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Messages - Babelfish

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General Discussion / Re: Archery Help?
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:13:39 pm »
No more robin hood archers, good riddance!

General Discussion / Re: Feedback...
« on: January 05, 2011, 11:18:20 am »
Jesus christ, another whine thread ? Come on. Who cares if you and a few other players, who always played ez-mode, leave ? Maybe actual teamplayers will be interested in playing cRPG, now. (ie. FICO, ...)


General Discussion / Re: Thanks dev team!
« on: January 05, 2011, 10:04:28 am »
Agree, im really fond of this patch :D

Game Balance Discussion / Re: A new philosophy for weapon balance.
« on: January 04, 2011, 07:42:25 pm »
Agree on every point in your post thomek.

Every weapon should have a slight disadvantage and advantage over other weapons, currently thats not the case in cRPG.

I wasnt crying.
I was trying and obviously failing to explain thats not a big thing when a "Ninja" "owns" (outspams in other words) a "tincan". He has all advantages on his side (ignore ping, computer for now).

What I was "crying", complaining as better word I would prefer, were e-peen comments like the Ninjas as the only true class with skill that seek a challenge while all others go easy-mode to kill the Ninjas fun.

And thats just elephant shit. Of course its annoying, when I ride down Thomek, so that some teammate can kill him. Its my job to be annoying when I am on the enemy team.

On skill, I was refusing to "earn" my blackhood because I was wearing it weeks before you came up with this new rule. So what would be my motivation to earn something I already had for a long time? Screenshots, I have plenty where I was wearing no armor (only this padded jack or whats is called), using only longsword (hadnt the money for something better that time) and was on top with 10 - 0 k - d r.

Refusing duelling you? lol
With my yarons_bodyguard, even with my crap internet and computer I owned your higher level char in a fair duel, then you started face-hugging and spamming me. So maybe its you who suffers a .
At least you should know in a game as easy as this one its impossible to win against a guy with better ping except he makes a big mistake.

(This doesnt mean I am 100 % certain I would pwn you all the time with a good computer and decent ping, it only is supposed to mean thats not very bright to be too proud.)

What I know for sure is I "own" a lot of players with better ping in native duels so I cant be that horrible. But even if I was, I wouldnt care, because I play for fun in my free time and I really dont see why I should allow you to kill my fun because I help my team win. (Not my fault that you always end up in the enemy team and are not smart enough to avoid places where I can catch you.)

Lastly, this topic is alright, if it wouldnt try to dictate playstyles and trying to bring others down.

I didnt rage about other players playstyle for a long time. Do you think I am amused being forced to wear plate so that my rider can survive at least 1 arrow coming out of nowhere? Or that every cheap stick can stop my horse, even if its at full speed? Or that a 2h can almost kill the heavy plated charger with one stab? Or that 1 throwing lance can 1 shot kill it?

Do you think the guy you backstab is happy because he was killed by a Ninja? 

Play siege, if you want, but keep your propaganda and insults to a minimum.

One more thing. I wouldnt care if they decided to remove the horse charge completely, I still would enjoy riding you down.

I enjoy trampling over easy-moders.

If you were skilled, you would play with peasants gear.

At least you wouldnt feel proud when you "own" a guy with crap internet, char with 0 athletics, a small mace and way less wpf than you.

Or at least like one former fellow Ninja did with no armor, Wakisazhi and bamboo spear.

Malas playstyle is okay like everyone elses. But I think its kinda funny that you respect him with his unbreakable shield more than anyone else while you always told your low level members not to use a shield.

On spamming, well, I have always (almost) the worst ping on the server so of course I would appreciate it if there was some stamina added, so that at least after parrying the enemy several times I should get a chance to strike back.

Ask Khorin/ Khejoke.

Also, I never sayed he or Lisa have no combat skill. What I said was they go easy mode themselves, and complain others going easymode.

Of course I go easymode with the best gear money can buy. It helps me to fight from the beginning to the end of the round. I dont have to hide, I dont have to leech, I dont have to wait. I can play the game. If I had more free time then perhaps I would keep it real but not under those circumstances. When players with good computers and best ping go easiest mode with bow and spam 2h/ poleaxe, why not me?

And yeah, it pisses me off that everyone I took down a couple of times starts crying/ insulting/ polling me, or, if he is in my team, teamattacking my horse.

Messy post, but here we go.

im not sure if your are lying, or just ignorant/inexperienced.

Lets get a few thing straight;

1. Agility is the main source for attack-speed.(0,5% per point)
2. Powerstrike is the main source for damage. (8 % per point)
3. WPF increase attack-speed (dunno how much, but less then agility) and damage (8% per 100 points afaik)

Its common knowledge that you may perform better with less armor, however most people wont bother. Heavy armor + a decent amount of ironflesh lets you survive 1-3 extra blows + a high chance of the opponent getting a glancing blow.
 As you can see from the above points (1-3) the penalty you get from wearing heavy armor is minimal, a mere 1-8 % less damage and a small speed-reduction. But as this obviously is a agi-whore thread you have to take into account that most agi-monsters are having less strength then the regular tin-can, which makes the tin-cans the hardest hitting players.

I think we can agree on the speed part, we are faster then most people, and sometimes we can spam people to death. However bouncing/glacing is a real threat to us.

Ill admit, i was under the assumption that playing 2h with no shield and low armor was the most and only challenging play-style in this game, but after having tried every skill-tree, ill admit light-cavalry was pretty hard & challenging too.

On the ping, well its a double edged sword, playing against someone with higher ping makes chambering and timing a bit tricky. But in general, yes its harder to play with higher ping. However if its below 100, you have no reason to whine.

The other thread was not made to dictate how others should play the game, but rather try to explain why so many have started playing siege lately. People are getting tired of the current meta-game on the battle servers and it shows, i do have great expectations for the upcoming patch, but i think people will take min-maxing to a whole new level come patch.

Of-course the player on the receiving end of a backstab is going to be frustrated, but take into account that our style was 'invented' to deal with annoying range players ;)
We are mere trying to bring a little hurt to those buggers that stand one mile away from the battle, firing happily into melee. However the increasingly population of flanking cavalry, most notably horse-archers have made that mission into a nightmare.

There are few people in this game i get a proud from killing, i can assure you, someone with 0 ath, 1h mace and lower-level are not one of them. For me, they are merely speed-bumps.

The reason mala is respected is that he has not changed his playstyle to suit the increasing min-maxing that is happening. He sticks with his themed character and is also very good at the game.

Fyi, we use a sub-par weapon. Armor that gives us no great benefit in terms of speed or soaking. Please, tell me how that is easymode?

When i was using tears and pilgrim-garbs i was always in the top 3, no matter the server. Rejoined ninja, and suddenly i noticed how hard the katana really was to play with, compared to tears. I had a really hard time to kill anything. Switched back to tears for a few rounds and behold, i was able to top the charts again.
 Please note, i do not wish katana to be buffed up to the level of the lolswords, but i want each weapon to have a advantage and a disadvantage.



Yeah, armor, katana, nodachi and other stuff real ninjas never used (simply because they hadnt the money for such expensive gear).

Also, if you dont get kills by backstabbing (what is in my opinion somehow Ninja-like and therefore theme based, but, you see, you need no combat skill for it, even I can do that), your members, all agi-whores, using fastest 2h in game and left-right-left-swing-spam your opponents without blocking once. Most of your members, if not all, parry the first strike, or not even that, and then spam-spam-spam.

Also, its common knowledge that in crpg nowadays in 1 vs 1 the gear your members use gives you a huge advantage, especially because your peasant cutter in game is one of the deadliest weapon with only a few points in power strike you can do insane damage to plate what in real life would simply bounce off.

For every situation there is the right weapon, so is it against every enemy. Of course you cry about ranged and mounted troops, because you cant kill them as easily as plated turtlers.

There is no difference between Ninjas and Shogunate who use European swords and axes, its the same kill hungry playstyle, get as much kills as possible as easy as possible.

There is nothing wrong with that attitude. Indeed, its the goal of this plain game to do what you can to make your team win.

Sure  :rolleyes:

Just curious, but have you seen the range and thrust damage on the katana? The bastard sword is superior to the katana, just saying.

Contact name on forum: Babelfish
Name of Character: Ninja_babelfish
Sub-category and division: A - 1

*edit* Changed A2 -> A1

Disclaimer: This post may contain biased views!

Back in march 2010, when i started this game (on the 22nd server) i was completely drawn in by the magic. The big fields with two opposing armies facing off in fight of biblical proportions. Most people were decked in misc gear and there were almost zero knights, horses were rare, few snipers (1-2), some range and a massive amount of melee players. There were debates about the best skill-route, armors, players etc.

Then drama ensued and cRPG changed,

Now instead of the 222 slot server the 22nd clan provided, we had a small 60 slot server ( got upgraded fast tho). Maps changed from open fields to more infantry friendly. Gold & experience gain was slow, and there was a soft-cap to level. Some started to power-level and in a few days/weeks more knights emerged. Medium armor became the norm. The game was still awesome fun, and there was a much larger quantity of melee players as opposed to ranged & cavalry. People were still unsure about the class-routes as there was quite a bit of math behind it all.

Then some shitkid decided to ddos cRPG, which resulted in a database-wipe.

chadz improved much in cRPG, but the players had gone from casuals to power-gamers. Ill admit i was once counted among them, playing for hours upon hours, caught in the mindless hunt for the next level and new armor.

Now everyone was looking to maximize their exp & gold gain. After a few days some people had heavy armor (which had earlier been reserved for a few dedicated gamers, among them BNCshrek, the first to reach black-armor). A week passed, and just like that, heavy armor was now the norm. But it did not stop there; horses, xbows and archers emerged in massive numbers.

Now a few months laters, there are hardly any people not following one of the cookie-cutter builds. Maps has changed to cater for increasing population of cavalry & range. It has been days, if not weeks since i last played a battle on a map that favored infantry. 

Q: What does the above text have to do with the current siege phenomena?

Nothing and everything. 

You see, in this gaming era everyone feels entitled to be the hero. No one will settle for the side-kick. In the start people were more relaxed towards this game, but as it became more and more popular, the min-maxing started. Now we have a influx of range & mounted players, in addition to the tin-cans. You can no longer play the game as you see fit, if you intend to make a name for yourself (there are of-course exceptions to every rule). Even skilled Mount & blade vets are using the most overpowered armors and weapons, even in duels. After some of the custom made weapon & armors made it into this mod, the old weapons have seen little to no use. Tears are a perfect example of this; It got range, speed and damage, why would anyone use anything else? AFAIK the ninja clan is the only clan still using some form of equipment code for their members. Im happy with my choice of being a ninja, but sometimes, when i lose to worse players because everyone else is using the most ridiculous weapons & armors,  i get frustrated.

Thrown into this mix of crazed power-gamers are the casuals and the people refusing to play the min-max game. After dying repeatably to projectiles and horse-bumps for months now, i think people have finally found a sanctuary, still somewhat untouched by the taint thats plaguing the rest of the game. Its so relaxing not to be forced to spin 360 degrees all the time, to look for incoming cavs in additional to dodging arrows. And even if you get shot to pieces, you only have to wait a maximum of 30 seconds before you are up and running again.

I have no clue what future lays ahead of cRPG..

Only chadz and a handful of people really have a clue on how the future cRPG will look like. I doubt the players mentality will change for the better, min-maxing is here to stay. However steps can be taken to ensure a fair and fun game for everyone.

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