Author Topic: VALORANT  (Read 14576 times)

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« Reply #45 on: April 15, 2020, 01:27:54 am »
When it runs on pc start up and the game is not running its not a big deal?

Depends. I already use Huawei phone that is opening selfie cam in the background whenever they feel like it, and now thanks to coronavirus (another Chinese invention), little illusion of privacy we thought we had is now completely gone. Another layer of privacy breaching crap on top of inbuilt Microsofts spyware is only going to hurt my PC performance, privacy is already dead.

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« Reply #46 on: April 15, 2020, 04:25:20 am »
When it runs on pc start up and the game is not running its not a big deal?
Yes? Why is that a big deal? How does that affect your day-to-day life? What, in practice, does it change? Do you not have any other programs that run on PC start up?
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Offline Asheram

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« Reply #47 on: April 15, 2020, 06:17:49 am »
Yes? Why is that a big deal? How does that affect your day-to-day life? What, in practice, does it change? Do you not have any other programs that run on PC start up?
yes too many dont need any more. TY
Mortal Combat!ARYS "@Asheram you arent even what you stole from me bud"
For everything that could have been At least we took the ride There's no relief in bitterness Might as well let it die

Offline Xant

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« Reply #48 on: April 15, 2020, 08:57:20 am »
So, no rational arguments. How surprising.
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Offline Vibe

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« Reply #49 on: April 15, 2020, 11:20:17 am »
VALORANT is kinda what I hoped Overwatch would be, a game based around aim with light impact classes/abilities, but Overwatch went full in with basing the gameplay around class compisition, abilities and throwing ults together rather than personal skill / outplay potential.

Few things:
- I do feel VALORANT is a bit more snowbally compared to CS, considering you have to keep purchasing the abilities as well, though I'm surprised how close literally all my games so far have been. I guess MM is pretty good.
- Raze's rocket launcher ult is a bit overtuned and dumb, feels a bit out of place, considering most other ults from other classes can be more easily dodged and aren't nearly as damaging
- I'd prefer shorter games, CS FT15 is absolutely too long for me, Valorant FT13 is a bit better (13:12 game end is still long), 10 would be ideal imo. I've grown to like shorter match games like Rocket League's ~5 min matches, but I know you can't really do that well with Valorant's economy and everything. Dota2's 70+ minute games are draining as fuck.
- I don't know how to feel about footstep sounds range yet, I feel like the range is pretty huge where you can still hear running enemies well, so you often see people walking around instead

Offline Gurgumul

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« Reply #50 on: April 15, 2020, 10:01:56 pm »
Yes? Why is that a big deal? How does that affect your day-to-day life? What, in practice, does it change? Do you not have any other programs that run on PC start up?
Maybe it does not matter for you, because you're a good little boy with two shoes, never did anything sketchy, first in line to get Bill Gates microdick digital vaccine. But some people have a dark past, some are involved in deep underground network of rebellion against dystopian soypunk future. Some people are a threat to the system. When you've built so much, developed extensive supply lines of counterfeit electronic warfart weapons for freedom fighters etc. I don't want the scenario when one day I sit down to play a game, and the powers that be get leverage on me because of some anticheat spyware. Stay safe. Stay informal.

Offline Xant

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« Reply #51 on: April 16, 2020, 08:21:53 am »
VALORANT is kinda what I hoped Overwatch would be, a game based around aim with light impact classes/abilities, but Overwatch went full in with basing the gameplay around class compisition, abilities and throwing ults together rather than personal skill / outplay potential.

Few things:
- I do feel VALORANT is a bit more snowbally compared to CS, considering you have to keep purchasing the abilities as well, though I'm surprised how close literally all my games so far have been. I guess MM is pretty good.
- Raze's rocket launcher ult is a bit overtuned and dumb, feels a bit out of place, considering most other ults from other classes can be more easily dodged and aren't nearly as damaging
- I'd prefer shorter games, CS FT15 is absolutely too long for me, Valorant FT13 is a bit better (13:12 game end is still long), 10 would be ideal imo. I've grown to like shorter match games like Rocket League's ~5 min matches, but I know you can't really do that well with Valorant's economy and everything. Dota2's 70+ minute games are draining as fuck.
- I don't know how to feel about footstep sounds range yet, I feel like the range is pretty huge where you can still hear running enemies well, so you often see people walking around instead
Yep, I think Valorant hit the perfect balance with the abilities.

I do wish it was more athletic of an FPS game at its core, something closer to CoD or even Quake than CSGO, but it's a good game, even if so far it feels like it's not entirely my cup of tea. Still think it feels better than CS, and I played 1300 hours of CS, so.
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« Reply #52 on: April 21, 2020, 07:42:50 pm »
So far my only nitpick about the gameplay is that getting shot pins you in place almost entirely. Someone can just unload full auto on you and even if you only get hit by every 3rd bullet you're basically a stationary target unless you can kill them first, which can be difficult of course if they got the drop on you and you need to do a 180 to find them. Maybe that's how it is in csgo but having only played that once many years ago I don't recall much about its gameplay. So far the game feels great, but looks and sounds pretty terrible all around. Hopefully with the full launch they'll polish things up a bit.
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« Reply #53 on: April 21, 2020, 09:06:13 pm »
You don't get slowed nearly as much in CS:GO. The slow when shot is a bit too much in Valorant for sure.