawn or just in the middle of the battle. People that played on crpg1 today can confirm this. Don't have fraps atm so i only have screenshots :

Also, i'd like to point out how absolutely incompetent/lazy/some admins can sometimes be, this is a chat log of me trying to get an admin on cRPG 1 to stop the teamkiller (he didn't just teamkill me once, he was a danger to the whole team , every round).

[18:16] <Shogunate_Ujin> Any admin can come on crpg1 and permaban a teamkiller ?
[18:17] <Leiknir> screenshots/vid
[18:17] <Leiknir> for latter reporting if no one wants to use their powers for good now
[18:17] <Shogunate_Ujin> got screenies, but why bother if he;s still there and he's gonna do it next round
[18:17] <Shogunate_Ujin> and all people can confirm it right now
[18:17] <Tomahawked> ban ujin!
[18:17] <Shogunate_Ujin> he's just randomly teamkilling at spawn
[18:18] <Lilith^> *sigh* and today Im playing EU 2 because EU 1 always got enough admins..
[18:18] <Shogunate_Ujin> no admins there atm )
[18:18] <Shogunate_Ujin> Lilith, the guy's name is "gronks"
[18:18] <Lilith^> I got x4

[18:19] <Shogunate_Ujin> oh wow, cool
[18:19] <Tomahawked> haha
[18:19] <Aemaelius> So for a 2h agi spam build is it 12 or 15 str?
[18:20] <Lilith^> 2h agi spam built is as little str you can have to use ur wep

Now you can say whatever you want, i call this irresponsible.

Originally created by a chinese mod team (tianzhao,  yufan,  qq163it,  lliihhaaoo) , mod is about 3 years old and it's called Tenka. Already got the permission of the developers to use the armors.

Substitute for the current "light strange armor" set :

Suggested stats : same as the current  light strange armor :
weight 8
head armor 0
body armor 32
leg armor 11
requirement 8

Substitute for the current "strange armor" set :

Suggested stats :

same as the current heavy strange armor :

weight 18
head armor 0
body armor 46
leg armor 21
requirement 12

Substitute for the current "heavy strange armor" set :

Suggested stats :

weight 21
head armor 0
body armor 52
leg armor 16
requirement 13

Small suggestion - i think it will be only fair to honourably mention the original creators of the armors in the armor names : "tenka light samurai armor", "tenka heavy samurai armor" etc.

I think having one medium armor with the same stats as the current heavy strange armor and one heavy armor would balance things out :

-The medium strange armor would be finally useful

-The heavy  armor would be used only by heavy inf. probably

- Since the heavy armor would be the most expensive one, you won't see too many red samurai running around, most people will use lighter armors

- Some of these armors do indeed look pretty heavy

We've already (all thanks go to Hotshot) completed converting the models from M&B to Warband (the mod was for the old M&B version), polished them abit for Warband, removed the gloves from the textures (in the original versions gloves were "connected" to the chestpiece texture) and added war masks to the helmets (so it's 3 helmets with masks and 3 without them).

Now it's only up to the cRPG team to decide. Of course we all hope the sooner the better, tbh we can't look at the current strange armors now :D.

Best regards,


Game Balance Discussion / Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« on: January 09, 2011, 05:29:39 pm »
I guess this topic would've popped up eventually, sooner or later. So instead of the good old archers spam,  now we have throwing weapons (THW later in this topic)  spam.
I'm fine with it, at least people advance towards each other nowadays instead of camping for ages, but imo throwing is too OP as it is right now.

No matter what THW it is, it either hurts, or hurts LIKE HELL. Add two simple facts that one can use a shield  with THW and/or spam THW and easily switch to a melee weapon when the time comes.

As much as i love throwing (i had 7 PT before the patch), i think for the sake of game balance it needs to be somehow tweaked. The first idea that comes is a little of a damage reduction for all throwing weapons.

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