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Messages - Daergar

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11
Closed Requests / Re: Not BAN just slap and spank HEmmor le roublard
« on: November 22, 2012, 01:33:50 pm »
Same person who acts as an asshat in every other siege round I see him in.

Definately worth trying if you haven't played it before, since the single player experience is quite fun, and you got eight seperate arcs that are quite distinct. Naturally the side-quests will remain the same for either faction, but as one who had a handful of 50s and paid a sub in order to play... more than worth it when it's free. ;)

With that said, the pvp in swtor is bloody excellent, even the pug play is fun even if the win ratio naturally goes down. And those (warzones) will require a sub or a weekly fee in order to get more than three per week (one match lasts around 15 min iirc).

Also, there is truly no "fun" end-game content (still incredibly buggy and boring "raids" months after release), apart from pvp. One of the few things swtor and gw2 managed to fail at together, even is swtor gets a personal pass from me since it didn't try to hide that it WAS in fact a single-player story mode game with some mmo features slapped on.

DayZ / Re: The War Z
« on: November 11, 2012, 09:36:42 am »
Warz has massive potential, and considering how fun and sneaky it is at this early stage, I have high hopes for a great product.

As topic;

Trading Masterwork Nordic Champion's Sword or Mighty Broad One Handed Battle Axe for Plate Covered Round Shield (either +3 or +2 and gold).

Pm away.

Closed Requests / Re: [EU3] Metalfreak_of_Balde
« on: October 31, 2012, 10:02:12 pm »
I assume it's a requirement to tick the boxes labeled Troll and Bitch when you apply to join "_of_Balde"? I mean, since I've yet to come across a normal player with the tag (siege is infested with these idjits).

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Ping rising..
« on: October 21, 2012, 08:22:20 am »
only this game tho, not my internett. (<3 Fiber <3)

It's a gateway that's choking it mate. Also, your connection capacity has nothing to do with your quality. Latency and packetloss cares little about how wide a highway they travel, only about the surface of the road and the trailer that's blocking the intersection! ;)

cRPG Technical problems / Re: No Mirrors left
« on: October 21, 2012, 08:20:05 am »
the whole game is officially borked.  I'm going to play other stuff until devs get their shit together.

Dude? <insert rambling about no cost, entitlement, idiocy>

And if you tried for "funny", I personally think you missed it by a mile and a half.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Ping rising..
« on: October 20, 2012, 11:55:44 pm »
Sweden, in a semi-dark forest. Normal ping to the EU servers has always been 42-45, which tends to be the case these days as well. However, at random, it rises to and remains at 199-201, along with everyone else obviously routed through the same despicable gateway.

Just a bit sad in this day and age, given how that even three years ago I had a better ping to the UK fps servers than people living in bloody London. Hopefully the provider can find a solution?

Closed Requests / Re: Unban BlackDevil
« on: October 20, 2012, 04:07:44 pm »
Well, both, Red War and BlackDevil, are widely known for their bad attitude, raging and teamattacking...

I suggest you consider yourself lucky to get away with a 1 week ban. Both of you deserve a way longer time out.

A massive plus one. If this mod/game had any kind of eula, they would've been out on their asses permanently a long time ago. Just irks me that so much time and energy has to spent repeatedly policing the same group of fucknuts, among which these two stand out for me personally since I've seen their antics (more than once) for myself.

When someone makes it their mission to spoil the fun of others, it's OK to remove them. They add nothing of value what so ever, and will hardly change their ways if the first banning did not alter their behavior in any way.

Closed Requests / Re: [BAN]_RE_ReD_WaR_
« on: October 18, 2012, 11:36:20 pm »
Oh look, the exact same guys doing the exact same shit as before. Too inept to find the earlier ban requests, but this is only the umpteenth time both of them act with the certainty that they are above any kind of rules.

Which I guess makes sense, since they are allowed to continue playing. Ah well.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 1h shielder build help
« on: October 16, 2012, 12:18:57 pm »
7 PS
7 IF
5 WM (146 1h-prof at level 30, or 120-130 and the rest in something shiny)
5 shield
5 athletics

As an upside, the build works with almost every 1h weapon, which includes the blunt mid to top range.

Imho 15/21 is best used with light gear and a short spammy weapon (steel pick) and moving around peoples' blocks. Having tested both, I favor my normal build of 21/15 hands down, simply for survivability.

And those that claim "but you have a shield, you don't need armor or ironflesh" have simply not been teamhit or shot by missiles nearly enough to say anything. ;)

And to those that worry that it's dumbed down, that mostly stems from the early gameplay shown and craptastic reviewers/players. Given the large amount of skills/weapons/gadgets at higher ranks, I see it being more complicated than the original or Apocalypse (which is still my favorite).

My only real worry is the claim that you will finish a campaign in 15-20 hours and only go on 30ish missions per succesful alien-stompin' adventure. Feels short.

And if anyone has missed them, the "other" UFO series (Aftermath, Aftershock and Afterlight) is ridiculously good. Especially Aftershock with the proper mod.

Closed Requests / Re: Ban Request - Valdtakt
« on: October 04, 2012, 07:09:31 pm »
He was acting in a similar fashion a couple of days ago; not a one-time thing.

Guild Wars / Re: (EU) Warband - Server Gandara
« on: August 25, 2012, 03:25:49 pm »
Installed new motherboard and doubled my ram to 8gb  :)

Just in time for the log-in servers to get level 80 and the playerbase not scaling properly.

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