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Topics - Leiknir

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Diplomacy / The free Nordmen of Fenada, free once more
« on: December 17, 2011, 01:55:55 pm »
Finally Fenada is free from vile Keshians oppression, after the mighty Leiknirs warband arrived, the peasants revolted and threw out the few Keshianist loyalists. Fenada is free once more.

The mighty Leiknir
a:361 s:359 k:2
Fenada [Free Companies of Calradia]
a:1072 s:1057 k:15

Only 2 proud Nordmen fell in the struggle for freedom, they shall not be forgotten.

Every true Nordman is welcome to stay at Fenada and use it as a base for his glorious deeds.

Got a village now, 15 million crpg gold and it might be yours (* includes whatever army I got there, right now ~1000 armed troops).

The golden age of banditry will soon be over, but we still got one of the mightiest bandit armies to ever roam the plains south of Dhirim. As we have neither time nor interest to continue our adventures, I am going to part with my loyal men and handing over command to someone worthy (=rich) enough. Currently we are resting in Dhirim, it looks like an interesting place to sell an army at the moment. My current army consists out of 200 armed and 200 lightly armed men and 10 horsemen. As we are going oversees to reunite with our relatives, we might even need to exchange some coins.
TL:DR; Got bored, cashing out

This is a one in a lifetime offer, rich cRPG player who wants a village? Can be possible to conquer with this army.* Do you want your own bandit army to terrorize caravans? This is an investment into the future, just check my purse.* Do you want to stop the evil red tide from sweeping away your fiefs?* It's atleast one more rock on your beach. Do you want to smash a bandit army but can't catch one? Buy yourself one to defeat! Or do you want to to sweep away those filthy fiefs nearby even faster? Invest now!
*success not guaranteed, but possible with some good players

What I got (numbers listed are the strategus gold price):
Items: 2046, list price: 62956,34g (Hierlooms go with the normal list price), 20% resale discount makes it 50365,07g
(click to show/hide)

Troops: 410, cost of 12,5g each: 5125g
Gold: 80000g Gold is not included in the package and has to be bought separately
Where: Dhirim

I only sell all troops and all items together in 1 big box for minimum 55.490,07g in Strategus gold or 1.387.251,75 cRPG gold. Gold can be bought separately. My strategus to crpg exchange rate is at 1g:25g right now.
On request I can deliver, but only against prepayment in cRPG gold + 10k postage fees. (Not taking the risk here, if I get attacked on the way, it's on you).

I like auctions, so whoever offers me the most until Tuesday gets it.

How to reach me? Either pm, or IRC. I will try to be avaible there until Tuesday.
How the deal will work? You give me my money (cRPG or Strat), and I drop everything at your guy in Dhirim. Not the other way around, as I don't trust shady people like yourself. We could use the towns market place to transfer the items, but it's too much of a hazzle with this many different items, if you want me to use it just to be more safe, I charge +100k cRPG gold for my time.

(im going to throw them at a random village if no one buys them!)

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Mighty Great Long Axe
weapon length: 125
weight: 3.8
difficulty: 16
speed rating: 92
weapon length: 125
thrust damage: 17 blunt
swing damage: 48 cut
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Bonus against Shield

Don't be fooled by all the other mighty axes, they are not as mighty as this one.
I just want another +3 item for it, cool stuff like rounceys, destriers, long axes, random throwing stuff and other random mid level items (other axes, poles, shields, armor, helmets, etc.) that won't call the nord-rp-police attention. Or enough Gold to buy some cool stuff thats on the marketplace, around 1mio +-200k so I can buy that cool stuff there.

I am sure some of you don't like your 2 slot shield, no worries, I can offer you good gold for it.

Also, I just noticed I completly forgot to reheirloom my Nordic Short War Sword, if anyone got it heirloomed and wants to get rid of it, pm me!
Got me a MW Nordic Short Sword now, if anyone would like to trade it for a MW Nordic Short War Sword, be my guest :p

Scene Editing / New maps on siege
« on: April 04, 2011, 11:58:02 am »
Did add some new maps to the eu siege servers, if you want to see your map in action, get into IRC and get my attention, and I can switch to it. If I am not there, ask other admins (the number is the blank slot of the map)

citadel 34
jammadi castle 35

Winter_Castle 38
snowfall 39
Heisenberg 40

Scene Editing / Siege Map: Hrafninn Castle
« on: March 28, 2011, 11:33:38 am »
You know that ugly feeling when you just sit down for dinner, and out of nowhere some swadians catapult stones trough the wall of your dining room?
Did plan to use a siege tower wolfenstein:et-style to get a short cut to the flag, but couldn't get the siege tower to follow a complicated path. As a I already had all the walls up, I decided to salvage the map and tried to get it balanced somehow without the shortcut-tower.
The flag is on the keep, defenders can either go trough the keep and have some indoor action, or go trough the courtyard and use dangerously unsafe stairs or ladders to get onto the roof.
Also, don't fall down, if you survive, you got a long walk to some stairs.

There is 1 DaveUKR on this map, +1 awesomepoint for the first one to find him!

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The paths are not as complicated as your local public transport road map!
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Scene Editing / torch_night, light_night etc. may work next patch
« on: March 12, 2011, 12:27:08 am »
If you ever player singleplayer, you might remember the villages had torches+dynamic light on at night, and off at day.
As we got a good bunch of village maps in the mapcycle here in EU, and dynamic lighting is awesome, I managed to get cmp to somehow make the cRPG-night "night", and if it doesnt kill the mod, it might be in the next patch.

Start adding those things to your maps, if you want to enjoy some nice effects at night (and so players with bad screens can see stuff at night on your map :wink:).
(And if it for some reason won't survive the final cut, your map will still have some more detail with not burning torches)

The difference between "torch" and "torch_night" is, that "torch" is always on, "torch_night" will be a not lighted torch at day, and a "torch" at night, so you only have to add the torch_night to your scene. But the torch itself has no dynamic lighting, thats why you need to add the light_night, too, in some distance infront of the torch (look at village maps for examples)

Scene Editing / To all you mappers: How do get good looking grassland
« on: March 10, 2011, 12:08:37 am »
I was cycling through maps right now, and many of the maps have the same "error", you use the "turf" texture to make grassland, but turf is turf and not grassland.
The main difference is, grass spawns on grassland (the small 2d thingies props,it only spawns after you reopen the scene, though), not on turf. Looks quite nice on high grafic settings. Also, grassland gets slight varieties in its colour by itself, making the map look "fresher".
How to get grassland? Just delete textures (middle mouse while in texture paint mode).

Turf is nice where you want turf, but big areas of it in the wildernes just look wrong.

Example of the difference:
Picture 1 is pure grassland, Picture 2 nearly pure "turf", with a small stripe of grassland to the left
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)

If no one stops me, I am going to revise the map cycle on eu1/eu2 next weekend, as there are some strange villages in there.
If you find a map you would like to see removed, get me it's name and a reason why it sucks (screenshot gives bonus points, if its a village, you can use to get a nice picture). Just telling me to remove that village on that hill won't do the trick, as there are 110 villages, so please provide a name. If you dont want to lose your modifier, you can start mb:wb a second time and look at the server browser to see the name of the map.

If you want a map added, provide screenshots, links to download etc, but I won't add fantasy (flying fortress stuff), symmetrical maps (like the NA-bridge map) or other imbalanced/strange maps.

The removal list so far (if you see a map you want to keep, give me a reason, or fix it when it just needs to be fixed). Will be changed according to the poll:

    • Uzgha, it's a village siege, not battle. Looks nice, but not balanced at all
    • Aldelen, unbalanced sides, provides too much camping
    • Amashke, unbalanced sides, provides too much camping

    Broken spawns:
    • Ibiran, the spawns are next to each others.
    • Jayek, the spawns are next to each others. Or change spawns.
    • Elberl, spawns are next to each others. Could be nice map if spawns are changed.
    • Ismirala, unbalanced spawn again
    • Saren
    • tshibtin

    Dull, boring, or not really battle material
    • Gisim, shitty huge mountain! Spawn change could fix this though.
    • Jamiche, very open and flat field in front of village
    • Dugan, very open and flat field in front of village
    • Habba, same as Dugan
    • Dusturil. One team starts in village, the other under a giant hill. Very boring.

    The add list so far:

    -That one awesome ruins map I saw on eu4, if you have the name/link/permission, please tell me

    -Blue Bells & Beech Trees
    -Burning of the Ships
    -Santa's Castle


    -River delta
    -Tilting at windmills

    Lets hope that list gets a little bit longer until next weekend  :wink:

Scene Editing / Siege Map: Sea Raid
« on: February 24, 2011, 09:26:03 pm »
My first attempt fooling around with the map editor, didn't plan to submit this one, but I started to like it after all. Expect some newb errors here and there, I tried to find all of them, but you never know. I did break with the classic siege=castle approach here, replacing the "outer walls" with cliffs, and making the keep a monastry.
The flag is at the chapel, defenders can get on every roof, even without good jump&run skills. Looks slightly ugly with all the ladders, but somehow you have to be able to counter attacker-ladder spam.
Also, dynamic lightning at night! (if it works, never saw it at night yet)

(click to show/hide)

How to play:
(click to show/hide)

v1.1: stupid barrier fixed

- Some stuff where you could get stuck
- Floating tree found
- Attacker spawns not in the deep water anymore
- Defender spawns not only in the monastry anymore, but at the barricades and the wine grape field
- Replaced backladder with a shack with 2 doors, so defenders that spawn "outside" can get in without having to use a ladder
- Flag moved, so it's clearer you have to stand at the ground level
- With the spawns moved, and less spawns around the flag area/small alleys, it should become easier to attack even without custom ladders, and maybe force some fighting for the cliffs.

General Discussion / The nightly night whine thread
« on: January 20, 2011, 01:53:34 am »
It was nice being able to always play with atleast some light, night is just annoying, it's fun one map or another, but not for multiple hours. If you want to play and join at dusk, you have to play ages until the sun shines again, it takes ages until dawn, sometimes your whole gaming session is at night :/
My Idea:
Remove the hour system, make it a simple Dawn-Day-Day-Dusk-Night-Dawn cycle, changing after each map (double day, as its summer!). So you always get multiple light effects even while playing only a short ammount of time.

Suggestions Corner / Viking age stuff and other awesome features
« on: January 19, 2011, 01:08:07 am »
Please try to get permission to add this whole mod:,154494.0.html

It not only includes awesome viking age equipment (Saxons/Normans/Rus/Vikingr), but also has some awesome features:
Raid game mode. The attackers has to bring torches and burn target houses and pick up the loot.
Longboat battle, where 2 ships meet to fight.
Banner that heal and motivate you teammates.
Horns that you can blow by pressing "H".
You can crouch by pressing "C".
You can taunt by pressing "Q" and for shield bash taunting by pressing the block button + "Q".

1. If your strategus faction would be linked to your player id, one could do some nice helpful stuff with that:

- On the battle roster, it shows you the faction of the applicant, no matter which char. Want to use spies? Kick em out of your faction
- Gold gained trough crpg from all chars, not only the one in strategus (does this still apply?)

- Autobalance based on faction, not banner (some like the shogunate use different banners, dont they?)
- Transfers out of strategus (as once planned) can go to all chars, not only the one in strategus

- As registering here is done via playerid, too, you could link faction with forum acc
- Faction leaders get a "you own a fief, want a private subforum?" button, allowing them to ask for one, which only the faction members can see. It wont spam the forum layout, as you will only see your factions forum on the mainpage, and would help small factions who just want to drop off some informations for their faction

2. Force creation of a forum account
- As soon as you enter your first char into strategus, you will be forced to create a forum account, too, both will be linked
- If you click on a player/fief in strategus, it will give you his/owners forum name (and/or a direct link to pm him)
- If you have an unread PM, you will get a notifier on your crpg and strategus site
This would allow for some real conversations in strategus, it is quite hard to communicate with neutrals, as you have no way to talk to players you don't know

3. Navigation frame
A simple html frame on top of each site, allowing us to jump between the crpg, strat, strat-info and the forum page would be helpful

cRPG Technical problems / Eu3 Duell/Strategus server bugged
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:09:42 pm »
Strategus battles:
- battles didnt even load at first (seems to be fixed now)
- Wrong map, it loads some random indoor tavern scene instead of the castle
- No items for either team
- Every player is level 0
- Round does not start, countdown to round start is there, though
- Blue fog (like on the siege servers)

- naked punchfest

cRPG Technical problems / Equipment not showing
« on: January 05, 2011, 03:59:20 am »
I can't select my Reinforced Black Armor ingame, it is not visible. (dont meet the requirments, but I can see my horse and my shields which I can't use, either)

Just bought a mail hauberk afterwards, it shows up.

(I think I would be insta bankrupt if I would use it, though. Maybe a safety mechanism? )

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