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General Discussion / Leaving mod: 3 +3 looms available
« on: April 23, 2012, 12:22:38 am »
I invested time and work into crpg/strategus but now it seems I’m losing my fief because of a bug that lists me as owner of a fief but not my faction. To fix it, I tried to take it again but the AI accepts for me players to defend my village^^ This is just complete absurd, but some Dev said that chadz doesn’t fix it and in past someone lost a castle because of it.
At this point I feel that I waste too much time of my life with this unfinished mod which I could spend better. Even when chadz would fix that, I reached all in crpg/strategus what a single person can, I don’t think to be Lord of town or castle is much different.
It seems this bug is a good reason to say goodbye to this game and go back to the real life and invest more time into it.
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But before I ask to delete my account, I have lordy light kuyak, lordy gauntlets and masterwork danish sword and I can give it away to maybe someone who can’t do something else if you know what I mean. Just tell me if you want it.

Vote - Marco Polo

Mercenary Recruitment / ...
« on: April 22, 2012, 08:30:34 pm »

Faction Halls / [DRM] Deutsche Ritter Mark – Recruiting
« on: April 19, 2012, 10:58:06 pm »
Deutsche Ritter Mark

Deutsche Ritter Mark is a union of germanspeaking knights and settlers in order to defend the borders of their land in Calradia/Strategus. The birth of the idea of DRM was in the battle for freedom of the settlement Rduna. The idea behind that union is that players and clans can free roleplay in CRPG but work together in Strategus in order to get more possibilities and fun. Because together we are strong.

Vexillum – Banner
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Territory – Heimat

Diplomacy – Diplomatie
Friendly – all factions
Hostile – nobody
In conflict – The Turks

Memberlist – Mitglieder

Faction tag
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Deutsche Ritter Mark ist eine Vereinigung deutschsprachiger Ritter und Siedler. DRM soll den deutschsprachigen Spielern eine Heimat in Calradia/Strategus geben. Die DRM-Idee entstand aus der Allianz der militärischen Kompanie "Vendetta" und der Handelsgesellschaft "Trade Guild" in der großen Türkenschlacht um die Befreiung der Siedlung Rduna. Alle deutschsprachigen Spieler und Clans sollen außer der Heimat jeweils eine Stimme erhalten. Ihr Roleplay bei CRPG soll nicht durch Einschränkungen beschnitten werden. Jeder soll sich bei CRPG ausleben, gleichzeitig in Strategus aber eine Aufgabe, einen Sinn und Spaß finden.

History – Geschichte
Das Amt des Markgrafen wurde von Kaiser Karl dem Großen um 800 eingeführt und von seinen Nachfolgern lange Zeit beibehalten. Karls Ziel war es, die Grenzen des in teilweise blutigen und langen Kriegen erweiterten Reiches gegen Angriffe von außen zu sichern.
Zur Erfüllung ihrer risikoreichen Aufgabe erhielten die Markgrafen Grenzgebiete vom König bzw. Kaiser direkt als Lehen. Die Markgrafen hatten gegenüber den normalen Grafen besondere Befugnisse. So hatten sie den Heerbann und die Hohe Gerichtsbarkeit inne.
Zahlreiche Markgrafen, die ursprünglich aus dem niederen Adel oder Ritterstand stammten, konnten sich in den Marken eine mächtige Position aufbauen, die später für machtpolitischen Einfluss innerhalb des Reiches genutzt wurde. Dementsprechend stammen einige spätere Königshäuser von Markgrafen ab. Vom 12. Jahrhundert an wurden die meisten Markgrafschaften in sogenannte Reichsfürstentümer umgewandelt.
Der Titel eines Markgrafen war also dem eines Fürsten nicht nur gleichgestellt, er war auf Grund seiner alten Wurzeln oftmals mit wesentlich mehr Ansehen unter den Großen des Reiches verbunden.

Recruitment – Rekrutierung

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We search german speaking players, the only restriction is that follow the rules of CRPG developers and cooperate with us in Strategus.
We recruit mostly german speaking players but we can maybe accept players who want roleplay as german knights or settlers from EU/NA too.

Wir suchen Kämpfer, Siedler und Schmiede, um die Siedlung Rduna zu verteidigen.
Wenn du Spaß, eine Aufgabe in Strategus suchst und die Regeln der Entwickler versuchst einzuhalten,
dann melde dich bei uns per PN oder hier im Thema.
Auch Clans, die eine Heimat in Strategus suchen können sich uns gerne anschließen,
denn wir sind ein Bund, wo alle ihre Rechte beibehalten können.

Auxilia Battle Rules – Schlachtregeln
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Diplomacy / The Rduna incident
« on: April 17, 2012, 08:03:15 pm »
The Rduna incident

Legio Sharky promised to give us, german player alliance, the village Rduna. So we can develop that village in freedom and peace.
This village was waiting for our settlers in peace and had no weapons but the Turks today captured it.
Now we need to free the village from Turkish occupation. We didn’t want that war but we can’t accept the occupation of our village.
Please dont see that battle as a war against any other clan or alliance.
The battle will start tomorrow.
Please support us in this battle and apply for the Vendetta side:

Wed: Vendetta:262 versus The Turks:179!?page=battledetail&id=2718

Suggestions Corner / Crafting, carry polearm, black armor, villages
« on: April 11, 2012, 05:23:38 pm »
I was told to write here my suggestion, so here it is:

1. Crafting
Right now you need to play all the time in your gear and then you can craft it.
In strategus we need mercenaries, most people play as 2h or polearm, this classes are more effective and easier to produce (you can buy crappy shields, you don’t need to produce a weapon and a good shield).
So when I want give my mercenaries good gear I need to carry a 2h and a polearm all the time with me but I maybe want play in crpg as shielder or archer whatever.

Why cant I choose things from my inventory which I want craft in strategus after I got the crafting text in crpg?

2. Carry a polearm on your back.
II played in last days as 2h with a polearm on my back, just to be able produce in strategus that polearm. The problem is unlike 2h sword you carry a polearm with the blade up and because of that you can’t see half of your screen. While you fight this blade sway left and right and cause problems to see the enemy blade and to block it.

Why not carry a polearm on your back with blade down?

3. Black armor
Black armor is infantry armor and protect body and the legs until the knees.
Coat of plates protect body, leg and feet, it’s a horsemen armor.

So why black armor has more leg protection and more weight than coat of plates it should other way around, imo.
It would be more historical and since we have two black armors with would more diversity.

4. Strategus villages
Druzhina has so many villages and want now 100$/hour, I think this is too much, maybe its calculated with bribes for druzhina clerks.

Why not reduce it to 1-5$/hour otherwise strategus can get fast boring for random players?

Spam / Duels on battle server?
« on: April 09, 2012, 09:34:23 pm »
I was 20 minutes ago on Pecores server with 50-60 players. We were at round end 4 vs 1, three ranged (one grey and 2 forlon and me as melee with 10 hp left). The enemy Royalknight_ something killed the grey while I tried to help the grey (I already hit him) the 2 forlon guys didn’t shoot at the enemy. I noticed that and moved back to let them free shoot the enemy but the forlons refused that and said in chat that I should duel him! This Royalknight didn’t attack the archers but moved to me and I was killed by one touch then the forlons shot him.

I dont want say much more than I left then the server next round after a small talk with that forlons.
My question is, do I really need to duel someone on a battle server, maybe I should hide me until round end like some archers and then with full hp make duels?
What is right, what is wrong here, what tell the rules of crpg?

I remember a month ago same problem with Royalkinghts and Templar Byrdie on EU7, he always ran away from fights of last 3-4  and then as last man alive he started to duel, he lost all the duels to Atze and Itosai. 
I feel this as griefing, maybe I’m wrong? Because some people "work" while other chill and then perhaps get valour for that.

I have no proof, I dont request anything (maybe its all my fantasy), I want just opinions from other people on that.

Suggestions Corner / Counter for teammate bumps
« on: April 09, 2012, 10:40:16 am »
I feel like horsemen should stay away from melee.
If you ride your horse in a group of fighting friendly and bump them because YOU want that kill so hard. Then its imo griefing.
It’s like drive a car with 200 km/h in streets full of people and say I don’t want kill them I just want drive fast.
Of course you can hit M but the problem is not always about team kill, stun and knockdown by a bump of friendly let enemies kill you.
The team mates often just ride direct into your direction and you think its maybe enemy so you are forced to look around every time you hear a horse if you don’t check this the enemies will kill you.

Why not let infantry protect themselves?
When friendly horseman would fear to get dismounted after he bumped a friendly he would make sure to stay away.
If you kill a friendly horse at spawn you should get punished.
If you kill a friendly horse in the field then nothing should happen, at least no punish from admins.

What do you think?

Vendetta - Strategus Role Play Fun Faction

What do we look like?
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Where are we coming from?
Vendetta is a military company which consits of landsknechte, doppelsöldner, genoese crossbowmen.
The company is leaded by mounted noble men.  The military history of the company reaches from the Golden Horde campaign to campaigns for Venetia.

Vendetta – Memberlist
Marco_Polo    Hagur

Vendetta – Primary Objective
Revenge for Piet our famous captain of the crossbowman from Lorraine.

Vendetta – Secondary Objective
Trading, raiding, mercenary service.

Vendetta – Fun
In the tavern…

Vendetta – Recruitment
If you fit our requirements, make sure to follow the rules of crpg developers :)

Vendetta – Diplomacy
Friendly - all factions
Hostile - nobody except the kill bill

Vendetta – Battle Rules
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Deutsches Forum / [Strat 4.0] Söldner benötigt!
« on: April 03, 2012, 05:25:07 pm »
Ich habe noch eine Idee, vielleicht klappt es nicht gleich mit einer Föderation, dennoch kann man für einander in die Schlachten ziehen. Wir sind ja alle auf Söldner angewiesen, also warum nicht einander helfen, wenn es nicht gegen Bündnisse verstößt?

Hier gibt es schon mal zwei Anfragen:

EU_cRPG_3   Siege   Tue 20:30   Holy Roman Empire:332   Druzhina:300
Join me in the epic attack on Uhhun! For too long my throat has known this epic dryness and now its time to end it. Sacks of strongwine as far as the eye can see will be your share if you join!
The distilleries in Uhhun have been ill-tended by barbarians who came from the south-west, who tried to make Vodka in them, hence ruining the work of generations of the emperors masterbrewers. Today we make a stand and reclaim what is rightfully ours!

Super Duper MW gear for all classes, MW Heavy armor, MW MW MW for all classes! Rolecall on HRE TS 25 mins be4 battle, be there or be square!

EU_cRPG_3   Battle   Wed 11:57   Raida:49   Dalhi:34
Guten Tag liebe Mitbürger :D
Meine Name ist Latrinenkobold und ich habe eine bitte:,29199.0.html
Ich würde es sehr begrüßen wenn ihr euch mir anschließt um diesem Schmuggler ein Ende zu bereiten.
Besonders würde ich mich über 2h kämpfer freuen da ich einige gute 2h schwerter auf mw lvl habe.
Aber auch andere die sich mir anschließen wollen sind herzlich willkommen.

In großer erfurcht:

Der link für den Kampf:!?page=battledetail&id=2492

Deutsches Forum / Deutsche Föderation
« on: March 30, 2012, 09:55:54 pm »
Die deutschen Clans spielen kaum eine Rolle in Strategus, während polnische und russische Clans es praktisch beherrschen.
Warum ist das so?

Die Polen haben einen großen Clan. Die GUS Spieler haben zwei und einige kleine Clans, sie sind alle dauerhaft von Strategus 1-3 verbündet. Die Holländer und Italiener haben ihren Clan, auch verbündet mit den Polen und Russen. Türken, Kurden haben sich auch zusammengeschlossen.
Es würde sich also anbieten, dass die deutschen Clans im CRPG völlig selbständig sind, während sie sich im Strategus zu einem dauerhaften Bund zusammenschließen. Also die Kleinstaaterei beenden und einen deutschen Bund gründen. Das ist die Idee.

Alle Clans, die eine bestimmte Anzahl an Spielern stellen, z.B. ab 5, bekommen eine Stimme, die Politik wird durch den Mehrheitsbeschluss entschieden, ebenso werden die Posten besetzt, etwa Diplomat, Befehlshaber... Clans stellen Squad(s) (5-6 Spieler, wo jede Waffengattung enthalten ist) für Strategus-Battles ab. Ziel ist es allen Clans mind. ein Gut (fief) im Strategus zu verschaffen.
Ich denke, es gibt genügend Spieler aus Deutschland und darunter auch Topspieler, der Wille müsste nur vorhanden sein.

Closed Requests / Knitler_HRE(eu6)
« on: March 19, 2012, 04:57:21 pm »
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This guy was frist fisting me while I was engage in fight. So I got killed. But its rageball. Then he started to run between me and my enemy (some Kurluk...), like on the screenshot and when you check the logs, he kept pressing M, im my opinion its griefing. He provocated a teamhit and report it so I would get kicked. I dont know if Knitler_HRE works with Kurluk guy togheter, maybe not. The nick Knitler_HRE also sounds critical to me because its sound like H... if you know what I mean.

It was a map or two before I posted this.

Faction Halls / Golden Horde - The Uprising
« on: March 16, 2012, 10:13:45 pm »
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The great Golden Horde was the name whispered by the terrified rulers of Eastern Europe and Siberia. The Horde had been sent west by Ogodei, successor to the immortal Chinggis Khan. Under Batu the rampaging horsemen took their tents to the very forests of Germany before settling back to impose their rule on the western part of an empire that now stretched from Poland to China, from Siberia to the tip of India - the greatest contiguous land empire the world has ever seen.
Though the ferocity and savagery of the Horde's conquest is still whispered with terror in the rebuilt streets of Kiev, Moscow, Warsaw and a thousand other razed cities, the Mongols brought a rare civilisation to their conquered territories. Communications sped across the vast deserts via pony-borne couriers. Justice was fair and impartial and stretched across caste boundaries. Peace had been imposed by the sword and the bow, but once the smoke cleared, peace reigned. The Great Yasa of Chinggis Khan held sway and guided the Khans and their descendants.

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One glorious summer morning in Karakorum the Khan spoke to us:
"Do you hear the singing of your blood? Do you dream longingly of endless plains? Does your soul feel empty without a horse beneath you and a bow in your hand? Does your heart cry out for victories and grim death cause you laughter? If so, you may have a Mongol's soul. Take an expeditionary tumen, build the Golden Horde in this land and bring the Empire back to glory!"

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2. Members:
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3. Mercenary policy:
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4. Diplomacy:
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Game Balance Discussion / Question: items balance
« on: March 15, 2012, 10:47:15 am »
Should people who do the item balance play this mod, play different classes regulary or not?

- Broken pike/spear hit boxes and 180-360 degree thrust attack
- Ghosting (shield)
- Not registered hits for short weapons in close range
- Arabian warhorse is maybe a bit unrealistic and op with 7 points in riding
- Ranged very accurate and with big damage and high athletics, the score of jambi in other games you can get only in a jet. No counter for this.
- Shortened Military Scythe damage 39c while Military Scythe damage 32c !!! Come on is this the balance?
- Items balance in strategus is broken:
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- The most annoying is maybe the useless wpf investment because of slow game speed that make feinting mostly useless the result is boring combat with hold attacks... or jumping silly around

Why not have an alt item balance team or add more active playing people to it?

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