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Messages - Rusty_Shacklefjord

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Closed Requests / Re: Unban Request: Erik_Magnusson
« on: August 03, 2012, 06:28:49 am »
I was essay banned EIGHT MONTHS AGO and the guy that banned me isn't even an admin any more. Doesn't that count for anything?

If you're that upset that I'm 'trash talking' to people just mute me or something. You're weighing these stupid past bans too heavily. Again, to re-reiterate, I never actually broke any rules. I also apologized twice.

Half the population of cRPG has been banned, but I can't think of a single person that was really such a problem that it warranted permanently banning them. Please lighten up a little and stop policing everyone so harshly.

Really, why can't we all just get along?

Closed Requests / Re: Reunban Request: Erik_Magnusson
« on: August 03, 2012, 05:08:07 am »
You literally never wrote the essay I issued you, which is mainly why I failed you on the off-topic speal you wrote. I encourage you to re-read my response.

What is this, english 101? Do you seriously expect people to be writing legitimate essays for some forum post? If so, should it be in MLA or APA format?

Closed Requests / Reunban Request: Erik_Magnusson
« on: August 03, 2012, 04:13:14 am »
(click to show/hide)

Making a new thread because the other one was locked before I could reply.

I was banned a few times before, but check the dates of those posts please.
- first three all from last July when I just joined cRPG and didn't know the rules.
- one in November, a misunderstanding.
- ridiculous essay ban in January (8 months ago). I wrote the essay even though it was wrong.
- short 12h ban in April because I called Canary a mad nerd, which he proved he was by banning me (lol).

Then this, a legitimate accident. You don't have any pictures or videos or evidence that it was intentional because it wasn't. In fact, you probably didn't even see it and just banned me because people were whining in admin chat. I accidentally teamkilled some guy. Oh well, it happens. A 1 hour cooldown ban would have been appropriate. A perma-ban is complete overkill.

I love cRPG and I would do anything for her, but I don't want to spend all night arguing about this. I already sincerely apologized for being rude to Muki. I'll even do it again: I was rude and I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Request: Erik_Magnusson
« on: August 03, 2012, 03:35:35 am »
So I'm perma-banned? That seems really excessive.

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Request: Erik_Magnusson
« on: August 03, 2012, 03:17:58 am »
Found out you still own TOD a ban eassy


Closed Requests / Unban Request: Erik_Magnusson
« on: August 03, 2012, 02:30:22 am »
I was banned on NA 1 at around 1am last night. I'm pretty sure that the admin that banned me was Muki on an alt.

She 'warned' me the previous round because I accidentally killed an unarmored peasant (AaronT) with a backswing near the end of the round, although I said sorry with QQA and he said that he didn't really care. After that the map changed and I continued playing like normal. During the initial melee I killed five enemies and got assists on MANY more. While mopping up the survivors a friendly Hospitaller guy (Frog King?) walked in front of my horse and I accidentally bumped him. He must have been very weak, because I was braking hard and swerving and he still died. Muki warned me again and I told her to 'fuck off.' There are several reasons for this. For one they were both pretty clearly accidental, and I was already being pretty careful. Despite this, she felt the need to bug me about it TWICE. They also both happened near the end of the round, when it didn't matter anyway. On top of this, I was contributing a LOT to my team's victory. Even with the teamkill I was +4, not to mention all the assists that I got and support I provided. In fact, I'd been carrying a x5 for several rounds when I got banned.

I'll admit that telling her to "fuck off" was a little rude. I'm sorry. But to be fair I didn't actually break any rules and was annoyed with good reason. I don't know how long the ban is for. If it's 24h I'm willing to just wait it out. If it's for longer I would appreciate it if someone unbanned me.

Also, I know that admins here like to bring up BS charges from the past to support their current BS charges, so just to reiterate, this was all ACCIDENTAL.

Realism Discussion / Re: More realistic loomed armor values?
« on: July 29, 2012, 02:13:27 am »

+3 weapons have a damage boost AND a speed boost. It would make sense for +3 armor to match, instead of just the drastic armor boost. It's also better from the perspective of realism. Rich guys with +3 armor and deep pockets will be able to wear plate effectively. Normally heavy plate armor would become more practical.

Currently most min-maxers use lordly medium-heavy armor like the Sarranid Guard Armor or Heavy Kuyak with lordly gauntlets. This is because it allows them to be light enough to be effective, while still providing the same armor rating as plate. However, if lordly plate armor also had a weight reduction it would fall closer to the cutoff of practical usefulness.

It's more realistic, reduces min-maxing, and imo would be cool to see more plated knights around.

Passed my programming final (200 questions) with an 88%.

Passed my Organization Behavior class (150 questions) with an 84%.

Under 90%?

You're dead to me!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Commander nomination in Battle
« on: July 18, 2012, 11:01:24 pm »
The devs will NEVER implement a voting-based system. They don't even trust people to poll-change maps ffs. If you enable polling for commanders we'll see 1.) people spamming polls because they want to command and 2.) people complaining about constant polls cluttering up their screen. Then eventually admins will disable polls and ban some people and we'll all be worse off for it. I'll reiterate: you're going about this completely the wrong way.

This is a stupid thread full of stupid ideas and I'm leaving it forever. Good day.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Commander nomination in Battle
« on: July 18, 2012, 04:02:24 pm »
You're going about this completely the wrong way. The commander should be chosen automatically based on in-game performance. Not necessarily kills only, especially since the devs are talking about changing the point/xp system soon, but definitely on some kind of in-game stats and DEFINITELY automatically. The more skilled player is more likely to be a good commander. It's a matter of fact. They may not be the BEST POSSIBLE commander, but at the very least they'll be a competent, skilled player instead of some random noob.

Anyway the title switches every round so it really doesn't matter that much, and if you keep arguing about these super involved overly complex systems then it's never going to be implemented at all.

Re-posting from the previous thread because it was the only worthwhile post there:

In my opinion the best way to implement something like this would be:
- commander for each team is the highest-scoring player from the previous round.
- commander is able to place flags/markers for 0 battalion (the default) that everyone can see.
- commander speaks in team chat with colored text that stands out from the rest.

This ensures that each team's commander is their 'best,' most qualified player. That player would also be able to give basic instructions and place markers that the whole team can easily spot. As with everyone else, if the commander died they would no longer be able to talk to the living or place flags. This would add a new strategic element, with each team trying to assassinate the other's MVP commander.

There's no need for some complicated forum-upvote system or public teamspeak. Just a few developer tweaks to existing functions. Simple, quick, and easy.

In my opinion the best way to implement something like this would be:
- commander for each team is the highest-scoring player from the previous round.
- commander is able to place flags/markers for 0 battalion (the default) that everyone can see.
- commander speaks in team chat with colored text that stands out from the rest.

This ensures that each team's commander is their 'best,' most qualified player. That player would also be able to give basic instructions and place markers that the whole team can easily spot. As with everyone else, if the commander died they would no longer be able to talk to the living or place flags. This would add a new strategic element, with each team trying to assassinate the other's MVP commander.

There's no need for some complicated forum-upvote system or public teamspeak. Just a few developer tweaks to existing functions. Simple, quick, and easy.


I think your clan is swell and I want to join.

Love, Erik.

General Discussion / Re: "Additional Rewards for retiring 31+" ?
« on: July 13, 2012, 03:44:57 am »


I love this idea. cRPG NEEDS grappling and disarms. They're a pretty big part of actual combat and it's a glaring omission. This would be a perfect way to implement them. Of course, it would need to have only a small chance of working or else it would be overpowered, but exactly how small is something that the devs can figure out. With a 5-10% chance of success I can't really see it happening more than once or twice per game, and it's not like pugilists and kung fu masters abound. Even with this ability the overwhelming majority of players would still use a weapon, only resorting to fists in certain circumstances or when they want to screw around.

Besides, if people know that fists can disarm or knock them down they'll be more careful to avoid being chamber-blocked. They might use feints and holds and actually fight seriously instead of just charging in and lopping the poor unarmed guy's head off.

Supported 100%, I loved when devs added damage to heavy punches and I'll love it even more if they add this.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Increasing the depth of melee
« on: July 07, 2012, 03:14:32 pm »
Taleworlds seems to have done their homework when making Mount & Blade. You may not realize it, but there are several classic 'stances' included in the game. Here are just a couple, for 'long swords.'

vom Tag:
This is reflected in-game with the overhand strikes and the greatswords' neutral position, holding the sword at the shoulder.

Named after the horns of an ox, this stance is reflected in-game with the thrust.

Most of the other animations (blocks, side-hews, etc) also have some basis in reality. It's actually pretty impressive that they nailed historical fencing so well, especially since no other developer seems able to.

Anyway, it doesn't really seem possible to introduce any more stances without coming up with new animations and drastically altering the game. I'd also like to see some more stuff like diagonal cuts and alternate guards and etc added in for depth and variety, but it's not likely to happen unless I make my own game from scratch.

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