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Game Admin Feedback / [EU] Fin (trial)
« on: August 22, 2013, 12:25:38 pm »

cRPG Technical problems / Jumpthrowing is bugged on WSE
« on: May 25, 2013, 07:40:21 pm »
When you jump + throw on wse, your character does the jump animation - but doesnt really jump - just glitches on the ground.

So - either remove that completely - so youre not even able to jump - or make it possible again! :O

But that glitching sucks :(

Closed Requests / BAN request Deserter_Tyrannosaurus
« on: May 24, 2013, 11:12:12 pm »
He pollbanned Bloody_Love for no reason... Love was fighting as HX - that explains the anger :(

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Closed Requests / Ban Churchill
« on: May 22, 2013, 10:51:09 pm »
For making Bloody_Love sad :(

Suggestions Corner / Upkeep from borrowed items goes to owner
« on: April 18, 2013, 08:15:36 pm »
How bout that? Would be a cool reward for other players without rubbing the ones that borrowed stuff.

Closed Requests / Ban Request Bloody_Hate
« on: April 15, 2013, 08:51:37 pm »
I was playing on eu4 when Bloody_Hate suddenly polled Bloody_Hate for no reason. He was fighting properly, bravely even - so this poll was unjust.

Pls ban him for poll abusing.

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First, by changing the time needed to switch weapon modes,
Second, by removing jumpthrowing,
Third by overpowering shields


Tell me cus ive got no clue :(

Spam / Remove Bows for Archers.
« on: February 12, 2013, 01:49:38 am »
I think that would be a good balance for removing jumpthrowing. Alternatively you could remove Horses for Cav.

Both would suit your stupidity.

Edit: Fuck you

General Off Topic / pics and vids of your pets!
« on: October 19, 2012, 11:02:32 am »
You may post here. And everyone shall enjoy.

Suggestions Corner / throwers need some love!
« on: October 17, 2012, 09:29:31 am »
Why give MW Bolts and Arrows aditional ammo, but throwing weapons dont? They have the same upkeep and are less effective on range! Makes no sense!

Also, the weight of those axes is a bit too high imo.

Buff throwing!

Your opinion?

Spam / PPL should instantly explode if they hit the stop flying button!
« on: October 12, 2012, 01:26:12 am »
They really should.

Suggestions Corner / Spectators should be flying Skulls
« on: October 10, 2012, 02:27:14 pm »
improve realism!

Suggestions Corner / Horses get exhausted/go mad when hit
« on: October 07, 2012, 01:33:21 am »
Eventhough i really like the game and everything... theres always one thing really pissing me off.

Horses that run highspeed all the damn time like bikes not like living creatures. If a Horse collects arrows in real life it will try to flee - or at least would be much harder to control - if it doesnt drop dead cus of all the stress. This would make every cavbuild much harder to master - which could also make the 100,000,000 newborn Horsearchers in the past few weeks overthink their choice - and which would add a great point to realism and fun...

Could work like that: Horse loses xxx % of HP ---> you cant controll the direction its running in nor the speed. its just running fullspeed straight. When it collides with a tree, mapborder, house whatever you regain the power over the movement tho, the movement speed of the horse is slightly decreased.

This would also force ranged cav to keep an eye on their environment - wich is realistic.

After all this would not be a nerf of any class - just an addition.

Also you could add more horses like well trained (not just well bred) to make the effect of damage to the horse less obvious in its moves.

E.G. Knights had to train their horses all the time to make them ready for a fight. A vanilla Horse would just run away or die of shock.

So, if there was another section like "trainer" where you could spend points in the ability of your horse like make its character stronger etc. it would also add more depth to the game. Would be like an Alternative char you could mount. You would have to buy the training points - like 1 point for 10k and the spent point would expire after 1 week - that would be equal to paying a trainer who has to train the horse everytime its not in the war.

Horses and their riders were the most effective and most expensive warmachines in the dark ages. Also it was a class which required loads of training.

On CRPG everyone can use a horse and shoot a bow... just like that. Avoiding any risk, paying less money than the high armored groundtroops - even less than the knights and thats crap.

SO my suggestion is:

Make Horses (and all related classes) more realisic (AND BALANCED) by making them harder to master.

sorry for the bed english. im just about to go to bad.

Sell/Trade / Trading +1 Arming Sword AND +1 Poleaxe for 1 Loompoint!
« on: September 22, 2012, 08:52:07 pm »
Pm me if interested. I want a Pointtttt!

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