cRPG => Ban/Unban Requests => Unban Essays => Topic started by: VR__Alv on February 04, 2012, 06:09:08 pm

Title: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 04, 2012, 06:09:08 pm
How getting banned 8 times by 6 different admins indicates that there is something wrong with my behavior

First of all i want to say that in my 1st form i have only 2 English lessons per week so i was allowed to
write my essay in russian:

Начнем с сути бана. Бан - кара нарушителям порядка и тем кто пренебрегает правилами.Бан насылаеться на головы смертных админами,
 котрые подобно Одину кидают их как молнии, и тем самым насылают смертную кару на задрота.
Так как админов одобряет его величество Чадс,правильность решений админов не вызывает сомнения.Охрана правил порядка их основная задача,
 но все же находятся уникумы которые откровенно не соблюдают правила (одним их них,к сожеленью, являюсь я).
Восемь раз я был забанен за нарушения (4 раза ла личерство, один за нарушение правил - проходы сквозь стены и 3 за тимкил).

Так как я не отличаюсь хорошей фантазией которая помогла бы мне при написании этого эссе, я перечитал почти все Unban Essey
в соответствующей теме - но это мне не помогло.Так что приготовьтесь читать пару абзацов полнейшего бреда и соплей далее.

Все началось с великого взрыва...кхм..все началось с сентябре, или октябре я точно не помню, тогда я первый раз вкусил сладость личерства -
ты стоишь ничего не делая и получаешь при этом золото - разве это не счастье? Как оказалось - нет. Сказка кончилась когда я получил свой первый 3-дневный бан,
это как первый секс - ты боишься и не знаешь что тебе делать дальше. Я был вынужден 3 дня мучаться на американских серверах с пингом 150+.Когда все кончилось
 и я вернусля на свою любимую Эвропейскую осаду я успокоился и расслабился и сам не замечая того начал личить опять.... личерство затянуло меня как наркотик, более того
мои дела на ринке пошли вверх и мне срочно нужны были деньги для новых и новых выгодных сделок.....баны начали сыпаться на мою голову с такой-же переодичностью как идет
дождь в Англии.....дела ухудшились... мои друзья начали издеваться с меня.... мне не оставалось ничего делать как выбить клин клином и продолжать личерить что бы заработать
мастерворки и утереть соклановцам нос.... тогда у меня начали появляться первые враги....но мне это не мешало жить....но вскорее врагов стало в несколько раз больше
чем друзей, они меня били и даже убивали. Но благодаря вряжденному гарячему казацкому характеру я защищал себя за что и получал очередное наказание

Тимкилы. Получив волшебный топор от моего друга я стал берсерком. Я заходил на осаду надевал блестящие латы и вряваясь в толпу включал режим берсерка - начинал месить всех
подряд. От быстрых движений и большой кучи людей вокруг мой ПК начинал жутко лагать и мне приходилось играть в "слепую". Часто под лезвие волшебного оружия попадали мои товарищи
банер которых я просто не замечал и поскольку я был уверен что я убил врага я не извинялся на тимкил и часто уже через 10 минут игры я набирал 5/5 репортов и меня кикало.
Конечно нужно быть сильным человеком что бы не написать тему на форуме обо мне плохом. И вот нашелся человек у которого сдали нервы и он не смог пережить очередного тимкила
с моей стороны - Outcast_BD_Baby_Wolf. Странно но мне не хочеться найти его и убить я хочу поблагадарить его за то что он помог мне очнуться и раскаиться о моих действиях.
If you read it, please forgive me all TK and TH from my side it will never happen again.
I hope you will forgive me and we will be friends.

Я каюсь о содеяном и обещаю что больше такого не повториться. Я попытаюсь изменить ник как можно побыстрее что бы избавится от плохого прошлого........
Надеюсь и прошу о прощении.....
Искриние ваш, Альв.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Chasey on February 04, 2012, 10:25:12 pm
didnt you quit?
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Herkkutatti on February 04, 2012, 10:45:54 pm
5/5 i want him back  :twisted:
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 05, 2012, 06:50:07 am
didnt you quit?
yeah i thought it was the end but after two days without c-rpg i understand that c-rpg my drugs.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Rage_Guy on February 05, 2012, 10:42:09 am
I understand russian very well...
Free this guy!

Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Muunilinst on February 05, 2012, 11:02:00 am
free him  :D
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 05, 2012, 12:03:46 pm
heh thanks you guys..... But admins still say nothing......feels like my essay doesn't help and im still banned till 2015)
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 05, 2012, 06:28:59 pm
heh thanks you guys..... But admins still say nothing......feels like my essay doesn't help and im still banned till 2015)

You may want to know that it takes more then 24 hours, sometimes a week or more, for them to give a decision. After all, the community needs a chance to read and rate it.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 05, 2012, 06:51:13 pm
You may want to know that it takes more then 24 hours, sometimes a week or more, for them to give a decision. After all, the community needs a chance to read and rate it.
oh i dont know about it(
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: BD_Baby_Wolf on February 05, 2012, 07:42:55 pm
Alv, i wasn't too weak to post your screens on the forum, it's just that i like justice. And frankly, before playing c-rpg, all the servers i played - i was admin, so.. it's like my hobby to punish players like you. It's a reflex i got by a long time. As for, who's being weak,- i'd say - you must be strong not to break the rules.
And as for the essay itself i'll give it negative vote. The essay doesn't say what it should say, sorry. I think, the first thing to do, when you enter any community (in this case c-rpg) is to start thinking about others and obaying the rules made by this community. Everybody has his right to play on the server, it's not yours to make your own rules. Teamkilling, and insulting players on racial basis, in my opinion, should get you perma-banned.

EDIT: you're putting it like it was not intentional. Mate, you hit me several times and i was backpedaling and blocking, there's no possible way you could think i was enemy, especially if it was at SPAWN. And the part about finding and killing me... man, are you serious? Is this some kind of lame joke, or should i take it as a threat? Don't write things like that next time, cos some people will be less understanding, than i am.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Nessaj on February 05, 2012, 07:56:15 pm
I voted no (Google translate) because I dislike your behavior and the behavior of those whom you associate with.
This cold calculated mentality comes to shine even more now you've been banned, all the sudden everything changes new approach to it all, huh. You're extremely predictable due to being completely transparent.

I hope you stay banned for at the very minimum a month, without a longer pause from this game you will definitely not learn or change for the better.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 05, 2012, 08:58:48 pm
I voted no (Google translate) because I dislike your behavior and the behavior of those whom you associate with.
This cold calculated mentality comes to shine even more now you've been banned, all the sudden everything changes new approach to it all, huh. You're extremely predictable due to being completely transparent.

I hope you stay banned for at the very minimum a month, without a longer pause from this game you will definitely not learn or change for the better.

I want to answer you with your own "words"
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Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 05, 2012, 09:06:48 pm
Alv, i wasn't too weak to post your screens on the forum, it's just that i like justice. And frankly, before playing c-rpg, all the servers i played - i was admin, so.. it's like my hobby to punish players like you. It's a reflex i got by a long time. As for, who's being weak,- i'd say - you must be strong not to break the rules.
And as for the essay itself i'll give it negative vote. The essay doesn't say what it should say, sorry. I think, the first thing to do, when you enter any community (in this case c-rpg) is to start thinking about others and obaying the rules made by this community. Everybody has his right to play on the server, it's not yours to make your own rules. Teamkilling, and insulting players on racial basis, in my opinion, should get you perma-banned.

EDIT: you're putting it like it was not intentional. Mate, you hit me several times and i was backpedaling and blocking, there's no possible way you could think i was enemy, especially if it was at SPAWN. And the part about finding and killing me... man, are you serious? Is this some kind of lame joke, or should i take it as a threat? Don't write things like that next time, cos some people will be less understanding, than i am.
Its my fist essay so i dont know what should it say(
Yeah my TKs and THs was intentional and i said SORRY, if for you it isnt enough, i can do anything to help you....
I wrote it as an official apologize to you and 230+ people read it. Its very humbling but i did it and now you pressed 1(worst) - i think not only i am have problems. :cry:
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: BD_Baby_Wolf on February 05, 2012, 09:31:26 pm
i voted "2" actually. +1 for your effort. Essay is not about you apologizing, it's about what's wrong with what you are doing.
In short: don't write how sorry you are, instead write something about "the game suffers from players like me because...".
And last, you don't have to apologize before me, i'm not mad at you, really. I just hope for you to learn to feel about other people around you.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Nessaj on February 05, 2012, 09:33:57 pm
I want to answer you with your own "words"

Oh, auch :rolleyes:

That just goes to further prove the whole point. You have no right or justification for giving ANYONE here the finger whereas WE THE COMMUNITY who abide by the rules have the justification (jungle law!) to give you the finger, and very rightfully so on this one.

We're talking about someone (YOU) who has been involved with a massive amount of auto-blockers, so many that I do not doubt it has (or is) circulating on some level within your clan, top of that you've defended TK/TD'ers in the unban threads, you pleaded innocence for another VR who had abused auto-blocker on an extreme level (24/7 basically).

Then now when you've been banned for being a complete tool in-game - TD/TKing and name calling people afterwards - you suddenly start making positive threads, start writing actively in the forum trying to portray your self as a decent human being, similar to that guy who was banned for auto-blocker and then started spamming the forum to alter his public image - that people even care that much while cheating is just pathetic and sad on a level almost unimaginable.

You're as open for reading as a book.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 05, 2012, 09:35:42 pm
i voted "2" actually. +1 for your effort. Essay is not about you apologizing, it's about what's wrong with what you are doing.
In short: don't write how sorry you are, instead write something about "the game suffers from players like me because...".
And last, you don't have to apologize before me, i'm not mad at you, really. I just hope for you to learn to feel about other people around you.
As i said ealier its my first essay so its bad.....
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 05, 2012, 09:38:42 pm
Oh, auch :rolleyes:

That just goes to further prove the whole point. You have no right or justification for giving ANYONE here the finger whereas WE THE COMMUNITY who abide by the rules have the justification (jungle law!) to give you the finger, and very rightfully so on this one.

We're talking about someone (YOU) who has been involved with a massive amount of auto-blockers, so many that I do not doubt it has (or is) circulating on some level within your clan, top of that you've defended TK/TD'ers in the unban threads, you pleaded innocence for another VR who had abused auto-blocker on an extreme level (24/7 basically).

Then now when you've been banned for being a complete tool in-game - TD/TKing and name calling people afterwards - you suddenly start making positive threads, start writing actively in the forum trying to portray your self as a decent human being, similar to that guy who was banned for auto-blocker and then started spamming the forum to alter his public image - that people even care that much while cheating is just pathetic and sad on a level almost unimaginable.

You're as open for reading as a book.
I was asked to write a thread about tournament by my friend VR_Inferio. And as i said ealier only 2 or 3 VR members can speak english
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 05, 2012, 09:42:53 pm
And yeah everything changed since i left without c-rpg........
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Nessaj on February 05, 2012, 09:51:06 pm
Well they've unbanned people for far worse who did not deserve to be unbanned at all so you shouldn't worry too much...

It would seem that only those who relentlessly uses auto-blocker are permanently banned, the rest can redeem themselves.

I'm not against giving you a chance either, because next time you'd be gone forever and hopefully that will sink in.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Dezilagel on February 06, 2012, 01:44:49 am
Don't worry Cooties, the autoblockers already got new keys.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Lansamur on February 06, 2012, 09:18:40 am
For those that are too lazy, this is what Google-Translator spits out:
(click to show/hide)

My comment on this:
Racism and the thirst to get through this game cheating seems to be running around in your clan. Personally, it's a no for unban. Other people didn't get 8 chances and were permabanned. But that's not up for me to decide.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 06, 2012, 09:22:49 am
Well they've unbanned people for far worse who did not deserve to be unbanned at all so you shouldn't worry too much...

It would seem that only those who relentlessly uses auto-blocker are permanently banned, the rest can redeem themselves.

I'm not against giving you a chance either, because next time you'd be gone forever and hopefully that will sink in.
i don't understand ,Cooties,why you hate me so much? Have i ever TK or TH you? 'cause i have never seen you in game(except strat battles)
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 06, 2012, 09:33:04 am
For those that are too lazy, this is what Google-Translator spits out:
(click to show/hide)

My comment on this:
Racism and the thirst to get through this game cheating seems to be running around in your clan. Personally, it's a no for unban. Other people didn't get 8 chances and were permabanned. But that's not up for me to decide.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Jarlek on February 06, 2012, 04:57:39 pm
Then could you (or someone else who speaks Russian) translate it? Would make it easier for us who don't know Russian. Google translate is basicly the only thing we can use then :/
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 06, 2012, 05:04:53 pm
Now i understand why so much people pressed 1 - they just don't know russian(
i don't know english so good to write essay
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: _Tak_ on February 06, 2012, 06:00:53 pm
Now i understand why so much people pressed 1 - they just don't know russian(
i don't know english so good to write essay

ask Ujin for help
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Nessaj on February 06, 2012, 07:49:20 pm
i don't understand ,Cooties,why you hate me so much? Have i ever TK or TH you? 'cause i have never seen you in game(except strat battles)

I explained that in the previous posts.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 06, 2012, 08:00:34 pm
I explained that in the previous posts.
But you never saw me on servers  and now you hate me..... Yeah this life fuck me in all holes((((
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Teeth on February 08, 2012, 08:48:15 pm
Can we get a translator here?
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Penitent on February 08, 2012, 08:49:45 pm
This player deserves an un-ban.  Most of his bans were unjustified, in my view.  TKing does not deserve a deserves a kick.  If someone TK's over and over, then ban them for a hour or two, at most.  The rules for this community are very important, but I think they are enforced rather heavy-handedly.

Some people may disgree with my thoughts, but that is ok.  Here is something else to think about instead: Imagine, just for a moment, that you are a jerk of a crpg player.  You love to play this game, like we all do, but for whatever reason (accident, revenge, cuz it gets you off..or a combo of those) you TK and TW sometimes, and say crazy things in chat.  Imagine you do these things, but you still love and play this game as much as any other player.  We all love this game.  We play it all the time.  We work on builds, get looms, kill the enemy, and fucking love every minute of it....TKer and straight-laced players alike.  Imagine this situation, and now imagine you are banned until 2015.  How would that make you feel...what thought processes would be evoked by this realization?

Imagine the other players are ganging up on you, telling you that you should never, and won't probably ever, play this game again.  After a few days (or weeks) of being without CRPG, don't you think it would change your perspective a bit?  Maybe help you realize what you had before, and what you had lost?  Maybe wish for another chance when faced with a ban that lasts THREE YEARS?  Imagine, no more crpg.  If you are honest with yourself, even if this punishment was deserved, you know it would be a hard pill to swallow.

Maybe his essay wasn't he best.  In fact, it wasn't.  He admits his shortcomings in english, and even many people who can speak their native language fluently can't write very well in it.  (I'm an english major, I know this first hand).  Still, if you read what he DID write instead of what he DIDN't write, you will get the most important part:  "CRPG is my drug." 

Let's be honest, it is a kind of drug for all of us.  When someone takes away an addict's drug, they will do anything to get it back.  Sometimes, yes, they will lie or steal in order to get it back in the short term.  The short term has been eliminated for this player already though (three year ban).  If these options are no longer available, a drug addict will still find a way.  They will find something, ANYTHING, to get it back...even reform their actions and be a better person.

Thankfully, CRPG is not as dangerous as a conventional drug, but it is just as enjoyable.  I believe this player will do anything to get back into the game that we all know and love....even start following the rules.  His own words admit to that, even if they are obscured by language barriers and inefficient written expression.

I am in favor of giving another chance.  Alv, if you mess this up though, I'm not sure what will become of you. 
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 11, 2012, 07:12:16 pm
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 11, 2012, 07:38:48 pm
This player deserves an un-ban.  Most of his bans were unjustified, in my view.  TKing does not deserve a deserves a kick.  If someone TK's over and over, then ban them for a hour or two, at most.

So I can grief every day because the Admins are handcuffed into being teddy bears? I'm not certain that I agree with this.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 11, 2012, 07:49:22 pm
So I can grief every day because the Admins are handcuffed into being teddy bears? I'm not certain that I agree with this.
i want to answer you but dont understand what did you say (goolge translator says stupid things) sorry
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Penitent on February 13, 2012, 07:33:29 pm
So I can grief every day because the Admins are handcuffed into being teddy bears? I'm not certain that I agree with this.

This was a small part of my position, and I understand if you disagree.  The meat of my post was below that though.

I guess its just a matter of perspective.  You may say "I can grief every day" and I'd say "you can get banned every day".  You'd say "hand-cuffed teddy bear" and I'd say "acting with prudence, but firmness."  Not all griefs are created equal, and the punishment should fit the crime.  TW/TK = minor offense.  Cheating/hacking = major offense.  The point I was trying to make with that 1st paragraph is that if his minor offenses were treated as such with a warning or a kick, his ban count would be considerably less than 8 and we'd be dealing with a different animal.  I'm saying lets call a spade a spade.  8 TW bans is waaaay different than 8 cheating bans (which would never happen, but you get my point).

True justice: you ruin someone's round (TK, TW) you have a round ruined (kick).  You ruin someone's day (racist remark, etc), you day gets ruined (1 day ban).  You ruin someone's entire game (hacking someone's account, cheating), your game gets ruined (perma-ban).  That's just my views.

The rest of my previous post, and what follows here, appeals to alv's specific condition, and his fate is the one we must consider now.  We all have the same goal: justice.  However we must take into account that this is a game and the severity of the crimes.  We must also take into account the consequences of the different actions we can take now:

If we choose to keep alv banned, we will completely obliterate his enjoyment of the game, but possibly slightly increase the rest of the playerbase's enjoyment (cuz they don't have to play with possibly un-reformed griefer).  If we allow him back in, we will completely restore one players enjoyment of the game (his) and possibly temporarily decrease the enjoyment for a few players (whoever is in game with him if he fucks up again...and only for the short period until he is re-banned.)  We must look at what is certain in the above statements, and what are the variables.  What are the chances of those variable occurring, and what are the consequences?  I think true justice will see giving him another chance still.

My logic is flawless!  :) 
For real though, think about it.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Penitent on February 13, 2012, 07:54:39 pm
i want to answer you but dont understand what did you say (goolge translator says stupid things) sorry

Google translate is probably not saying stupid things...its an english expression (two of them actually, combined).  When someone is "handcuffed" it symbolically means they are bound, or restricted.  Another form of this expression is saying someones "hands are tied."  The other is "teddy bear", a stuffed animal toy.  When you say someone is being a "teddy bear" they are being soft, cuddly, or overly kind.

Tears is saying that my suggestions for more lenient admin punishments would be like "restricting the admin's actions so that they are too soft or kind".  Same as "handcuffed into being teddy bears."
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Armpit_Sweat on February 13, 2012, 08:41:51 pm
... вкусил сладость личерства ...

... took delight in sweet leeching ...

That part made me smile :) +5
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Armpit_Sweat on February 13, 2012, 11:02:30 pm
(click to show/hide)

Here is a close translation from Russian. I did my best to preserve the original text as good as possible. English is my 4th language, and I don't use it outside of internet, so you are welcome to correct my mistakes :)

( i kept the original English parts out )

Lets begin by defining what ban is. Ban – is a punishment for disturbers of order, and those who disregard the rules. Admin's ban, descends on the heads of mortal men like Odin's lightning bolt -  dealing death to the wicked.
Since administrators are supported by his highness chadz, their decisions are not being questioned. Protection of law and order – is their top priority.
Despite that, there are still some individuals who blatantly break the rules. ( I am, unfortunately, one of them ) I have been banned 8 times for breaking rules. ( 4 times for leeching, one for walking through walls and 3 times for team killing )

Since I do not possess a good imagination, that could otherwise assist me in writing this essay, I have read almost every unban essay on the forum – but that didn't help. Prepare yourself for nonsense and whining, that comes in the following paragraph.

It all began with a big bang... hmm.. it all began in September or October, i cant recall exactly, thats when i took delight in sweet leeching for the first time – you are doing nothing and earning gold – is  it not happiness? As it turns out – its not. The fairytale ended with my first 3-day ban. *** *** ****** **** - ** ****** * ** ****** *** **** ****** ******. I was forced to suffer on US servers for 3 days, enduring a 150+ ping. When it was over, and i came back to my beloved European siege, I got too comfortable and that led me to leeching once again....  Leeching became my drug, and as i experienced some success on the market – i craved for more gold for my lucrative business deals. Bans were raining on my head, as often as it rains in England. It was a bad time... My friends began to make fun of me... I had to leech, in order to acquire masterwork weapons and prove my worth to my clan-mates. By that time, I made my first enemies... but that didn't bother me... soon i had more enemies then friends, who attacked and killed me. I had to defend myself due to my naturally hot Cossack temper, and that was the reason for my next punishment – ban for team killing.

A magical axe that i got from a friend of mine – made me a berserker. I used to charge walls in my shining armor – jumping in a crowd and shredding everything in my path. All this action and fast movements made my PC lag, so i had to play ”blindly”. Often, my team-mates ended up under my weapon's magical blade, and since i did not see their banners – i did not apologize for my team kills.
Already after 10 minutes of playing, I had 5/5 team-wounding reports, and was kicked from the game. 
One has to be an exceptionally strong person, in order to restrain from reporting my vile actions on forum. Finally, there was someone who had enough of my team killing -  Outcast_BD_Baby_Wolf. Strangely enough, i don't want to find and kill him, I want to thank him for waking me up, and making me regret my actions.

I apologize for my actions and promise, that it will never happen again. I will change my nick-name, so I can erase my wicked past as soon as possible.....
I hope and beg for forgiveness.....

Sincerely yours, Alv.


* This sentence is too corny for me, and i refuse to translate it. Sorry. :(   
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: MR_FISTA on February 14, 2012, 01:17:46 am
This was a small part of my position, and I understand if you disagree.  The meat of my post was below that though.

I guess its just a matter of perspective.  You may say "I can grief every day" and I'd say "you can get banned every day".  You'd say "hand-cuffed teddy bear" and I'd say "acting with prudence, but firmness."  Not all griefs are created equal, and the punishment should fit the crime.  TW/TK = minor offense.  Cheating/hacking = major offense.  The point I was trying to make with that 1st paragraph is that if his minor offenses were treated as such with a warning or a kick, his ban count would be considerably less than 8 and we'd be dealing with a different animal.  I'm saying lets call a spade a spade.  8 TW bans is waaaay different than 8 cheating bans (which would never happen, but you get my point).

True justice: you ruin someone's round (TK, TW) you have a round ruined (kick).  You ruin someone's day (racist remark, etc), you day gets ruined (1 day ban).  You ruin someone's entire game (hacking someone's account, cheating), your game gets ruined (perma-ban).  That's just my views.

The rest of my previous post, and what follows here, appeals to alv's specific condition, and his fate is the one we must consider now.  We all have the same goal: justice.  However we must take into account that this is a game and the severity of the crimes.  We must also take into account the consequences of the different actions we can take now:

If we choose to keep alv banned, we will completely obliterate his enjoyment of the game, but possibly slightly increase the rest of the playerbase's enjoyment (cuz they don't have to play with possibly un-reformed griefer).  If we allow him back in, we will completely restore one players enjoyment of the game (his) and possibly temporarily decrease the enjoyment for a few players (whoever is in game with him if he fucks up again...and only for the short period until he is re-banned.)  We must look at what is certain in the above statements, and what are the variables.  What are the chances of those variable occurring, and what are the consequences?  I think true justice will see giving him another chance still.

My logic is flawless!  :) 
For real though, think about it.

Don't even know the guy but you have to agree with this, give the guy a chance he clearly regrets his actions and won't risk another ban.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Torben on February 14, 2012, 01:39:46 am
A picture is being drawn here,  of an immature,  hot tempered little fella that gets too involved into this game.  I personally like him,  however i dont think that is clouding my judgement whilst supporting his unban.

he didnt do anything that i couldnt forgive him for  if it was done to me,  and just maybe he will get a hold of himself in the future.

in the end it comes down to applying the rules with the intention of keeping the game enjoyable and playable for everyone.
if he should not live up to these expectations in the future,  a real punishment would be at hand.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 14, 2012, 09:23:35 am
(click to show/hide)

Here is a close translation from Russian. I did my best to preserve the original text as good as possible. English is my 4th language, and I don't use it outside of internet, so you are welcome to correct my mistakes :)

( i kept the original English parts out )

Lets begin by defining what ban is. Ban – is a punishment for disturbers of order, and those who disregard the rules. Admin's ban, descends on the heads of mortal men like Odin's lightning bolt -  dealing death to the wicked.
Since administrators are supported by his highness chadz, their decisions are not being questioned. Protection of law and order – is their top priority.
Despite that, there are still some individuals who blatantly break the rules. ( I am, unfortunately, one of them ) I have been banned 8 times for breaking rules. ( 4 times for leeching, one for walking through walls and 3 times for team killing )

Since I do not possess a good imagination, that could otherwise assist me in writing this essay, I have read almost every unban essay on the forum – but that didn't help. Prepare yourself for nonsense and whining, that comes in the following paragraph.

It all began with a big bang... hmm.. it all began in September or October, i cant recall exactly, thats when i took delight in sweet leeching for the first time – you are doing nothing and earning gold – is  it not happiness? As it turns out – its not. The fairytale ended with my first 3-day ban. *** *** ****** **** - ** ****** * ** ****** *** **** ****** ******. I was forced to suffer on US servers for 3 days, enduring a 150+ ping. When it was over, and i came back to my beloved European siege, I got too comfortable and that led me to leeching once again....  Leeching became my drug, and as i experienced some success on the market – i craved for more gold for my lucrative business deals. Bans were raining on my head, as often as it rains in England. It was a bad time... My friends began to make fun of me... I had to leech, in order to acquire masterwork weapons and prove my worth to my clan-mates. By that time, I made my first enemies... but that didn't bother me... soon i had more enemies then friends, who attacked and killed me. I had to defend myself due to my naturally hot Cossack temper, and that was the reason for my next punishment – ban for team killing.

A magical axe that i got from a friend of mine – made me a berserker. I used to charge walls in my shining armor – jumping in a crowd and shredding everything in my path. All this action and fast movements made my PC lag, so i had to play ”blindly”. Often, my team-mates ended up under my weapon's magical blade, and since i did not see their banners – i did not apologize for my team kills.
Already after 10 minutes of playing, I had 5/5 team-wounding reports, and was kicked from the game. 
One has to be an exceptionally strong person, in order to restrain from reporting my vile actions on forum. Finally, there was someone who had enough of my team killing -  Outcast_BD_Baby_Wolf. Strangely enough, i don't want to find and kill him, I want to thank him for waking me up, and making me regret my actions.

I apologize for my actions and promise, that it will never happen again. I will change my nick-name, so I can erase my wicked past as soon as possible.....
I hope and beg for forgiveness.....

Sincerely yours, Alv.


* This sentence is too corny for me, and i refuse to translate it. Sorry. :(
  Thank you for translating!)

* its like a first sex in your life - you are scared and you dont know what should you do in further)
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 14, 2012, 09:34:18 am
A picture is being drawn here,  of an immature,  hot tempered little fella that gets too involved into this game...
Yeah its too hard to admit that you are addicted of this game(
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: autobus on February 20, 2012, 07:27:23 am
First of all: I am russian and i do understand what he meant there.

Now judging on his essay and everything i know about him i see a typical arrogant person who thinks noone can punish him.
Alv was banned for 8 times before and he has lots of friends who was banned before which means he is pretty common with rules and the ways to avoid them.
There are 3 types of players:
1. Player who just got banned writes an honest essay where he explains what he was doing wrong and why he wont do it again, he understands that cheating is no good and never cheats again.
2. Player writes funny/poetic/exotic essay to entertain comunity. He does understand that cheating is wrong but he never cares much, although he proaly wont cheat again cause he experienced the power of ban.
3. Player tries to write funny/poetic/exotic essay to entertain community while not caring about his actions being wrong. He is already thinking of another way to cheat and another way to avoid ban.

I believe Alv is nr.3
Also i think that cheaters are like Dusturil - let them be free for 4 times, get the things done on 5th.

im done.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: MrShine on February 20, 2012, 07:15:03 pm
I vote no to the unban request.  Yes it's harsh to be permanently banned, but I have no pity when someone is banned 8 times from a game.  Maybe there are times where someone gets banned for a questionable reason, or is having a bad day and get's banned.  That's somewhat understandable. 

But being banned 8 times isn't a mistake, it represents a habit and general lack of remorse.  That means there were 8 times that Alv was banned, sat on it for a bit, had a chance to contemplate his actions.. and then proceeded to do something else to get himself banned afterwards. 

The majority of players in this game never get banned and never have to worry about things like this.  The mature thing to do would be to follow the rules which helps ensure everyone can play for fun.  Even if someone is immature and gets themselves banned one or maybe two times, hopefully those breaks can be a sobering experience signifying it's time to shape up.

...but 8 times?  Multiple counts of team wounding, leeching?  That shows you either don't care or are too stupid to learn.  It shows that you value your entertainment at the expense of other people, and would probably do so in the future too.  If you haven't learned that teamkilling is going to get you into trouble after the first, second, and third bans, why should we believe a 4th one is going to stick?

I personally think essay bans should rarely be approved for this very reason.   If you're that focused on coming back to cRPG nobody is stopping you from buying a new cd key... just be prepared to be banned in the future for the same behavior you've exhibited in the past.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Didreot on February 28, 2012, 12:31:23 pm
Has he already been unbanned?
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: BD_Baby_Wolf on February 28, 2012, 12:59:57 pm
i dont think he ever will be. Most of players want him out.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Herkkutatti on February 28, 2012, 01:12:58 pm
Best essay ever, he deservers 100 boddles of vodka and unban 5/5
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Didreot on February 28, 2012, 01:18:12 pm
i dont think he ever will be. Most of players want him out.
only 73 voted. I think teamkill isnt a reason for forever ban, but admins should decide.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: BD_Baby_Wolf on February 28, 2012, 01:22:20 pm
it's not just a single tk, it's 8 previous bans for tks.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Torben on February 28, 2012, 01:45:15 pm
i dont even know what that vote is about.  5 options to say yes or no.  meh.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: VR__Alv on February 28, 2012, 02:08:46 pm
Most of my bans for leeching)))
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Penitent on February 28, 2012, 09:18:21 pm
Most of my bans for leeching)))

In order to get a truly accurate picture of what we are dealing with, the player (or admins) should list what each ban was for.  In my opinion, cheating is ban-worthy.  Leeching is not.  Getting a picture of what the "8 counts" were for will help a more just judgment be rendered.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: BD_Baby_Wolf on February 28, 2012, 10:29:09 pm
he had 3 bans for TKing.
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: Penitent on February 28, 2012, 11:21:55 pm
he had 3 bans for TKing.

Ok, so we see 3 for TKing, and the OP said "most" were from leeching.  Any other offenses?
Title: Re: [Unban Essay] Free Alv [Warning: Russian words inside]
Post by: //saxon on March 06, 2012, 10:58:59 pm
I understand russian very well...
Free this guy!

panos got "free" but then got banned again after like 2 days.....for trolling and shit and everything else i think