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Topics - Kansuke

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General Discussion / Goodbye my friends
« on: June 03, 2016, 07:46:26 pm »
So i've decided to quit Crpg in protest of the latest events which happened here :

I have been playing this game for a little more than 5 years now, I've made many friends and always been loyal to my only clan: SeaRaiders which would then become Nords and Vanguards.

I'll keep alot of good memories with me as it's been a blast to play it in your company.

Many thanks to chadz and his crew for all the funny moments I've spent on this mod.

I hope to play with most of you again in OKaM or Bannerlord when they are released, goodbye my friends

Don't ask for looms, I've got only one and it will go into our armory.

EU (Official) / [BAN] Merc_Blackbow_The_pimp
« on: May 31, 2016, 10:06:24 pm »
1. Name of your character involved : Vanguard_Kansuke, LeRun

2. Name of offending character(s): Merc_Blackbow_The_pimp

3. Time and server, as accurately as possible :
EU1 at 6pm (UTC+2) and 9.20pm

4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. :Calling me  fucking pussy (tarlouze in french)  in chat after I fought him (didn't talk a single time with him before that)... Then he abused his admin power by kicking me from the server after I told him he shouldn't speak like this as an admin.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.* : First time maybe because I choose to fight between two walls as I had a shorter weapon and with his polearm he couldn't fight properly, second time because I killed him (he was in the opposite team).

6. Multiple Screenshots : don't have one sorry, you'll have to check the logs

7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.** : Anyone on the server at that time

I usually don't mind when people shittalk, but when it's an admin and he is abusing his power it's different and something should be done to prevent this from happening again. If you check the logs from today you'll see that I wasn't the only one he was shittalking to : piece of shit, cunt, my old friend, shitkrems, vangay are some of the words he used.

EU (Official) / Ban Drogaz
« on: August 30, 2015, 07:48:35 pm »
1. Name of your character involved: Vanguard_Kansuke
2. Name of offending character(s) : Drogaz
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: EU_1, 5mn ago
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
After I killed him and I'm the last survivor on my team Drogaz ragepoll me. I was sniping on a rooftop at that time but the roof was accessible for everyone. when I saw I was the only one left I went down on the ground and started fighting and I even killed 1 opponent before the poll passed.
Ofc the banpoll pass because crpg community is what it is...
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*
I killed him that round so he was mad.
6. Multiple Screenshots
sorry I was fighting couldn't take screenshot...
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.**
Everyone on the server at that time

Mod development has stopped, plenty of shiny items to include in crpg. Please do it !

Crusaders Way to Expiation - OSP Pack items

General / Post sigs and material you have made in here
« on: November 24, 2014, 09:31:10 pm »
Donkey Crew needs our help to promote the kickstarter campaign and the game abroad. For this we can use Melee related board signatures, gifs, funny screenshots...

Post them here and feel free to use them everywhere. Spread the love!

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This could be another way to have the project known by more people.


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Forum Français / Melee: Battlegrounds
« on: November 23, 2014, 06:40:46 pm »
Vous le savez déjà sûrement, chadz et son équipe prépare la succession de cRPG. Pour mener le projet à son terme, ils ont lancé une page Kickstarter afin de récolter des fonds.

Il faut de la visibilité pour attirer un maximum de joueurs potentiels et financer la campagne.

L'équipe a besoin des joueurs de cRPG pour faire la publicité du jeu sur les sites et forums dans la langue de Molière.

Parlez du jeu autour de vous ! C'est aussi l'occasion pour nous de faire en sorte que la communauté francophone sur le jeu soit importante dès le lancement.

Voici une liste des sujets déjà lancés sur différents sites, n'hésitez pas à bumper les topics pour les faire remonter en première page sinon il ne seront pas visible.

Canard PC
Le Journal du Geek
Nolife tv forum

Si vous lancez un nouveau sujet sur un site qui n'est pas répertorié, merci de poster l'adresse ici (, ainsi d'autres joueurs pouront y accéder et y participer.

Sell/Trade / Lordly Gjermundbu Helmet, Masterwork Arabian Arming Sword
« on: August 24, 2013, 09:08:27 pm »
I'm willing to trade my Lordly Gjermundbu Helmet against:
Lordly Nordic Footman Helmet
Lordly Skutatos Helmet
Lordly Gnezdovo Helmet
Lordly Phyrgian Helmet

And for my Masterwork Arabian Arming Sword:
Masterwork Spear
Masterwork War Spear
MasterworkAshwood Pike

Suggestions Corner / Lucas' OSP Weapons
« on: August 13, 2013, 11:35:27 pm »,277690.0.html,268862.0.html

Anyone tried those ?

This guy has a nice variety of weapons, how about adding some to crpg or replacing old models.

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Buy / [WTB] 1 LP
« on: January 24, 2013, 03:28:46 pm »
I offer 445K for 1 loom point, anyone ?

Suggestions Corner / Crusader helmets pack OSP
« on: December 25, 2012, 02:24:04 pm »
dejawolf finally released his new baby: a nice pack full of beautiful helmets, a must have for crpg !

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I am interested in trading my throwing spears with:
Balanced Javelins

And my shield for:
*Masterpiece Elite Cavalry Shield
*Masterpiece Round Shield
*Masterpiece Brown Lion Heater Shield
*Masterpiece Knightly Kite Shield
*Masterpiece Heavy Round Shield

Forum Français / cRPG Nations Cup / Équipe de France
« on: May 22, 2012, 10:50:32 pm »
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C'est apparemment officiel, la première compétition des Nations sur le mod cRPG, à l'initiative du clan Byzantium va avoir lieu sous peu.

Je vous invite donc à consulter ce lien pour en connaitre les modalités ainsi que le règlement.

La première étape c'est l'élection du capitaine qui par la suite désignera les membres qui composeront l'équipe de France.

Les postulants pour ce rôle sont pour le moment:

Closed Requests / Ban Bandit_Gazda_The_Domuz_Bey
« on: April 03, 2012, 11:21:03 am »
Teamkilling me on purpose because I reported him after a bump that looked intentionnal and took half of my hp, a few minutes ago on EU1.

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Suggestions Corner / Rath0s helmet pack
« on: April 01, 2012, 01:34:00 am »
It's OSP, add it now ! Please ?

Atleast that mighty fluted helmet  :shock:,193733.0.html

General Off Topic / Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars
« on: March 30, 2012, 12:25:00 pm »
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The warband mod Mount&Musket: Battalion is dead, vive Mount & Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars Multiplayer the new multiplayer-only DLC for warband !


Thread on Talesworld

    Accurate early 19th century weapons, uniforms and environments
    Massive multiplayer battles with up to 250 players
    5 nations with more than 220 unique units to choose from
    A wide range of artillery pieces ranging from field cannons to mortars, capable of firing a variety of missiles such as canister, explosive shells and even rockets - all fully controllable by players
    Finely crafted game balance insuring player skill is the hero of the battlefield, not the gun or the sword
    Construct barricades, dig trenches, and rig explosives with the multi-purpose Engineer class
    Special musician units with drums, fifes, bagpipes or trumpets, able to play historically accurate tunes; all recorded and played by award winning musicians
    Lead squads of soldiers against each other in the new commander battle mode
    More than 40 classical background music tracks

Question is will the 104th regiment reform ?

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