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Messages - Cyber

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Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord / Re: Buying it or nah?
« on: March 26, 2020, 06:10:27 pm »
I heard it's still in, but I've yet to see it. Unless you mean it's so broken it never happens at all, which I would argue means it's not in.

It happens but it's rare, it's really finicky and the timing window is very small. The best players pull it off maybe ~20% of the time if they are just practicing chambers. Any time you see it in an actual fight it's pretty much always random luck.

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord / Re: Buying it or nah?
« on: March 26, 2020, 04:16:19 pm »
If anything taleworlds went too safe. They didn't try to add any real meaningful additions to the combat such as stamina, which means pvp fighting is still 100% about spamming+timing with no real tactical considerations.

I hate you.

They even removed chambering

It's still in the game, but it's completely broken right now. Luckily they have acknowledged it and it will get reworked at some point.

I'll still definitely be getting it. The combat has A LOT of problems and most "veterans" aren't really happy about the state of the game. However, for me, it still has the best combat system if we leave Warband aside. I'm in the mood for hopefully a new active M&B multiplayer scene, even if it the combat doesn't quite match up to WB in it's current form.

I'm open to a budget version of a solid melee combat, like a cheaply made warband-like system if it comes within a survival MMO genre.

When I played it, which was like 6+ months ago the combat was very bare-bones. The only Warband-esque part was 3 directional attacks and blocks, but nothing else to it. No feints, kicks, chambering or any other unique mechanics. Admittedly it did at least feel smooth and fluent compared to the very janky melee combat u have in a lot of survival games. Not sure if anything has changed.

The survival elements and progression felt okay-ish, I assume that's been improved a lot, but nothing particularly exciting for me to stand out from other survival games. I guess if you're itching for a new survival game it might be an okay choice.

I might have given it a try if they didn't end up releasing so close to Bannerlord. I've been very critical of Bannerlord, and I don't think it compares favorably to Warband. But leaving WB aside for my tastes it still has by far the best medieval combat system.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: Disco Elysium
« on: December 27, 2019, 09:35:09 pm »
Estonian game is strong. What have the Latvians done? They are a useless people.

It's not good right now compared to Warband but it has been getting better. For my taste, it's still vastly better than Mordhau/Chiv so I'll likely still be playing it.

thanks guys for funny pictures and jokes, I love humour

General Off Topic / Re: Let's play a game
« on: June 16, 2018, 11:59:34 am »
Your scored 7 correct (out of a possible 33).
This implies an IQ of approximately 96 on the European/Cattell scale (stdev 24),
or about 98 on the Stanford-Binet/USA scale (stdev 16).

Ok I took the so called test yeah 96 LOL I had A in science in high school and in some other subjects as well, I'm totally gonna trust some test on internet more than actual academia and I wasn't even aware there was a time limit so as I said IQ tests are bullshit.

Addressing hateful historical revisionism masquerading as objective scholarship is beneath me.

General Off Topic / Re: Let's play a game
« on: June 15, 2018, 08:58:09 pm »
IQ tests don't matter anyway, their culturally biased and just showcase your ability to take IQ tests.

Nice obvious troll, but I'm still gonna take the bait. Why did the Crusades happen again? Almost as if it was in response to hundreds of years of mudslime invasion and conquests hmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMM.

Excuse me?? So now anyone who isn't a racist is a troll? Not that I'm surprised that scumbag alt right idiot deplorables start name calling since u can't address actual arguments.
The cause of the crusades was the fanatic religious conviction of the peaceful Christian religion. Islam was center of science, culture and learning and treated people from other religions much better than medieval Europeans. How about you read a history book??

Islam is a religion of peace, in fact it's probably more peaceful than any other religion. What you racist alt right Pepe meme warriors fail to consider is that they only respond to a millennia of western oppression starting with the crusades. But of course, that goes right over your privileged white heads and as usual, you have zero capacity to empathize with people who look different from you.

General / Re: They stole your money and run with it.
« on: June 07, 2018, 03:07:02 pm »
Quality post quality post just repeating the same thing haha so "funny", u guys are so tough and funny sitting behind ur keyboards picking on people for english, teach us how to be so funny..

Announcements / Re: Donkey Crew is back!
« on: May 31, 2018, 02:05:51 pm »
who the fuck even are you i've never even seen you before

Who am I? hahah that's funny

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Announcements / Re: Donkey Crew is back!
« on: May 31, 2018, 01:19:23 pm »
Kids with no skills talking about cringe... 1v1 me in EU3 if your so tough.

Announcements / Re: Donkey Crew is back!
« on: May 30, 2018, 05:34:43 pm »
...I don't get it. Whether you guys think you sound imposing or not, myself and I'm sure plenty others would gladly rip you a new one on TS if we felt you deserved it. What could you do, cuss at us in broken English?

Haha cuss at u in broken English, sooo funny Jona I can't stop laughing... I wonder if I saw u IRL if u would still say anything to me.

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