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Topics - Smoothrich

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General Discussion / !
« on: November 14, 2018, 09:16:37 am »
take it out back, old yeller style and let it rest in peace.

seeing these posters, these.. people.. posting away on these boards, years after years after years, fills me with remorse, even if a little bit of me still feels in solidarity with those brave noble folk, carrying the torch long after the piss in the wind has all but put out the flame to nothing but a blister on a thumb..

0/0 players on NA_1, EU_1, NA_3... it goes on and on and when does it end?

When... when does it end>?

Shall we say grace and tap glasses to the memories? Or shall we pour out a 40 on the yet-to-be-cold-corpse of the new game these idiots are trying to make on somebody's dollar?

I say NO! No longer shall the weary and destitute bleat on at the drums of the makers!

NO! Just say no to the new game, no to the old game, no to games! Go out and LIVE!



Makes you think, about things..

(reuploaded with a New Hot Edit)

A lecture about what exactly "Goal-Oriented Behavior" means combining my education of Cognitive-Behavioral Neuroscience and expertise of trolling on the internet and making people mad in sports and games to explain to You, The Viewer, what exactly is going on in your brain when you do the things you do and why you should probably Think Bigger, unless you already are. Hitting "Like" and Agreeing on every stupid meme is another way to drag your mind down, especially when its about a fabricated Big Pharma conspiracy or instigating the already rampant Mental Health Stigma keeping so many Americans under-performing in their careers or artistic pursuits...

Yet here I am always expecting different when everything seems to always stay the same.

Check this out if you want to watch me talk all funny but truthfully about LOTR the Holocaust Pope John Paul II Gamersgate Goku Artistic Purpose and stuff like that for 40 minutes..  it's all basically the same in the end anyways.

General Off Topic / The Truth About "The Truth"
« on: January 28, 2016, 02:25:36 pm »
I'm basically a 9/11 survivor, though it was loved ones in physical danger and neighbors who died instead of me,  I was watching and praying across the river. The smoke lingered for days like a scar on the beautiful skyline, and it healed ugly. But I'm a New Yorker at heart and I was protesting the War in Iraq with 300,000 minimum people the eve of invasion,  and driving around Madison Square Garden cursing off Republican Delegates/sabotaging live media broadcasts by screaming MSNBC GAAAAYYY at fucking Ronald Reagan's son during a live interview with Chris Matthews etc lmao at the RNC convention to nominate Bush for reelection the next year..

The thing is, I was surrounded by people shoving pamphlets in my face about the fucking Jews doing 9/11 every protest, a few years later I was cursing off hobo hippies just getting out of the subway saying WAKE UP IDIOT lmao to fucking truthers..

Ignorance is *NOT* FUCKING STRENTGH!!!

I felt it was my civic duty to troll the Powers That Be my whole life honestly. I'd really appreciate if some 9/11 truthers,  or anyone interested in geopolitics and conspiracies, watch at least the first few minutes of an Epic Truth vid I made, I do a Philosophy 101 crash course in a couple minutes then immediately debunk 9/11 and Sandy Hook conspiracies by applying my somewhat advanced Psychology and Journalism educations by simply being honest,  improvised from my heart with no financial,  political,  or social benefit to myself.. I think?  Lol,  but boy it feels good to talk about the shit that's been going on in the world..  I just hope people are listening...

And fucking subscribing!!! Tia.

General Off Topic / Electromagnetic Truth Bomb Detonated Above cRPG...
« on: January 28, 2016, 12:22:22 pm »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

General Off Topic / 9/11 - 102 Minutes That Changed America
« on: January 28, 2016, 03:02:28 am »

This is a 9/11 documentary that is nothing but raw footage shot by New Yorkers on the streets and inside apartments during the actual terrorist attack itself. This is a phenomenal documentary showing what terrorism is like to experience and endure for a regular person, and I HIGHLY suggest everyone with an interest in stuff like these kind of attacks, psychological warfare, terror, fear, shit like that to watch it. Cuz you know, terrorism is a psych op too, its meant to just terrify everyone who has to endure it.

I wasn't in downtown Manhattan, I was across the river, but this was an attack on my community. I actually can see my ex girlfriend's father directing traffic lol in this documentary, he was a United States Postal Cop lmao that interrogated post workers for stealing garbage and had a gun, my girlfriend at the time thought he died in the attacks because he disappeared for 18 hours or so, but it was because he was a first responder and came home with puffy eyes from fucking corpse ash and Terror Soot in his face.

It was a fucked up thing, and ever since Loose Change came out people haven't shut the fuck up about The Jews and shit lol. I'm not Jewish, I'm a Polish-American, but I grew up being called a stupid Polak and now that I make videos and write jokes and stuff I just get called an arrogant manipulative shithead Jew lol, online and in real life, so fuck everyone who says shit like that, fucking racists...

Peep this vid, peace  8-)

General Off Topic / Social Media, Antisocial Behavior
« on: January 26, 2016, 06:40:01 pm »
Many people have been bombarded with so many memes, they literally live in an anime world, or some other pastiche of reality, due to the Stream, Flow, Feed etc of pop culture idioms art media being shoved into their brain. People then create fake social media profiles based on the "reality" they think you have constructed in order to 'Help U Make Sense of things,' because they are equally as fucked up, but probably lack American virtues.. like being obnoxious (but honest) blowhards.. for some reason. At some point, this person Disappears, after they have Fed off your soul lmao or w/e.

I'm not sure which person is sadder to imagine being, but I've seen this happen to someone since the VERY START of the internet on a videogame forum for the PS1 jRPG Crono Cross, to my bro tripwood/General Leo at the Looney Bin forums, who idk is prob paralyzed in anime terror under a shrub somewhere in Canada (rip). I also met a girl I dated for years this way in real life, because we chatted regularly on the phone and just got along as real people and just pretended I wasn't some incredibly hated cyber troll gimmick to 1000s of anime loving nerds who also posted there..

Social Media greatly aggravates Antisocial Behavior traits, and anyone who gets a rush doing this to people should be seeing a psychiatrist and talking to a therapist, not chat rooms with like-minded people.. that is how you become radicalized.

This entire process is basically how ISIS is pulling off lone-wolf terror attacks around the world through social media target selection and indoctrination, by the way. But some people do this just For The Lulz too. Either way people can end up ready to strap a bomb to their chest and blow themselves up.

When will it end? People are so disappointing. It's real easy to meet like-minded people online, I made some great friends this way. Nowadays, I just assume everyone is an enemy lol..

Soon enough Russia, a country full of sophisticated intellectuals, entertaining media, and like-minded funny trolls in online games I'd play with.. is seemingly gonna get firewalled out of the global internet too, just like China, Iran and North Korea.

Boy, that's reassuring for a global society and world peace..

General Off Topic / Demand Your Money Back.. Now...
« on: January 26, 2016, 01:04:45 pm »

Spam / I have to find my own path...
« on: January 26, 2016, 09:48:25 am »
and somewhere across Calradia.. a Sleeper Awakens... from an ANcient Time.. CivilizatioN Lost.. ready.. 2 rebuild....

General Off Topic / I Must Close The Rift Between (Anime) Worlds...
« on: January 26, 2016, 08:44:42 am »
Which Side Are U On?

Spam / Europe: Destined for Conflict?
« on: August 08, 2015, 10:56:23 pm »
Here is the prescient analyst George Friedman, proud American and child of Hungarian Holocaust survivor immigrants, pioneer in designing early wargames, founder of private geopolitical consulting firm Stratfor, author and academic, and a frequent advisor to the American government and military in foreign policy, giving his take on the course of contemporary, crisis-stricken Europe. Considering how the EU cRPG community is probably inundated in nationalistic propaganda by their governments assuring them everything is going great, I think a lot of you would be interested in hearing a world-leading expert talk truthfully about the state of European affairs.

So cRPG community, is the myth of European Exceptionalism over, as Friedman predicts? Is the EU on the brink of inevitable economic collapse? Is Southern Europe undergoing an irreversible social catastrophe that is clearing a path for a resurgence of fascism, all while German economic and political hegemony and greed irreversibly destabilizes the continent? Are the 50 Disunited States of Europe regressing to petty tribalistic border, language, and cultural rivalry that is setting a course for the end of a temporary anomaly of peace and cooperation? Will the continent find itself once more under a dark shadow of despair depravity military occupation and genocide, for the third time in the past 100 years that will require the United States of America to inevitably bail you all out, again, like always?

I am interested in people's thoughts. The comment section is even full of Germans who all "agree" with Friedman, but then immediately blame the Jews for everything lmao, and conclude that Germany's best bet is to ally with Russia to confront the Zionist and their American puppet's global domination conspiracy, which is exactly what I would expect from your average German during an economic crisis.

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