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Topics - Eugene

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General / Smaller communities
« on: August 02, 2016, 04:35:04 am »
Hello all,

I had a distinct love for cRPG, and played it pretty much from start to finish. I always wanted to get into strategus too, but my ability was limited due to not living in NA or EU. When Melee: Battlegrounds was announced, I was under the impression that there would be Epic, and Battlegrounds, with the second-of-the-latter being akin to cRPG.

My question is that, will Australia (or smaller communities like Japan) be over-looked when this game goes public?

Suggestions Corner / XP Transfer Between Characters
« on: May 03, 2014, 02:31:58 pm »
Hello Community,

I believe this has been discussed before, but not implemented.

I think it would be beneficial for the game if players had the option of "sacrificing" alternative characters to get say, 75% of the experience on a character of their choice. This would promote "alt-itis" too and as a result, would generate the feeling of satisfaction upon playing on an alternative character.

We can transfer gold, so why not EXP? We earn them both after-all! The 75% would mean that playing on an alt isn't as time-effective as playing on that dedicated character, but it means that alts are not a complete waste of time.

What is your take on the issue?


Beginner's Help and Guides / Forum Avatars
« on: May 03, 2014, 01:25:15 pm »

I was just enquiring as to the limitations of the avatars on the forums - and was curious on how to use a gif picture format as one..

Thanks! :)

Suggestions Corner / Remove Upkeep and Gold Gain With no Multi
« on: April 29, 2014, 07:04:30 am »
Hey all,

I think it'd be a great idea to remove any gold gain (keep exp gain), and remove upkeep when there is less than 8 players on the server.


Buy / WTB +3 Flamberge
« on: March 25, 2014, 12:33:38 pm »
As title says - Offering 2LP and 135k

Suggestions Corner / Bring some sort of ladder back to battle. [poll]
« on: March 17, 2014, 02:55:15 pm »
Hello community,

As I'm sure you're aware, ladders were removed quite some time ago in cRPG battle.

I'm also sure, that if you're an old enough veteran of the mod, you no doubt also miss this spectacle from the cRPG golden age (because lets face it, non-balanced bullshit fights were more fun than the combat of today).

Anyway, the big dilemma about ladders was that archers/round extenders would use them and break them to become unreachable (definitely wasn't the ladderpaults :wink:). So how about there's a ladder that isn't breakable? Doesn't have to be big, but just something to keep combat interesting.

They were awesome.


Edit: It'll also stop a lot of nostalgic discussions as it'd accommodate a wider interest/feel for vets/new players

Suggestions Corner / Make the 'Spear' One Slot, and Why.
« on: March 14, 2014, 10:09:48 am »
Hello all,

I have come to the conclusion that it might seem fit to make the spear 1 slot, as there are weapons that are heavier and longer that are? Which to me, makes no sense.

Take the 1/4 staff for example, it's got 2 more reach, but a little less weight. (0.2). Or the military fork, which has more weight and the same reach?

I'm not sure how balanced this would be, but it seems logical according to the stats, so yeah.


When held up against the quarter staff, the two seem to be very comparable when it comes to battlefield performance; one has knockdown, more reach, more speed, as opposed to the spears somewhat similar damage output (less on swing, more on thrust). I believe these comparisons at least go with the point that it should be a one-slot polearm as well. However, compared to other two-slot polearms, it pales when held up against the iron-staff, long axe, long war axe etc.

Making the spear one-slot will also promote hybridization, which wouldn't be a bad thing considering the weapon is no stand-out on its own. Also it'll give pole-arms a lot more versatility as the only really feasible options are the staff/quarter staff or awful.

Thanks for reading

Suggestions Corner / Keep the mod healthy: Revert Retard Mode
« on: February 12, 2014, 02:33:42 am »
Hi guys,

Before you start agreeing/disagreeing, I'd appreciate it if any new players who think they know what the mod was like 3 years ago but don't, or have never played Native, would leave without contributing. You can't compare what you haven't experienced.

I'm sure you all agree that compared to Native, cRPG combat is slow, to top it off the devs keep nerfing the shit out of all the gear. This makes the mod about as fun as a broken water-gun. It's not the devs fault that children who learn to access the forums have a whinge when they die because a player is better than them. It really misrepresents the issues of the game balance, as the devs rarely play themselves.

But really, I suggest that more wpf is allocated to all characters, or make the combat speed a bit more respectable. The vast majority of us aren't brain damaged, so don't alter the game to treat us so.

For all the people who say "mods dying" - I can assure you, this is a key reason. Combat these days is drier than a nuns nasty.

Buy / LF: Arab Cav Sword + Hunting Xbow (+3)
« on: January 15, 2014, 06:53:07 am »
2 LP + 125K for each of these

Strategus General Discussion / Australian Fiefs!
« on: January 10, 2014, 03:06:32 am »
In the strategus map, it would be great to have some Strategus fiefs that we can defend/attack with feasible ping :) Australians love strategus, and the only deterrant is the ping :(

EU has it, NA has it, why can't we?

Suggestions Corner / Trophy Weapons
« on: July 28, 2013, 12:27:12 pm »
Hello everyone...

I just had an epiphany. How about this, why doesn't someone invent a sword that looks uber-rich like out of 24k gold or something that costs an absolute fuckload. Like around 500k...

The stats can be mediocre, as who needs decent weapons when you have swag?

Decorative weapons, adding swag to the battlefield, would go well with the felt cap (warband snapback)

General Discussion / Can't buy flaming katana?
« on: July 28, 2013, 12:23:18 pm »
wut de fak?

Sounds so badass.... yet... so far away!

can anyone fill a brother in?

General Discussion / Discuss your cRPG Community with a youtube clip.
« on: June 18, 2013, 06:36:28 pm »
I'll go first, being an Australian player:

General Off Topic / What do you find hot?
« on: April 27, 2013, 03:48:03 am »
Post what things you find hot, attractive and generally just excite you.

I'll go first:


Youkoso irasshai mashita ogenki desuka?     (ようこそいらっしゃいました。お元気ですか?)

For those non-euphoric anime-hating plebians who can not speak Japanese, don't wear fedoras, and do not like My Little Pony, I'll do an English greetings too  :rolleyes:.

Welcome! How are you? Welcome to my shop. In this shop, you will find only the most euphoric/Japanese items on the market. So don't try to undercut me too much. Numerous online IQ tests have told me I am intellectually superior to the normal human (plebians), and therefore will catch on to any rip offs that I do not want to commit to. Also, don't try to bully me into making rash decisions -- I've been bullied all throughout high-school for my social limitations, and I'm numb to it. Besides, if you try to make me feel offended, be warned; I have a very sharp katana and a large group of ponies who will be happy to assist in my defense.

Browse cautiously, fellow gamers. I'm not one to be messed with - Even the thought makes Twilight mad.

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Current Wares:
Masterwork Arabian Cavalry Sword
Masterwork Yumi Bow

What I'm Looking For:
Masterwork Long Arming Sword

Arigatou (ありがとう) - Thank-you for browsing my wares. Feel free to make an offer.

*tips fedora*
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