Other Games > Minecraft
The God's Land (RP-Survival-MMO)
ITS BACK! (November 29th 2014)
The God's Land
Survival RP Server
About The Server: Current build Beta 0.0.1
This server is focused on providing tools for players to live in a medieval fantasy world. There are many bukkit plugins to give players freedom to do as they please and restrain from negatively effecting others they play with. Players in this world can become high level heroes, skilled crafters, leaders of a religion, wealthy merchants, emperors, and many other roles. On this server you will find a lot of player interaction to over come powerful enemies human and AI alike. Join The God's Land now claim your land and become part of our world.
Getting Started
The God's Land requires no extra files to play on. All mods managed are server side, so no additional downloading for you. Connect to the server and begin your adventures. Start by visiting the coin bank near spawn to get some basic starting supplies (This re-spawns every 24 hours).
Claiming Land
Carefully adventure out into the world using your wooden shovel to claim your land. Players start off with a total of 400 blocks that can be placed wherever they like (10x10 =100 blocks minimum plot size). This is your land to do what ever you want with. On your property you can give permissions to friends and work together to achieve your goals. More land can be purchased with in game currency (Coins) obtained through trading or the Coin bank near spawn.
Heroes Classes and Professions
Each player is able to choose 1 class (12 total) and a profession (7 total). Classes provide useful combat or survival skills where as professions provide more support uses. You can level up 1 class to 20 cap obtaining 4 skills along the way. At any time you may change class or profession to change your play-style. All classes have a Mark and Recall skill at level 1 that you can use to set a portal location with. This is often used if you get stuck or lost. Each class and profession will gain experience at a similar rate.
Type /heroes to get a list of the heroes commands.
More information about heroes mod can be found here.
Primary Classes:
Arcane Archer - Cast spells that severely disable your enemies and attack with arrows
Bard - Bards are jack-of-all-trades adventurers who use music to create a variety of magic effects.
Cleric - Clerics can keep their allies healed even in the most dangerous battles.
Druid - Druids fill a variety of roles when in a group or adventuring alone.
Monk - Monks devote their energies to the pursuit of physical perfection.
Paladin - Paladins are able fighters and battlefield healers.
Ranger - Rangers are excellent archers attuned to the ways of nature.
Rogue - Rogues are sneaky fighters who always seek to take advantage of enemies by attacking from behind.
Shadowknight - Shadowknights are deadly opponents who use evil spells to slow and cripple.
Shaman - Shamans serve as tribal priests able to draw upon the power of the spirits and focus it for their own purposes.
Warrior - Warriors are the masters of armed combat.
Wizard - Wizards dedicate their lives to learning the powers of fire, ice and magic.
Upholstery - Professions SummonSheep and SummonChicken
Hunter - Professions Repair and use of all tools
Enchanter - Professions Enchant and Disenchant
Farmer - Professions Herbalism and summonfood
Fisher - Professions Fishing and Gills
Miner - Professions Super heat and excavate
Woodsman - Professions Woodcutting and Wolf
Loot and Monsters
Monsters in this world are no easy foe. The God's Land monsters level the further you get from the server starting point. Monsters will give more experience, deal more damage, and have more health. Monsters in the Nether and The End start at much higher levels. Monsters also have the ability to drop equipment. Monsters can drop simple wooden gear and leather all the way up to extremely powerful end game loot. Each class has their own preferred weapon and armor types.
Core Bukkit Mods
- BOSEconomy
- ConquestiaMobs
- GriefPrevention
- Heroes
- MythicDrops
- SignShop
- TreasureChest
- Vault
Many thanks to the developers of these mods!
Get on early and claim land!
Updated the main page.
Hey this looks really cool! I might wanna join.
For some reason i couldn't join?
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