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Messages - Arathian

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 67
Faction Halls / Re: The Frisian Freedom: Recruiting NA
« on: August 26, 2014, 05:18:46 pm »
Literally einstein.

I am back in 'Merica ya bundle of sticks.

General Off Topic / Re: I am back, kinda
« on: July 18, 2014, 09:17:14 pm »
Ελληνικά σελινογράματτα.

General Off Topic / Re: I am back, kinda
« on: July 14, 2014, 07:15:46 pm »
what's happening if i refuse to pick up the soap?  :oops: :shock:

It is not a suggestion.

General Off Topic / Re: I am back, kinda
« on: July 14, 2014, 12:13:22 pm »
Are u both Golden Dawn members?

I am not. Don't know about Panos.

General Off Topic / I am back, kinda
« on: July 14, 2014, 10:05:44 am »

Strategus General Discussion / Re: DO THE RIGHT THING GHUYZ
« on: April 13, 2013, 05:55:28 am »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Just my 2 cents in this discussion.

Let the speculation begin.

edit: fixed a spelling mistake.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: DO THE RIGHT THING GHUYZ
« on: April 13, 2013, 05:44:09 am »
I was in the battle.

As far as I know, no info was given to us by anyone.

General Discussion / Re: Moderators in this community
« on: April 12, 2013, 09:41:53 pm »

That's not racist either, of course.

Because, you know, Greeks have an endless white privilege. You see, we had slaves (and totally weren't enslaved) and colonized half the world.

General Discussion / Re: Moderators in this community
« on: April 12, 2013, 06:58:09 pm »
About badplayer, is it fine to be that stupid ?

Evidence :

Apparently it is.

BADPLAYER made similar statements in IRC after which Shik proceeded to ban 3 people, none of whom being BADPLAYER.

Meh, admin communication does need some serious improvements.

General Discussion / Re: Moderators in this community
« on: April 12, 2013, 09:16:00 am »
It's not my duty to fix or take sides on this matter. Every responsible moderator knows it's not the way to take a part in a lynch mob.

I am not asking the mods to lynch anybody. I repeatedly asked, nicely if I may add, to be unbanned. This whole thing happened right after the whole Keshian fiasco (in which Shik had given his approval) so I didn't want to steer up more trouble.

But hey, it takes 2 to tango.

General Discussion / Re: Moderators in this community
« on: April 12, 2013, 08:58:11 am »
Create a thread titled "moderators in this community".

Imply that it's about mods in general.

Whine about Shik.

Shik not a moderator.

Wat you want?

See my 2nd edit.

Other moderators are just ignoring this issue. When something is wrong, it is your duty to fix it and yet you simply don't and ignore all pleas to you are at the very least passively approving of it.

General Discussion / Re: Moderators in this community
« on: April 12, 2013, 06:30:50 am »
He lives in Britain, no idea about whether he is Chinese or not.

to add a bit more fuel to the drama thread though... theres been plenty of examples of shitty things happening lately without any response from the devs at all. Admins appear to be trying to keep things under control but there are limits on what they can do and the devs dont seem to be offering them any support anymore... its a pretty bad situation.

The game is still good...but this behaviour is very disheartening.

General Discussion / Re: Moderators in this community
« on: April 12, 2013, 06:13:31 am »
Then he does have a very weird obsession with Chinese.

General Discussion / Moderators in this community
« on: April 12, 2013, 06:02:16 am »
(click to show/hide)

I will try to keep this civil. Hopefully others will too.

I haven't played c-rpg over a month. I was using that period to contemplate whether I actually wanted to come back. I decided I will, and this game's still worth and effort, so this is why we have this thread.

The mods of this community have tried to keep at least the pretences of being "neutral enforces of the written rules". Random bans and random actions are punished and, heck, a leak from the mod channel in IRC caused a whole witch hunt. Admins (who get selected by mods directly) are also expected to not ban randomly.

For this reason, we supported this developer team with our money. Because we believe you guys are professionally.

However, Shik doesn't really feel like following these rules, apparently. In case you missed the drama, the quick links to it are here

For the lazy ones:

BADPLAYER had made a ban request for racism then proceeded to make some statements that are, objectively, racist. I called him on his shit which resulted me in getting perma-banned in IRC. When I asked to be unbanned, he went into a full-on racist tirante. He never got banned from IRC.

Shik is Chinese. So is BADPLAYER. Most people say he is "trolling". I don't give a fuck if they are "trolling" or not because this stopped being funny a while back. BADPLAYER has been permabanned in the past for very serious offences and Shik bailed him out because he is his buddy. He goes on to break rules, he doesn't get banned because Shik's his buddy. He then proceeds to ban everybody that calls BADPLAYER on his shit.

I want to return to this game, but I can't if I know such mod abuse exists. It is simply not worth my time.

edit: I should mention it isn't just Shik. I tried to speak to other mods to solve this in a civil way, but they just decided to "ignore it and it will go away"

edit2: fixed title for clarity

Global / Re: [Unban] Mountain Troll de Valois
« on: April 03, 2013, 06:23:23 am »
Welp, same advice as always: find him on IRC.

You can also try to PM him in the forums, although he usually ignores these.

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