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Topics - matt2507

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General Discussion / Why is so long to update website pictures ?
« on: June 13, 2014, 05:25:11 pm »
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It take me less than one hour to make the large pics, the smal pics and the strategus pics...

Devs, are you so lazy ?

Anyway, ther is an archive with all the pics for you, lazy devs  :wink:

Closed Requests / [Ban Request] HortonN_Joannits
« on: November 23, 2013, 03:10:02 pm »
happened last night:

I accidentally teamhit him during a horse charge. So I stopped, I put my shield on my back and do a up parade in sign of apology.
And during that time he gave me three overhead that ends up killing me.

I got a screen:

(click to show/hide)

General Discussion / End round dueling ?
« on: September 16, 2013, 03:41:44 pm »
What do you think of duels between friends when all your team run after the last survivor at the end of a round?

Ok, tk/th was not alowed by the rules, but dueling with a clanmate when you are 12 vs 1 was fine or not ?
2 of my friends was ban for tk by karasu yesterday because he make a duel during the time that the team kills the last hx of the other team, what do you think of that ? (link)

Because karasu is not able to give a better explanation, I would like to know the opinion of players, other admins and devs.

For us (OdE clan), it is clearly an abuse of power, they do not bother anyone and anyway, the team would have won (12 vs 1 hx).

cRPG Technical problems / Anormal ping
« on: May 19, 2013, 05:31:57 pm »
First of all, thank you for this update, it's cool to see the developement of the mod continues in the same time of the game

However, I have a problem with the last update.
I have too high ping compared to usual.

Usually, I have between 45 and 50 ping.
Today I have between 100 and 120 ping.

(click to show/hide)

It is very annoying..

edit: For those who think that I forgot to stop my porn download behind, watch the screeshot and you will see my normal ping on EU4  :wink:

edit2: Apparently the problem was steam in the background. This is strange because I had no problem on the 4...

Finally, I reiterate what I said.
I have not started steam and I have no download in the background but I have a high ping on EU servers except EU4.

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My ping is nearly as high as the NA servers..

It seems that it appears at some times.
I played this morning and I had no problem like yesterday after i reporting this problem, when it was better.

I don't know if this is related to the new server or the latest patch, in any case, the problem appeared at the same time of the last patch.

A little help would be welcome.

WSE2 Beta / Stupid question
« on: May 03, 2013, 03:36:53 pm »
I do not know if it was already asked but are there any solution to start the map editor with WSE2 ?

WSE2 Beta / Please, Do not force ever the texture on demand..
« on: April 16, 2013, 12:04:31 am »
Please leave the option available in the settings.

With the last update of WSE2, my FPS drop from 120 to 60 fps with horrible lag.
And when I disabled this bullshit in the config file, I am magically back to 120 FPS..

I know you are trying to improve CRPG with all this and I am grateful to you, but please, do not force ever this horrible option.

(click to show/hide)

Suggestions Corner / Secondary weapon mode: melee bow
« on: January 10, 2013, 01:48:13 am »

Small personal experiment: use a bow as a melee weapon with the secondary mode.
This simply transforms some bow into melee weapon, some as 1H, others as 2H.

I think after all the nerfs that archers sudden, this feature would be welcome.
In addition, it would be very simple to implement since I provide the code (maybe not perfect).

The only problem I encountered is that the shot is given in the direction of the string, if the devs find a solution..

(click to show/hide)

Code: ( [Select]
["short_bow", "Short_Bow", [("short_bow_h1",0)],itp_type_bow|itp_merchandise|itp_primary|itp_two_handed|itp_next_item_as_melee ,itcf_shoot_bow|itcf_carry_bow_back,
728 , weight(2)|difficulty(1)|spd_rtng(75) | accuracy(96) | shoot_speed(37) | thrust_damage(18 ,cut),imodbits_bow ],
["short_bow_melee", "Short_Bow", [("short_bow_h1",0)],itp_type_one_handed_wpn |itp_primary|itp_wooden_attack|itp_wooden_parry ,itcf_carry_bow_back|itc_scimitar,
728 , weight(2)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(96)|weapon_length(60)| swing_damage(10,blunt),imodbits_bow ],

["hunting_bow", "Bow", [("bow_h1",0)],itp_type_bow|itp_merchandise|itp_primary|itp_two_handed|itp_next_item_as_melee ,itcf_shoot_bow|itcf_carry_bow_back,
728 , weight(2)|difficulty(2)|spd_rtng(72) | accuracy(96) | shoot_speed(37) | thrust_damage(20 ,cut),imodbits_bow ],
["hunting_bow_melee", "Bow", [("bow_h1",0)],itp_type_two_handed_wpn |itp_primary|itp_wooden_attack|itp_wooden_parry ,itcf_carry_bow_back|itc_nodachi,
728 , weight(2)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(96)|weapon_length(88)| swing_damage(10,blunt),imodbits_bow ],

["nomad_bow", "Nomad_Bow", [("nomad_bow_h1",0)],itp_type_bow|itp_merchandise|itp_primary|itp_two_handed|itp_next_item_as_melee ,itcf_shoot_bow|itcf_carry_bowcase_left,
728 , weight(2.3)|difficulty(3)|spd_rtng(69) | accuracy(96) | shoot_speed(38) | thrust_damage(21 ,cut),imodbits_bow ],
["nomad_bow_melee", "Nomad_Bow", [("nomad_bow_h1",0)],itp_type_one_handed_wpn |itp_primary|itp_wooden_attack|itp_wooden_parry ,itcf_carry_bowcase_left|itc_scimitar,
728 , weight(2.3)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(95)|weapon_length(50)| swing_damage(10,blunt),imodbits_bow ],

["khergit_bow", "Tatar_Bow", [("tatar_bow_h1",0)],itp_type_bow|itp_merchandise|itp_primary|itp_two_handed|itp_next_item_as_melee ,itcf_shoot_bow|itcf_carry_bowcase_left,
728 , weight(2.3)|difficulty(4)|spd_rtng(66) | accuracy(97) | shoot_speed(38) | thrust_damage(22 ,cut),imodbits_bow ],
["khergit_bow_melee", "Tatar_Bow", [("tatar_bow_h1",0)],itp_type_one_handed_wpn |itp_primary|itp_wooden_attack|itp_wooden_parry ,itcf_carry_bowcase_left|itc_scimitar,
728 , weight(2.3)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(95)|weapon_length(56)| swing_damage(10,blunt),imodbits_bow ],

["strong_bow", "Horn_Bow", [("horn_bow_h1",0)],itp_type_bow|itp_merchandise|itp_primary|itp_two_handed|itp_next_item_as_melee ,itcf_shoot_bow|itcf_carry_bowcase_left,
728 , weight(2.5)|difficulty(5)|spd_rtng(60) | accuracy(97) | shoot_speed(39) | thrust_damage(24 ,cut),imodbits_bow ],
["strong_bow_melee", "Horn_Bow", [("horn_bow_h1",0)],itp_type_one_handed_wpn |itp_primary|itp_wooden_attack|itp_wooden_parry ,itcf_carry_bowcase_left|itc_scimitar,
728 , weight(2.5)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(94)|weapon_length(58)| swing_damage(12,blunt),imodbits_bow ],

["yumi", "Yumi", [("yumi_h1",0)],itp_type_bow|itp_merchandise|itp_primary|itp_two_handed|itp_next_item_as_melee ,itcf_shoot_bow|itcf_carry_bow_back,
728 , weight(3)|difficulty(6)|spd_rtng(60) | accuracy(100) | shoot_speed(35) | thrust_damage(26 ,cut),imodbits_bow ],
["yumi_melee", "Yumi", [("yumi_h1",0)],itp_type_two_handed_wpn |itp_primary|itp_wooden_attack|itp_wooden_parry ,itcf_carry_bow_back|itc_nodachi,
728 , weight(3)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(93)|weapon_length(143)| swing_damage(13,blunt),imodbits_bow ],

["war_bow", "Rus_Bow", [("rus_bow_h1",0)],itp_type_bow|itp_merchandise|itp_primary|itp_two_handed|itp_next_item_as_melee ,itcf_shoot_bow|itcf_carry_bow_back,
728 , weight(3.5)|difficulty(6)|spd_rtng(56) | accuracy(99) | shoot_speed(39) | thrust_damage(28 ,cut),imodbits_bow ],
["war_bow_melee", "Rus_Bow", [("rus_bow_h1",0)],itp_type_two_handed_wpn |itp_primary|itp_wooden_attack|itp_wooden_parry ,itcf_carry_bow_back|itc_nodachi,
728 , weight(3.5)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(92)|weapon_length(88)| swing_damage(14,blunt),imodbits_bow ],

["long_bow", "Long_Bow", [("long_bow_h1",0)],itp_type_bow|itp_merchandise|itp_primary|itp_two_handed|itp_next_item_as_melee ,itcf_shoot_bow|itcf_carry_bow_back,
728 , weight(4)|difficulty(6)|spd_rtng(50) | accuracy(103) | shoot_speed(40) | thrust_damage(31 ,cut),imodbits_bow ],
["long_bow", "Long_Bow", [("long_bow_h1",0)],itp_type_two_handed_wpn |itp_primary|itp_wooden_attack|itp_wooden_parry ,itcf_carry_bow_back|itc_nodachi,
728 , weight(4)|difficulty(0)|spd_rtng(92)|weapon_length(106)| swing_damage(16,blunt),imodbits_bow ],

note: melee item should always be below the bow which it depends for the "itp_next_item_as_melee" flag.

For those who are interested, I made a translation file in my language (French).

I also translated in other languages​​, but I'm unfortunately not a polyglot  :mrgreen:
So, other languages ​​are translated into English (which is always better than ui_thingy_thingummy..)

This translate only the untranslated elements, so do not worry, your whole game is not in English.

Fully translated:
-Polish (thx AvengerC47)
-Turkish (thx ASGUARDIAN)

English translated:

And for those who are motivated, I makes available the csv file, editable with notepad.
If charitable souls want to translate in their language, they are welcome  :D
Send me the file by mp with the language which is translated and I add them with mine.

Suggestions Corner / Review the price of the arabian warhorse please
« on: November 06, 2012, 08:57:04 pm »
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Blue= same value
Red= Top value

As you can see, the arabian now has lower stats to courser.
It looks more like a crossbreeding between a rouncey and a desert horse with more maneuver.

The problem is as follows:

-Courser price = 19838
-Arabian price = 22004

It does not seem logical to pay more for a lower horse, and a revision of arabian prices seems necessary.
Although, with the latest patch and the damages that horses suffer with archers, it would seem logical even revise all horses prices.

General Discussion / Horses repairs: observation
« on: November 05, 2012, 08:12:36 pm »
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Stop nerfing cavs by increasing costs of repairs, THIS IS STUPID !

You nerfed the heavy lance, my horse can die with a single arrow and in addition, you increase the repairs ???
Why ?

I lost more than 20,000 golds in two days with a stuf lower than before the patch..

Before, the interest of the mod was to win the gold and set aside to buy the good stuff,
Now we play for repairing medium stuff...

Why us make an economic system where we make money if it is to remove it behind ?

Repairs are sick of this mod.

Thank you for making me pay 2000 gold every 2 rounds so that I could get killed in one hit !

General Discussion / Chinese Armors: Unofficial Hotfix
« on: October 30, 2012, 09:09:11 pm »
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removal giant traces
texture of the "Eastern Lamellar Robe" functional

( .7z - 1,25Mb )

1)Extract the folder "Modules" on the root of the game,
That is to say, where is located the executable for mount and blade (mb_warband.exe)
2)Check "yes" if they ask you to overwrite files.
3)Play  :wink:


Warham mod installer Version:

( .7z - 1,26Mb )

1)Extract where you want.
2)Follow instructions.
3)Play   :mrgreen:

All credit to Warham

*For dev: check your uppercase letter and the rigging of armors

General Discussion / Chinese stuff: Icones
« on: October 30, 2012, 04:32:47 pm »
Quote from: Helmets
(click to show/hide)

1)Eastern Civilian's Cap
2)Eastern Soldier's Hat
3)Eastern Footman's Helmet
4)Eastern Cavalry Helmet
5)Eastern Helm With Aventail
6)Eastern Masked Cavalry Helmet

Quote from: Armors
(click to show/hide)

1)Eastern Civilian's Robe
2)Eastern Lamellar with Jacket
3)Eastern Lamellar Robe
4)Eastern Star-Scale Armor

Quote from: Boots
(click to show/hide)

1)Eastern Cloth Shoes
2)Eastern Leather Greaves
3)Eastern Lamellar Greaves
4)Eastern Black Greaves

Suggestions Corner / [Model remplacement] burn these Surcoat over Mail !
« on: October 13, 2012, 09:57:57 pm »
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(click to show/hide)


Models and textures replacing of those awful "Surcoat over Mail".
These armor are among the most used in the Middle Ages, and it is not normal as it is so awful in this game..

I create multiple textures to have a good variety of choices.
Brf also contains an heraldic version, but I do not have a successful run on the cRPG so I do not have screenshots.

The model is the "Surcoat over Mail", which has a mail hood.

Contains feminized frames and lods.

--Website icones--

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I have not make a replacement pack because they are objects of the vanilla game.
So if you are not a cRPG dev, it serves nothing to download.

Host: Rapidshare
Size:      1,76 Mo
Compression:  7z

Download v1
Download v2

cRPG Technical problems / Remove the character page auto refresh PLEASE !
« on: October 05, 2012, 07:28:32 pm »
I just respec my STF, but before I switched on my main in a new tab to view something.
The problem is that when I click on respec on my STF, it made me view the respec page but for my main because it refresh the auto selection of character..

result: I'm level 29 now when I was level 31, soon 32...

Is it possible to prevent this from happening again ?
And is it possible that I recovered my lost xp ?

Closed Requests / [Ban Request] LasNoches (and maybe Ur)
« on: September 05, 2012, 02:46:35 am »
after a little raging on eu1, I go on siege for more fun.

So I'm in attacking side.
I climb the siege tower, and, I get messages like what I have qml...
(click to show/hide)

You'll notice that the time I press m, I get killed...

At that moment, I said, it does not matter, it happens, until I see the scoreboard ... (look at the bottom right ..)
(click to show/hide)

I said, ok, it is new, or just bad, let...

And on the next map.. that was to much !
This big idiot with his accomplice (Ur) were fun to destroy two doors while we were in def !
(click to show/hide)

And as if that were not enough, he finds a way to hit me just after...
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This is not my kind of apply for ban, I do not like this kind of practice, but when it is too ...
There are just too many idiots in this moment, and I have no desire to let this kind of crap to do this with impunity.

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