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Topics - Sergio93

Pages: [1]
EU (Official) / Ban Thomas_Thistlewood ... again
« on: May 12, 2014, 07:15:07 am »
Maybe next time let me say something about his "proof"?
This screen with me in the ballista, i was passing to it and i've got stuck in, i am in, not infront of it. I had some problems to get out and he shooted instantly in me. He was angry because i was using it before (when he th me one time, and waste some shoots by arming it in the same time what me (some problem to solve about ballista i think)). As you can see at my screens they was start tk not only me, when they was finally get their precious ballista.
This one tk can be forgiven but what about others? This map was last or the one of last we was play together anyway.

EU (Official) / Ban Thomas_Thistlewood
« on: May 11, 2014, 11:18:17 am »
1. Name of your character involved: Zwiastun_the_Grey

2. Name of offending character(s): Thomas_Thistlewood , King_PorkChop

3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: EU_cRPG_7, today morning

4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
Long story, sorry for bad english. :

At the beggining i was defend some doors with his friend PorkChop, but he was leech and do nothing when the bots come (he did the same later with other player, some Seleuk or Seljuk, he did a poll to kick him too) so i died and call him leecher and useless troll, next round.
In this next round PorkChop was stay behind me and block my hits all the time so i died again because of him and i did a poll to kick him (50% accepted -_-)
Then his friend who saw nothing, start defending him and calling me a troll. In the next rounds he was th and tk many people, also me and my team mate from grey order, what you can see on the screens. Ofc he was say sorry to avoid a kick/ban vote, but 3 team hits past 5 sec and attacking or shooting guys close to spawn when there is no bots around, is no accident for sure.
I have no screens from beggining so i ask for ban for this one (Thomas) only.
(There is one screen with his friend tk here to make sure he is not a trustworthy witness. If you think that's enough to ban him too, so be it. )
At one of the screen you can even see that he was kill me just after new round was begin.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*: Maybe he was so sure of his friend rights and did not know the rules here, but it is not an excuse. I warned him that it is against rules and i do a screens but he was continue anyway.

6. Multiple Screenshots:

7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.** : at screenshoots

I don't use software to do the screens in game so i don't have all (and there could be at least 2x more) because i had to minimize the game and save every single screenshoot. And ofc i could not leech to do this all the time.

EU (Official) / Ban request: Stromgarde_Zeus
« on: April 27, 2014, 05:37:52 pm »
For intentional team hitting, team killing (he was just run to me and kill me, without any bots around) and insulting ("noobie") at EU 7 server, one or two days ago (sorry, i am not sure).
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(   link for a full screen)
I heard that more players are complaing about him so i will add this from myself.
Do something about that annoying guy please.
Thank you.


1. Name of your character involved: Zwiastun_the_Grey
2. Name of offending character(s): Stromgarde_Zeus
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: EU_cRPG_7, one or two days ago
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.: Zeus was deal me some small dmg from intentional th before and i was reported him, so he was probably angry, run to me and intentionaly tk me without any bots around. I did a poll to kick him and made a screen, warn him that i will put it on forum if he will troll again. He was today, insulting me again and defending another troll, so here we are.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*: Because this is his nature, maybe his age too, he just don't know when to stop. It makes him happy for the price of others fun (typical trolling).
6. Multiple Screenshots: Sorry, i was not visit forum for a long time so i made only one (because I didn't know more will be needed).
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened : on the full screen (i don't now who was look in this direction when it was happened, how can i know that?)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Throwing with not enough wpf
« on: November 27, 2013, 11:59:12 am »
Hello guys, tell me please how much dmg i lost when i use throwing weapon with 0 wpf?
(sorry for my english and if that is wrong place for that topic ;))

Closed Requests / Ban Butt_Sex_Master
« on: May 23, 2013, 12:15:22 pm »
For leeching for at least 9 rounds.
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)
I think he deserve loooong ban.

Other / Ban reguests EU_cRPG_HRE / part 2 :D
« on: May 20, 2013, 04:47:43 pm »
For trolling, leeching, intentional team hitting and team kills (at spawn, without enemies close to us). For two players: NapalonaStrzala and DKG_Flooo.
I have screen where you can see team hits and team kill:

(click to show/hide)

Other / Ban reguests EU_cRPG_HRE
« on: May 18, 2013, 09:36:37 am »
For intentional team kill for Kapikulu_Kaosmatik
Here is proof:
(click to show/hide)

cRPG Technical problems / Banner on a heraldic armor
« on: May 09, 2013, 12:23:11 pm »
First sorry because i don't know whitch is the right forum for this kind of topic.
Problem in not serious but this is a matter of ... I do not know.
The point is the heraldic armor with our clan (Fear) banner have very ugly color on the back.
Is it possible to convert this color to black? If so, I will be grateful for making it.

Other / Unban request EU_cRPG_HRE
« on: May 03, 2013, 08:06:58 pm »
I got permament ban on hre server for nothing. I wrote: "Ban Aozaki for no fighting" (because she ran behind fence without weapon in hands and got killed) and she banned me like a offended child. May i ask for remove the ban/change ban time?
Sorry for mistakes in my english.
Regards                       FEAR_Suweren

First sorry for google translator.
Second sorry if i write in wrong forum. I make this first time.

The problem is that I got banned for no matter what.
I played on the eu server for lvl 20. I was lvl 19.
I heard some voices of discontent that I play in the medium armor (black surcoat over mail and gotland helmet). I had very good statistics within the 10:2, 3:0, 5:1
Then someone said that if I don't download the latest update crpg I get a kick from a moderator.

After a while I got kicked. And on the occasion of the official ban on all EU servers. What is it?

Faction Halls / [the_Bloody]Blood Order - Zakon Krwi
« on: May 19, 2012, 06:02:59 am »
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Zakon Krwi jest polskim klanem mającym na celu wspólne spędzanie czasu na cRPG, oraz wywalczenie dla siebie własnej ziemi w trybie strategicznym. Chętnie przyjmujemy Polaków, chętnie przyjmiemy też ludzi władających innymi językami (wymagane rozumienie podstawowych angielskich komend wojskowych, a do reszty nada się google translator :D). Jesteśmy otwarci na prowadzenie dyplomacji i zawieranie układów z innymi klanami, zwłaszcza polskimi.

English version:
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Polskie Forum / Strategus action menu - prawa strona zniknęła...
« on: April 15, 2012, 07:29:10 pm »
... po tym jak w jednej randze wpisałem Król a w drugiej Namiestnik. Teraz widzę tylko Leave your faction.
Da się to jakoś odkręcić?

Dobra, problem odkręcony :D Druga osoba z uprawnieniami której nie zmieniałem nazwy mogła naprawić. Można zamknąć temat, sory za problem :D

Polskie Forum / Żadnego Main Charactera
« on: April 05, 2012, 09:28:06 am »
Witam, mam pewien problem i proszę o pomoc.
Miałem kiedyś dwa charaktery, Maina i Alternata. Maina skasowałem i zacząłem grać alternatem. Mam nim 27 lvl, około 2 500 000 exp i wolałbym tego nie stracić. Chciałbym dołączyć do gry w strategusie a do tego potrzebuję maina. Niestety nie widzę nigdzie opcji jak przerobić mojego Alternata na Maina bez usuwania go i zakładania Maina od zera.
Zna ktoś może na to sposób?

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