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Messages - Erzengel

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 194
Global / Re: Bann Deserter_Atlas
« on: November 09, 2014, 11:00:20 am »
It would be a fair bet to suggest that you sold my gauntlets to a friend at a price that was good profit to you and a good price for them.

I am the one who got your gauntlets. He traded them in the morning for my Scale Gauntlets. I had that offer up for several days. So, no. Three hours later he informed me about your problem. I offered him to revert the deal, but he no longer had my Scale Gauntlets. That's why I told him to talk to Harald.

And yes, you usually put up scam offers. Perhaps it is not too bad, that you are on the receiving end this time.

marketplace jews deserve such punishment, world would be better place without people like you. No hard feelings

Just for your information, this is still a ban thread, so please stop spamming here.

EU (Official) / Re: uhm
« on: November 09, 2014, 01:24:53 am »
Already ban number thirteen for you. The next one will be longer.

Global / Re: Bann Deserter_Atlas
« on: November 08, 2014, 11:31:20 pm »
"If you instead decide to keep the stuff or try to get some extra money out of it, we will forcefully return those items/gold and make sure there is a proper punishment."

Don't be stupid. He already talked to Harald and he said that the deal was ok. He also contaced me several times to try to revert the deal, but it was no longer possible.

One heirloom point costs 285k by the way. So you were trying to scam people with your 2lp 305k offer. Even buying +0 Hourglass Gauntlets and 3 lps is cheaper.

Now you are putting up a 2lp 1k offer for +3 Hourglass Gauntlets in the hope that somebody else makes the same mistake you did. That's really lame...

In my opinion you deserve it...

EU (Official) / Re: banned for BANTER
« on: November 08, 2014, 10:50:33 pm »
You are unbanned now. I guess you learned your lesson. No future racist "jokes".

EU (Official) / Re: Exaggerated Injustice!
« on: November 08, 2014, 10:48:50 pm »
Alright, I believe you. Writing things like "Sieg Heil" is still completly unacceptable and even considered as a crime (Volksverhetzung) in Germany and Austria (where the servers are located). So you should be really careful.

I will reduce your ban to two days. Remind me to unban you on Monday.

EU (Official) / Re: BAN shadelacro SS words and pollabooze
« on: November 08, 2014, 06:21:57 pm »
Shadelacro banned for one week for chat abuse.

General Discussion / Re: FREE respec?
« on: November 08, 2014, 10:40:46 am »
Would it be particularly abusable if strat heros could respec every 7 days like others? ATM I have a useless alt as my strat hero which means theres no way I would take part in strat (not that i did much before anyway). Or could you just have like a 24 hour period after respec when you can't join strat or something?

Also can't understand this restriction. The only thing it does is keeping me away from Strategus.

EU (Official) / Re: gugnir banned by corrupt admin
« on: November 07, 2014, 02:38:07 pm »
Spamming? I've made like 4 - 5 posts here or something in a timeline for 2 - 3 weeks?

Each unrelated post is considered as spam - especially if you are only bitching around.

EU (Official) / Re: gugnir banned by corrupt admin
« on: November 07, 2014, 10:14:51 am »
Welcome to cRPG. Banning is our game, removing players the name.

(Keep in mind these are the same people who complain lack of players, after banning 5 every day)


Could you please stop spamming the ban section with your nonsense?

EU (Official) / Re: Mighty Varadin :)
« on: November 06, 2014, 03:31:17 pm »
Its not really that i benefit from "leeching" even if it wasnt on purpose , and honestly i dont thin community which is ultra small benefits from banning ppl when servers are mostly empty anyway. i know you will say it doesnt matter i agree with that , but its not like i troll or do smth really bad...i actually play alot and contribute..but if you feel banning me for longer time than feel free to do it.

How about just joining spectator? :wink: You leech quite a lot to be honest and this is not the only problem. Your other 7 bans are for teamwounding, teamkilling, griefing and poll abuse. 3 of them during the last two weeks.

I know that you are not a bad person, but you should really try to avoid further bans.

EU (Official) / Re: Mighty Varadin :)
« on: November 06, 2014, 03:07:51 pm »
yeye i made mistake i know :D why would it be longer next time ? leeching is 1 day ban....

Nope, the duration also depends on your ban history. And 9 bans is quite a lot.

EU (Official) / Re: Mighty Varadin :)
« on: November 06, 2014, 03:00:35 pm »
One day. Next one will be longer, though. :P Already your 9th ban.

EU (Official) / Re: Unban Varjagi_Gadric
« on: November 06, 2014, 12:31:15 pm »
His ban should end at 17:25:00 CET.

Deutsches Forum / Re: HILFE!
« on: November 06, 2014, 11:35:05 am »
Es kommt sehr darauf an was er studiert...
Bei den ganzen Studiengängen wo man ohne NC oder Eignungstest reinkommt und auch noch unendlich lange für seinen Bachelor brauchen darf... (-> Soziologie)

Völliger Unsinn.

Ich wette 90% hier wären mit einem Soziologiestudium an einer vernünftigen Uni vollkommen überfordert und würden bereits nach dem ersten Semester abbrechen.

Von einem Studiengang auf Bildung/Niveau/Intelligenz zu schliessen ist absolut hirnrissig (abgesehen von Sportstudenten, die sind immer etwas "speziell"  :wink:).

Ich kenne übrigens genügend Juristen, Wirtschafts- und Naturwissenschaftler, die ich im Alltag als ziemliche Vollidioten betrachten würde...


Ein Student der regelmäßig rtl und sat1 schaut?  :lol:

Gibt es alles. Das Niveau unter Stundenten ist eben sehr unterschiedlich. Gerade in den ersten Semestern sind oftmals Leute an der Uni, die dort eigentlich nicht hingehören. Die brechen in der Regel jedoch auch realtiv schnell wieder ab.

Ich habe auch schon miterlebt, wie sich eine Studentin während der Vorlesung mit Kopfhörern "Berlin - Tag & Nacht" angeschaut hat... Und ich studiere an einer sehr renommierten Universität... Bei den Juristen hat sich einer wohl sogar schon einmal Pornos angeschaut und wurde dabei von dem Dozenten erwischt.  :D

EU (Official) / Re: Banned from every server
« on: November 06, 2014, 11:11:27 am »
Banning for going to the bathroom for 10 minutes? Why not to just kick him?

Ehm, because 10 minutes is a huge amount of time and he was hiding at the end of the map?

This thread is not about your personal opinion, so gtfo maybe?  :)

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