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Topics - isatis

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General Discussion / A Dream Come True
« on: August 18, 2015, 05:18:28 pm »
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Take that Kafein!!

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8 bits, ASCII, Sword, slime and DRAGONS??

and free...

a must!

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Suggestions Corner / Make Stones lootable again (POLL INSIDE!)
« on: April 03, 2014, 01:42:56 am »
Masterwork Stones, aka Big juicy magic stone dildo! :
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The long nerf to stones thrower NEEDS to chance!

We, the mighty peasants, have made this mode fun and enjoyable for years!!

We should be able to pick our ammo like any other player in this mode!!

Stones aren't magic!! (except mine, but that's because I'm a wizard) They should be lootable again!

I mean, I only have like 48 stones!!! It takes me something like 24 stones to kill a plated charger and the fully armored knight, maybe even 30 if they are fully loomed and more if I'm in a bad day and can't aim for the head... how could I be an asset for the team if can only kill one or two plated charger????!!

This needs to change!!

Make our missed stones pickable item just like arrow, bolt or any other throw stuff!

If this didn't convince you... well... if I can't play with stones, I'll play with mw jarids

Nobody like mw jarids

But everybody like stones!!


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In this Christmas day, all but one player are enjoying the true valours of sharing, this player is Grudar.

It was in a dark winter in DTV

after teamhitting many of us, he got too far by teamkilling one of us...

So I made a kick poll

And then he raged... he tried... to... RAPE our viscount :O

Poor Viscount... so he got kicked and after he rejoin and play this little game again... and he rejoin and we kick... etc.

So here's the screens :

Sorry no action screen, I was busy trying to hold some evil bots
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On a side note, could we get a 1 hour ban poll that can be activated only with 10 people or more and that would need 75% of server? DTV is really much on gameplay and as almost no admin plays here...
EDIT: wrong chronological order :P

NA (Official) / 2ndcrusade tks
« on: June 21, 2013, 04:42:46 am »

See this thread?

Well, I was in siege tonight, and GOSH, those guys are annoying.

I did not take bunch of screenshot because I thought they would just stop after kicking themselves but they kept doing it

and when one teamkilled me while I was standing on flag.. that was too much

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I rarely ask for ban, but those guys just do not understand cRPG, maybe a short ban will make them understand?

(if you want to check the logs : from 17h to 22h30 I think they've done it)

Spam / 1.5 gig of screenshot
« on: June 05, 2013, 09:45:53 pm »
Hell... I think I pressed that printscreen button a bit too much...

1.5gig of screenshot, about 1500 screens only in crpg...

For about each forum posts I made I screenshotted something.

Time to consider switching career to photograph!

Suggestions Corner / Buff smoke bombs
« on: June 05, 2013, 01:30:33 am »
A very serious poll in my very serious thread showed me that cRPG community LOVES smoke bombs!'s-lair-(wizard-challenge-inside!)*we-also-accept-alchemist!*(poll-inside)/msg795195/#msg795195

Therefore, I'm here to ask very very kindly for a buff to this insane wep!!

This buff is not stats wise (I LOVE the curve they make!! perfect for loop throw and soo sexy!!)

I just want them to be considered as TRUE weapons.

Therefore I want smoke bombs to be loomable!!

I'd also like to see more ammo! doubling the ammo should be fine

In my dream Area of effect would be included again, but this may cause smoke bombs to become a bit too much popular ahahaha!

For the smoke bombs looming stat I'd take stats from stones and I'd just transfer them to smoke bombs!!?page=itemrank&id=3885,3885 (mw stones)!?page=itemrank&id=29,29 (smoke bombs)

Help wizard, buff smoke bombs!

You enter slowly the Wizard's lair. You may know that he is away passing some Wizard test to get his licence, but you feel watched. As you walk, you find a gloomy book floating in front of you. The page are white as snow, but when you approach it, some letter start to form :

Welcome stranger, welcome in my lair!

For those who never heard about me, you just have to know that I'm the sole survivor of a once mighty clan : the Cochon Clan. To survive in this world, I decided to became a Wizard and to be named Cochon (even if I still use my old char Cochon_Furtif_Isatis to remind me of my origin)

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I learned the art of wizardy by watching FROYOYOYOYOYOYOYO plays, but I felt like something was missing in his play, this was not for me. Therefore, I bought my own wand, a mighty Elder Wooden Stick of the finest ebony and I went with another master to learn something different : FrugFrug. Sadly for me, the unbelievable skills of Frug in his play were out of reach for a lonely Cochon like me, but I learned something. I learned enought rock tossing to be able to throw something else...

This something were Smoke Bombs!! (was not good enought for fireballs, but that's ok for me...)

And now I challenge you to a special Wizard challenge :

The Smoke Bombs Killing Challenge!
Everyone must die.
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What is this challenge??
It's a fun challenge where you try to kill the most people with smoke bombs!
What can I gain?
Euh... nothing for now, but think of the joy of more smoke bombs in battle field!! *might consider prices*
Smoke bombs are awesome, but I find them too weak to play
Support my petition and vote for a buff to smoke bombs!! Vote for LOOMED SMOKE BOMBS OMG
How can I participate?
Buy some smoke bombs and start throwing them!! Take screenshot when you kill people and post them here!!

You walk away from the book and start seeking around for some thing. In a dark place under the bed of the Wizard, you find paper, lot of them. when you look, you see this :

Wall of fame!

Almost all of my smoke bombs kills/ teamkill (I'm dangerous hahaha) :P
Notice how often I'm getting teamkilled... do not be worry fellow friend, some people are just not ready to accept wizard in the society yet, our time will come!
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You see there is plenty of space for other files. Under the same bed, you found a small box labelled ''Old test files'' you check them

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The rest of the papers are just old and strange anatomy papers.

You start to be afraid of this place, but you decide to keep seeking. Suddenly, your candle discover a wall, full of name

Heads Count
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You cannot read the last entry, you approach your face and you see the last entry is something strnage, three letter glowing. When you touche them a vision came by your mind and you see who will be the last one on the list...


You scream, trying to get out those images, but they stay. When you rush toward the exit, a smiling man is here, looking at you. It's the Wizard itself!!

Will you ever come back??

Heads count : 27

Come vote for smoke bombs!!

Suggestions Corner / Give nudge to thrower
« on: May 20, 2013, 04:44:44 am »
Nudge to thrower when they do not have shield?!

For me it should be yes because thrower behave exactly the same as 1h

And, admit you want thrower to give away that shield right?

Buy / Wisby +3
« on: May 15, 2013, 05:48:00 pm »
Hey! I wanna have wisby +3 grrr

I have  lordly khergit guard armor (yellow with scarf one), I also have +3 practice longsword,  +3 khyber knife

if you add 150k, you can have one of those +3 AND my +1 wisby gaunt!!

BIG DEAL by Cochon!!

General Discussion / Some of best lines in Cochon's Screenshots!
« on: May 13, 2013, 05:38:39 am »
I have a lot of screenshots... and in fact, a lot is still an euphemism and I sadly do not know the English language enought to exprime how many screenshots I have.

For my fun, I decided to go throught the first 50, about  two weeks of play.

here's some of the best lines I found!

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well that's all for today folks!

I have PLENTY of insane screens for you :P

General Discussion / Place you april fool's day prank here
« on: April 01, 2013, 06:03:03 am »
I assure this thread is 100% safe against comprehension!

Every april fool's day prank will work here!

Why spoiling the fun of forum by infesting it with a bunch of new thread? Use cochon thread, where the most naive people of cRPG hang on!

With all my love,


Beginner's Help and Guides / Good half-swording built
« on: March 28, 2013, 04:17:42 pm »

I want to make a 2h half-swording built

I thoguht about 18/21 mx wm mx ps max ath and rest if

half pole half 2h

does that sound ok?

Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)

Strength: 18
Agility: 21
Skills to attributes: 8
Ironflesh: 3
Power Strike: 6
Athletics: 7
Weapon Master: 7
Two Handed: 127
Polearm: 127

Buy / Buy 2h!
« on: March 28, 2013, 04:00:28 pm »
got elder practice sword and flammy

(rufus and lolita)


Guides / Mastering the Wizard Lighting Station! (aka ballista)
« on: March 21, 2013, 11:31:28 pm »
Hey hey hey!

Here's the beauty funny awesomy wizardy Ballista :

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It's a beauty!

BUT now, you'll ask me, how do I use such a fiercy beast!

Well I made a simplified shema of the ballista. Prepare your eyes because it's ugly but it's really alll you need to understand the ballista base mechanix

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Because I know you English people like straight thing I'll make a bullet point list of action!

  • Step one : Pull the crank* (hold it when you see : Pull the crank and hold it and hold it! until the red bar have destroyed the dark!)
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  • Step two : move around ballista until you see ''Use the ballista'' or ''Take aim''
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  • Step three : Aim by gluing your right button and moving your mouse to see the ballista slowly move to where you put your visor** [\li]
    • Step four : [R]elease Giant Lance by swiftly cliking on the left mouse button!
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    *Refer to the shema to see what is a crank
    **Quick tip : aim at foe, not ally! it's fun to see people flying all over the place... but you know... control yourself!
    Part one is already finish! now you know how to use a ballista!!

    Part two : Behavior around the ballista or HOW TO BE USEFULL
    Again list point! Those are basic rules of behavior around the ballista if you want to stay alive... Not following one of these rules may result in a ballista shot to the head
    • Never, ever, put yourself in front of ballista when someone is using it... self-explanatory
    • Never, ever, try to use ballista when someone is already using it... espacially if you waste the shot right away
    • If you think the guy who is using the ballista isn't doing a great job, ask politely. DO NOT TK HIM!! If he do not cooperate, just wait, a bad ballistaman usually get killed quick[\li]
      • If you are a shielder, consider protecting the ballistaman, he's the important guy![\li]
        • Common sense![\li]
        Part two already finished :O

        Part three, how to be one awesome ballista man!
        The art of the ballista is hard to master. A bad ballista man can easily turn the side of a battle... against his team! While a good ballista man can make his team win by being a true pain in the ennemie ass!
        First, let's do a FAQ
        How do I know if I'm doing the thing right?
        If you have people from other team swearing to kill you before they can go away of the server, you are doing it right! If your team try to kill you... well... you are not doing it right! More seriously, You are the controler of a gigantic one-shotter that can even impale two or more people... if the ennemie team does not fear you, you'll need to practice more!
        How am I suppose to control the wep-dropping glitch?
        My dear, you need to drop your wep BEFORE using a ballista!! You don't need to drop them all, usually one will work!


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