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Topics - clement42

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Forum Français / Le retour du Roi
« on: June 26, 2016, 06:41:17 pm »
Bonjour à vous mes fidèles compagnons d'armes,

Comme vous l'avez sans doute remarqué j'ai vous ai quitté il y a fort longtemps, vous laissant sans nouvelles, dans le doute et la pénombre ... Mais n'ayez crainte, je suis toujours en vie, plus puissant que jamais et prêts à revenir parmi vous, mes sujets asservis, pour vous apporter mon inestimable aide dans les champs de bataille afin de redorer l'écusson de notre peuple.

Mais avant tous, j'aimerais faire la revu des troupes à ma disposition. C'est pourquoi je demande à tous les combattants encore en vie de ce jeu, peu importe leur talent et leur compétence, de se manifester sur ce forum afin que je puisse estimer le nombre de soldats sur qui je pourrais compter dans les jours à venir.

Comme vous le savez sans doute, une guerre ne se gagne pas simplement avec le courage et la volonté, mais aussi avec des moyens financiers conséquents. Je me permets donc, dans l'intérêt de la nation, de vous réclamez à chacun, riches ou pauvres, 15% de votre fortune. J'ai conscience que beaucoup d'entre vous vois en moi leur héro, leur Dieu, et que ma longue absence ai pu leur manquer cruellement, mais il est temps de tourner la page mes amis, et de se concentrer sur le présent.

Réjouissez vous de mon retour, buvez, mangez, festoyez ... je vous accorde 3 jours de fêtes nationales pour célébrer mon retour ! Après cela, mes serviteurs, je vous mènerais vers la victoire, car c'est la seule issu possible, compte tenu de ma présence à venir sur le champs d'honneur.

Votre très vénérable Seigneur et Maître.

EU (Official) / [Unban] Darklolz_da_Bitch
« on: February 11, 2015, 07:18:49 pm »

I get banned from crpg :

-Today and for 7 days
-Because I teamhit one time Merc_Algarn, I said to him : “little dick” and I often try to make him rage on the game.

I don’t deny it, I am sorry for the TH and also for the insult, I didn’t know that the guy was so susceptible, but for this point I think the best solution for him is to mute me.

I play funny build with my character involved (Darklolz_da_Bitch), it’s currently a thrower build, and I’m not really good at throwing that’s the reason why I TH maybe too much, but NEVER on purpose. This character is my skip the fun and I don’t play often with it but considering the fact I’m making too many TH, I’m going to respec.

Some people said I’m a toxic player (and it’s probably the secret reason of my ban), I just want to say that I play this game since June 28, 2012, I have 12 generations on all my characters, my main character (Gladiateur_Warimus) is level 36 (experience : 79,008,224, K/D : 7411/3898, 1.9/1), 3 current  players are playing crpg because I told them it’s a great mode.

I was banned 8 times but it’s the first time I make an unban request. I always accepted the previous bans because I deserved them. But I think this one is really unfair and that’s why I’m asking for unban.

Thank you for considering this request



EU (Official) / [BAN] Phase_von_Hacks
« on: January 02, 2015, 06:46:50 pm »

1. Name of your character involved
=> Darklolz_da_Bitch
2. Name of offending character
=> Phase_von_Hacks
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
=> EU_1, 18:15
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
=> Phase join the server, i was trying to help him because enemies wanted to rape him but i accidentaly th him, 2 seconds later he started a poll ban for the only reason that i th him and he doesn't like it
5. Why you think the offender did what he did
=> Because this guy is a troll and don't respect the rules
6. Multiple Screenshots
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened
=> All the player on the server can told you he poll ban me for no reason

PS : it's the second time someone break the rules because he doesn't like my playstyle, if you think I TH on purpose, just make a decent ban request on the forum, and stop doing shit on the game, it's really annoying. Thanks for reading

EU (Official) / [BAN Brother_Vaelin
« on: December 29, 2014, 03:46:18 pm »

1. Name of your character involved
=> Darklolz_da_Bitch
2. Name of offending character(s) :
=> Brother_Vaelin
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible :
=> between 15:00 and 15:30, on EU_1
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after :
=> I accidentally teamhit Vaelin with throwing daggers two rounds consecutively, my bad but I apologized, but this guys started insulting me and said that he will teamkill me every "fucking" round, he did what he said : he TK me twice.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did :
=> because I accidentaly TH him twice, and probably because he is mad.
6. Multiple Screenshots
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened :

=> every people on the server : Jaromindo_Sol, Kalmarunioen_HarDraada ...

Here the screenshots (you can see him TK me twice and insulting me)

Thanks for reading

Closed Requests / [BAN] Byzantium_Razek
« on: June 21, 2013, 08:01:30 pm »

I was playing on eu-4 few minuts ago, when i accidentally team killed my mate Bizantium_razek, I said sorry but the round after he decided to team kill me at spawn totally on purpose => visitors can't see pics , please register or login

As you can see there were no enemies around, that was not an accident.


Closed Requests / [BAN] Seargoths
« on: June 14, 2013, 08:08:25 pm »
Hello, i was playing on eu 1 few minuts ago when a crazy man team hit me 14 times with his sword ... just because i picked up a crossbow before him

As you can see on those screens :
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Now look at the scoreboard :

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I think this guy really deserve a harsh punishment ...

Thanks for reading.

Closed Requests / [BAN] Byzantium_Spatharios
« on: June 05, 2013, 06:13:23 pm »
Hello, I was playing on eu_1 with my archer when I accidentaly hit a mate : Byzantium_Spatharios, but i didn't even have time to say sorry when he decided to team kill me on purpose ... as you can see on this screen
I know this is not really grave but in my opinion such behavior should be sanctioned.

Closed Requests / [unban] Lucky_Luke
« on: May 02, 2013, 12:17:08 pm »
I'm currently ban today and i don't understand why ...

Behind Templar_Viking_Berserker there was an enemi who wanted to kill our team, that's why i decided to shoot him ... Unfortunatly i missed him 2 times and i hit my mates :( they both reported me probably because i'm an archer ...

I know i shouldn't shot into mele that's why i'm really sorry for these to guys :s but i think my clumsiness is not bannable.

I tell you one more time Viking_Berserker : I am sorry, excuse me but i tried to help you !

Please unban me. Thank you for reading. Lucky_Luke

PS : sorry for my bad english :p

Closed Requests / [BAN] Ecorcheur_RuSher
« on: April 21, 2013, 06:07:09 pm »
Hello, i was playing on eu 1 when i accidently teamkilled Ecorhceur_RuSher =>
This guy is french that's why i said in french  : wow, pas de chance. It's means : wow, sorry i'm unlucky :s

But he start a poll ban and when I asked him why he do that he didn't answer my questions =>
I hope you will ban him for poll ban abusive. Thank you for reading.

Closed Requests / [BAN] Ghuraba_Khalid_Ibn_Walid
« on: January 27, 2013, 06:43:40 pm »

I was playing on EU_4 few minutes ago and an stupid player th me totally on purpose and didn't explain why neither said sorry or give reason.

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As you can see he th me 4 times and didn't say anything ...
I hope you'll ban this stupid retard, thank you.

Closed Requests / [BAN] POLLE ABUSIVE
« on: January 23, 2013, 08:18:21 pm »
Hello, i was playing on eu_1 when i see an archer (vieuxbois) who was at our spawn at the end of the round, he was running without his weapon so i decided to poll kick him for those reasons. Of course the poll was accepted because he didn't play the game.

But 1 minute later the same guy : vieuxbois initiated a poll bann against me => visitors can't see pics , please register or login
. As you can see he just said : "i was plainpoll abuse".

The poll was rejected because it didn't deserved it.

Then, one of his friend (an other french guy) : Ecorcheur_Linus_Ganondorf, started an toher poll bann => visitors can't see pics , please register or login

He didn't give reason for this poll ... so the poll was rejected.

Those two guys : vieuxbois and Ecorcheur_Linus_Ganondorf poll bann me without reasons so i hope you'll punish them because they deserved it. Thank you

Closed Requests / [BAN] Kapikulu_GoK_TurK_XIII
« on: January 04, 2013, 06:56:04 pm »
Hey, i was on eu_crpg_1 few minuts later and cav teamkill me at the begining of the round.

As you can see on this screen
He gave a stupid reason =>

"he kill me and not say sorry"

his tk was on purpose and the reason can't justify it. i hope you'll bann this krapikulu

Closed Requests / [BAN] Vincent_le_nounours
« on: December 08, 2012, 06:27:10 pm »
Hello, I make this ban request because of a stupid french kid : Vincent_le_nounours

    First of all, an other french kid (Imperiale_Jiang_Syl_Fira) team hit me totally on purpose, and took 50% of my life ... then i decided to hit him ( i know it's a bit stupid but i think everybody can understand why i did that ...) => he report me and i report him, so there were no problems.
    But 5 sec later Vincent_le_nounours arrived and hit me 4 times => i died. I was a bit angry but i just report him ... But in addition this guy made a bann poll again me :o he just said : no tk ... This proves that this guy is not logical because he tk me ... of course i took a screen which illustrate the stupid attitude of this guy(s).

Thank you for reading and please Admins, bann this guy because he really deserves it : poll abused, and team hit on purpose.

Closed Requests / [BAN] DenBitre_ObiWan
« on: October 20, 2012, 09:04:51 pm »

I was on the server 2 when a stupid man decided to hit me on purpose, or maybe because i didn't close the door :o, he didn't say sorry and when i asked him why he did that he didn't answer me ...

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We can see that this retard team hit me 4 times, it was on purpose because there isn't enemies and we were alone in the hall ...
Thank you for reading and i hope he will be banned.

cRPG Technical problems / Problem with writing
« on: August 22, 2012, 04:58:33 pm »
I have a problem with letters on Crpg => visitors can't see pics , please register or login

I really don't kwnot how to solve this problem :/
If someone can help it would be nice :)

PS : sorry for my bad english i'm french.

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