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Messages - NTWa

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re:
« on: July 23, 2014, 10:23:15 pm »
I thought the first formula was really from the game code. However, like the same effect?

I thought the first formula was really from the game code. However, like the same effect?

Maybe affect the accuracy of the somewhere I don't know.
I only know that when using an Nomad Bow, 121WPF 6PD would be more accurate(not bad accurate) to 121WPF 2PD(at Short Bow has the same case at 121WPF PD and +4PD. Tatar Bow, Bow, Horn Bow same with the +4PD 121WPF. (
Perhaps you already know it, I just report it.

Announcements / Re:
« on: July 23, 2014, 08:03:26 pm »
It's another bug that's set to be fixed next patch. Hopefully that's the last of them, since the code is like a maze. Tydeus is looking at which bows need additional accuracy increases as well. I expected that the ones most hurt by the change outside of HA/armored archers to notice a loss of like 10 wpf with most other builds unchanged, but this messed a lot of things up. It might take until the weekend before we can see the fix, since the devs are so busy with recent updates.

The accuracy increase from PD is only slightly lower than the wpf penalty from PD at the upper end of PD values, so PD values with the same wpf will experience quite similar accuracies. The problem is that the (1.35^PD) and -35 were supposed to give back wpf, but is being reverted to 0. An 18-24 with 184wpf should have 141wpf, but instead has 100, assuming there are no other odd errors out there. If PD didn't increase accuracy, we probably wouldn't need all of these weird functions :(
Sorry I did not express a clear question.

My question is:
penalty = - Math.round((Math.max(14 * ps - Math.pow(1.5,ps), 0)) * 10) / 10
wpf - (max(14*PD -(1.35^PD)-35,0))

My PD. Bow's difficulty. Bow's difficulty +4.
Which one is the red word?

I feel it is Bow's difficult in Warband and CRPG, is that right?

Announcements / Re:
« on: July 23, 2014, 12:12:08 pm »
Can people with <=5 PD/high WM confirm if they have much worse accuracy than before?

Old PD penalty from 1-13 PD:
12.5000   25.7500   38.6250   50.9375   62.4063   72.6094   80.9141   86.3711   87.5566   82.3350   67.5024   38.2537         0

Current penalty now:
 0         0    4.5396   17.6785   30.5160   42.9466   54.8278   65.9676   76.1063   84.8934   91.8561   96.3558   97.5303

Most bows received an accuracy boost of 2, which is around 26 extra wpf from what I know. As long as you're not wearing too much armor, it confuses my how the wpf is getting shafted so much for some players. I think it'd be good to get back to a comfortable accuracy level without making any specific build too OP.

Asked about respecs, and it seems unlikely unless it's all or nothing.

Try these build at old formula
(1) 121WPF 2PD with Nomad Bow
(2) 121WPF 6PD with Nomad Bow
You can see (2) has a similar accuracy with 121WPF 10PF(long bow).
Please try it.
I do not think anywhere have BUG.

121WPF 5PD with Short Bow
121WPF 7PD with Tatar Bow
121WPF 8PD with Bow

I am that "About 4 months ago , we found a archer who can shoot with a very high damage and we all know that he own 10 Power Draw skill."
Why i can't play with 10 Power Draw and less accuracy and slower draw?
Do you think 10 Power Strike or 10 Power Throw or 13 Power Throw is a BUG? They have a good speed/accuracy and have the same most damage.

AT last
The Bow Difficulty will be reduced 14 WP not Power Draw.

CN / Re: 投诉 YLUN2 TK V远程 辱骂
« on: May 03, 2014, 05:41:23 am »
图片连接发错, 第一个链接已失效, 补上一个图.

CN / 投诉 YLUN2 TK V远程 辱骂
« on: May 03, 2014, 05:36:43 am »

起先是他挂机被投票踢出. 再次进入服务器后, 一身农民装(可能带了把匕首)的他V正在交火的弓箭手(我), 被保护我的步兵LK视为敌人一刀杀死.
我投票T他, 说明了理由V弓箭手, 投票没成功. 第三回合他带了把冷月开局在人丛前砍我, 我跳开后他再次被保护我的LK杀死.
换图后的情况, 如截图所示.

另: 5月2日白天我也不止一次看到他拿个小匕首开局戳队友, V远程. 只是我以为是朋友的玩笑. 我晚上投票首先说了个TK, 其实是想着白天他的行为(我二!).

另: LK是保护我的步兵, 晚上这两次TK均可算做NTW造成的杀伤. 如有惩罚也请转移到NTW.

Pages: [1]