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Messages - MayPeX

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General Discussion / Re: Post a picture that describes your build the best
« on: November 24, 2012, 04:03:20 pm »
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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Remove delay from failed 1h stab
« on: November 19, 2012, 05:59:25 pm »
I'm pretty sure that even if the developers wanted to do this, they couldn't. I believe Paul said a while back that thrust stun (the "delay" you're referring to) is hardcoded into the game engine and can't be changed.

They said that about polestun as well.

General Discussion / Re: C-rpg Meme cartoons
« on: November 15, 2012, 11:44:59 am »
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Realism Discussion / Re: HBS vs Katana
« on: November 14, 2012, 09:57:48 am »
My source is not exactly the most american youtube video comparing katana and know what? scratch that 'realism' thing.

Thing is, it is still too expensive for what it is. Actually, HBS is now worth more than the top tier greatswords, seing how many people want to trade it .

I'll be looking at facts. Fact is, katana is not balanced compared to HBS. If you do not agree, then you can't judge properly.

You should have stopped after you mentioned the source of your information, we all know what video you're talking about. The joke old, can you cut it out?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Opinion on my super hyrbid?
« on: November 09, 2012, 11:33:31 am »
Level 31

18 strength
18 agility

6 powerstrike
6 shield
6 athletics
6 riding
6 weapon master

107 one handed
100 two handed
100 polearm

super hybrid! You are mediocre with all melee weapons and will suffer against more dedicated builds. It does however not make you useless in strat, there's always a melee weapon for you to use.

General Discussion / Re: Why cheat?
« on: November 06, 2012, 06:22:57 pm »
Are we having a History and Geography lesson here?

Personally I think archers that shoot me in the back cheat, it's just morally wrong and cowardly. And people can jump around in plate? They must be on steroids, ban the cheaters!

Realism Discussion / Re: Watch this video and then buff katana
« on: November 04, 2012, 08:04:30 pm »
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General Discussion / Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« on: November 04, 2012, 01:56:18 am »
I'm starting to find Lech more fun than _GTX_... Is this possible?

General Discussion / Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« on: November 03, 2012, 11:59:39 pm »
I also studied both russian and german history pretty damn intensively. Nah, i argued that it doesn't matter if you killed millions of people, it only matter if you was defeated or victorious, because if you were defeated you not only lose the war, possibly life, but also gain bad reputation. If you win the war, you aren't scapegoat who is responsible for everything.

Yes i do, i heard it's bannable offense nowadays.

Do you realise how stupid you sound?

General Discussion / Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« on: November 03, 2012, 01:18:46 pm »
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General Discussion / Re: An overview of 2h swords pre and post patch
« on: October 29, 2012, 05:30:18 pm »
I have tested it, but i havent actually played at all, with the intention of just having fun. I only played to test it out, and yeah...... Based on the tests, i just wont have fun playing with it.

Maybe you should let someone else play with your sword, or play with someone else's.

(click to show/hide)

My great lance has become an insta lance  :mrgreen:

Suggestions Corner / Re: How about new item flags, for more variety?
« on: October 26, 2012, 01:17:51 pm »
Nr. 1
Flag: Cruel wounds
Effect: "polestagger" - longer recovery time when hit
Thoughts: this is basically to give a few weapons their polestagger ability back or to give it to new weapons. Those weapons cut terrible wounds, and sometimes you are literally caught in agony, unable to move. Making it damage based instead of luck based would be nice.

No, polestagger was annoying as it is to many. I'm sure we don't want it back any time soon.

Nr. 2
Flag: Cutting
Effect: bleeding effect. You lose more hitpoints for some time after being hit
Thoughts: You will lose a hitpoint every second for a limited amount of time. The hitpoint loss doesn't cause you to be interrupted. The point of this flag is to give more options for balancing, as the overall damage is of a value between the pure base damage and the added base and bleeding damage as overall base damage. (Easier: 30c < 30c + 1s < 31c. The "s" is the bleeding damage, latin for sanguis, as "b" is aready taken for blunt.)

No because this will get infuriating for those who win by the tip of a blade, just to bleed out. It's bad enough many two handers can two hit people, some just survive after the first. Don't give them any more power than they need.

Nr. 3
Flag: horse knacker (?)
Effect: horse rears whenever it is hit
Thoughts: this is basically representing the polearm weapons with all kind of hooks which were used in the late middle ages to deal with knights. The Fauchard would be a nice example for this. Never mind where you hit a horse from with such a weapon, it will rear because of the pain. I recommend to not use it on top tier weapons like halberds or the glaive. Boar spear would be an idea, perhaps.

No because again, this will get frustrating to cav players. Again this is giving too much power to weapons against cav.

Nr. 4
Flag: Dismounting
Effect: if a certain amount of damage is dealt to the rider, he falls of the (still living) horse
Thoughts: it's basically already explained. This is meant to represent yet another anti-cav-weapon, other than only long polearms. The impact of the weapon is that terrific, or it has such nasty hooks, that you get simply dismounted, if unlucky.

Like before, this will be a rat's arse to cav players. Horses die fairly quick anyway, (maybe you could argue this against higher tier horse, but they die fast still.) This isn't needed when everyone can jump above their waist in plate armour. (Fix this, why the fuck can tincans jump that high anyway?)

Nr. 5
Flag: Disarming
Effect: if you chamberblock a hit with it, there is a small chance your opponent will drop his weapon
Thoughts: again pretty self-explanatory. I think we must limit it on a small chance of success, otherwise it would be really OP in the hands of people who are good at chamber blocking and fight anybody without a shield. Of course again weapons with hooks or the like are good candidates for it. I would restrict it on 1hd weapons.

No, this would get annoying. I sense a lot of Polearm power going on here. So no, you don't need this. If you can disarm my axe, I should be allowed to cut through your spear and into your skull whilst I drink your fluids afterwards.

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