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Topics - UrLukur

Pages: [1]
Buy / [Buy] Any heirloom for gold
« on: May 18, 2011, 02:36:01 pm »
I would like to buy any heirloomed item from the following list for gold:
-Mail Mittens
-Wisby Gauntlets (black)
-Mail Chausses
-Heraldic Transitional Armour
-Heraldic Mail with Tabard
-Great Helmet with Hat
-Splinted Greaves with Spurs
-Coat of Plates
-Red Tassel Spear
-Hourglass Gauntlets

I will buy any level of heirloom. PM me with offer.

Game Balance Discussion / Add more 0 slot items
« on: May 17, 2011, 09:57:48 pm »
I feel that archery could use some 0 slot quivers, with not much arrows in it, and not good bonus damage that would go for longbow characters who want to use some real 2h/1h+shield/polearm.

Also, add some long knife (about 60 length, mediocre damage, can block) that take 0 slots for nordic archers who want to use longbows and for example shield. Right now archers have just the hammer, and more variety is always welcome.

(maybe making some weak throwing weapons as 0 slot items would help throwing as well).

cRPG Technical problems / Validate serial key bug.
« on: February 22, 2011, 11:08:18 pm »
When i try to join server it's all the time 'validate serial key' then after long time its 'error unable to connect with the server'. Strange.

Closed Requests / [Ban] Guard_BD_Segroeg
« on: February 22, 2011, 10:15:02 pm »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Teamkilling with no enemies nearby. Admitted revange teamkilling.

And his clanmates who started 2 ban polls to ban me for nothing.

Closed Requests / [ban] LAMPE
« on: February 21, 2011, 02:10:13 pm »
Reason: starting ban poll for no reason on server with 5 or 6 players (LAMPE, LAMP3,and some others) for killing them too much (me and shishkebab were alive, in gatehouse on village map, LAMPE and LAMP3 were dead). No screen, it's in the logs.

Game Balance Discussion / Internal shield balance
« on: January 24, 2011, 07:46:01 pm »
The internal balance of shield is not really good, there are few choices that actually stand a chance:
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now consider overlooked ones:
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The latter, which means most heraldic ones, are just not worth it.

Now considering the gameplay, disc shaped shields are better than inversed tear shaped shield, as they are wider so they protect more from sides (and shooting under and over is less common) they also serve better in melee.

Now consider hp/armor ratio. Consider the side sword wielded by person with 150 effective wpf and PS6. It deals about 58 damage without speed bonus. Consider the same with 2h weapon, lets say katana and dannish longsword. First with mirror setup (2h and Poles have generally better stats than 1h, but it's not really relevant here), they deal 66 and 73 respectively.

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It means, that side sword deal 31 each time it strike so need 16 hits to break Norman Shield and 18 to break Heavy Board Shield, assuming he didn't hit with some hitbonus. Against Katana Norman last 14 and german need 12, board more. Now take high armor shield, 22 armor: Against Side Sword elite cavalry last 14 hits, against katana it's 12 hits and german chew through it with 10. Huscarl in such cases would last 16 against side sword, 14 against katana and 12 german (all aprox and considering shield low shield skill as high is not really useful those days). So high hitpoint shields are generally better than high armor shield even against weapons that are not intended to destroy shields, those shields also benefit more from high shield skill if i get the formula right (soak then reduction then shield skill), and fare better even against 1h weapons with no bonus to shield.

All things considering, buff shields with worse stats that have similar price. For example Kite shield is way worse than Norman shield, and Other cavalry shields are worse than elite and heather.

Also, make heirloom bonus percentage increase, not set increase.

cRPG Technical problems / Strange equipment
« on: January 18, 2011, 02:41:00 pm »
My weapons are like they are on the site.

However, my armor is totally off, i don't have a single item i possess, also i have plated charger in equipment, wtf!

oh, i also have plated charger ... despite 0 ridding.

Game Balance Discussion / Buff 1h swords speed
« on: January 17, 2011, 01:29:01 am »
Buff normal sword speed to 100/101 from 99. Right now just side sword is an option, other swords with 94/95 are subpar compared to it.

Game Balance Discussion / Change paradigm in weapon balance
« on: January 08, 2011, 09:32:53 pm »
Current paradigm seems to be: the longer weapon is, the more damage it deals, the heavier it is, the slower it is and the more gold it cost. I feel it's bad paradigm.

Good one would be: Until certain point (say it's 92 or 95  reach in case of 1h swords, 105 in case of 2h swords) raise swing damage. From that point, damage decrease and speed decrease.

Right now, the longest swords are the weapon of choice. Sure, you pay more for them, it shouldn't be the only way to balance weapons.

Closed Requests / [Ban] Merc_Cyber and Merc_Bjord
« on: January 08, 2011, 09:22:10 pm »
Ban Merc_Cyber and Merc_Bjord for multiple teamhitting (kicking) on Ruins in non-combat situation. Everyone should obey the rules and teamhitting on purpose is unacceptable.

I don't know how armor penalty is calculated right now, but i guess it works similar to the old patch armor penalty (head and hands x3 body and legs x1).

I suggest that melee and ranged should calculate this in different way.
Melee - (head and hands x2 body and legs x1)

Ranged (head and hands x4 body and legs x1)

(or use different mechanic to get the result where ranged troops are penalized more than melee troops for taking full helmets and heavy gauntlets, which will result in using leather gloves tops and helmets up to 1.7 for ranged troops).

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