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Topics - Alexander_TheGreat_

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7]
Spam / The end of Phase's life :(
« on: September 13, 2011, 06:50:14 pm »

This is how good 2handers die :'(


cRPG Technical problems / MW light crossbow is STILL slow after hotfix!
« on: August 21, 2011, 02:09:54 pm »

before when i had my MW light crossbow with 1 wpf it reloads pretty fast. But now after the patch it shoots slow and reloads slow!

General Off Topic / Brotherhood conversation! VOTE PLEASE!
« on: August 18, 2011, 07:49:33 pm »
Hello guys

I want you to vote on whom is right, Phase or Izatopia (from brotherhood)

As some of you guys know, that me (phase) started brotherhood up. And when i left it i wanted to take a couple of members with me, which is include my "nearest" "friends" in the clan. Quantum,Assprober and Tzar.

But after a while i realised that Izatopia (current leader of brotherhood) hates me for "destroying" the clan. Because i left and took 10 people with me (WTF. 3 players turns into 10???? damn the 3 players are worthly xD)

Well now is Phase conclusion: Even if i want to destroy the clan, its up to me. He cant say anything about it. And i only took 4 players out of 25 (FAIR?!)

Izatopia's conclusion: You can't make a clan and then fuck it up afterwards, you cant recruit people after you gave the clan to me.

So izatopia now blames me for destroying his clan (QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ CRY MOAR)

So now we want to make a vote with votes from other people

INPUT: Can you really believe that izatopia thinks he gets a clan i builded of for 2-3 weeks and he can have it all in 2 seconds? xD xD 25 player, clan name, reputation in 2 sec
sooooo...who is right? 

« on: August 18, 2011, 07:35:55 pm »
Hello guys

I want you to vote on whom is right, Phase or Izatopia (from brotherhood)

As some of you guys know, that me (phase) started brotherhood up. And when i left it i wanted to take a couple of members with me, which is include my "nearest" "friends" in the clan. Quantum,Assprober and Tzar.

But after a while i realised that Izatopia (current leader of brotherhood) hates me for "destroying" the clan. Because i left and took 10 people with me (WTF. 3 players turns into 10???? damn the 3 players are worthly xD)

Well now is Phase conclusion: Even if i want to destroy the clan, its up to me. He cant say anything about it. And i only took 4 players out of 25 (FAIR?!)

Izatopia's conclusion: You can't make a clan and then fuck it up afterwards, you cant recruit people after you gave the clan to me.

So izatopia now blames me for destroying his clan (QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ CRY MOAR)

So now we want to make a vote with votes from other people :P

INPUT: Can you really believe that izatopia thinks he gets a clan i builded of for 2-3 weeks and he can have it all in 2 seconds? xD xD 25 player, clan name, reputation in 2 sec
sooooo...who is right? :D :D

22nd_Phase_The_Useless: hvorfor joinede du 22nd....(why did u join 22nd)
AshGear: pgr af dig og de andre joinede ( because of you and they others joined)
22nd_Phase_The_Useless: ville du havde joined selvom jeg ikke spurgte? (would u join even if i didn't ask u?)
AshGear: ja (yes)

22nd_Phase_The_Useless: why did u join 22nd)
22nd_Phase_The_Useless: (would u join even if i didn't ask u?)
[LᴓF] Quantus trollificus: I was the one who suggested the 22nd
[LᴓF] Quantus trollificus: And of course
[LᴓF] Quantus trollificus: 22nd are the best clan in M&B
22nd_Phase_The_Useless: U WERE?
22nd_Phase_The_Useless: xD xD
22nd_Phase_The_Useless: i thought i was the one
22nd_Phase_The_Useless: LOOL
[LᴓF] Quantus trollificus: Although without you're backing I would not have the confidence to apply for the 22nd
[LᴓF] Quantus trollificus: Yeah, you were thinking of joining Shogunate
[LᴓF] Quantus trollificus: Or 22nd
[LᴓF] Quantus trollificus: So I said 22nd

If he created the clan, he has every right to make a new one/end it upon his leaving and take whoever the hell with him he can, if he wants. If you want to take on the clan instead of it being destroyed, then it's up to you to persuade people to stay ect and follow under your leadership.

Unfortunate, but that's the way things work. I'm with Phase on this one, taking people with him is nothing wrong. (from overdriven)

General Discussion / Why does we have this slow grind? *CURIOUS*
« on: August 02, 2011, 01:49:23 am »
Why does we have this slow grind?

Why cant we keep the 100+exp, after each retirement?
why do we have to stick to 30+exp, after each retirement?

*im curious*

Please increase the exp after retirement! :(

General Discussion / *HELP* all my items is gone :O
« on: August 01, 2011, 11:08:08 am »
I can't log on And i dont have any items ingame. When i try to log in on its sent me to another site:

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /var/www/crpg/webcrpg/class/class_db.php on line 41

cRPG Technical problems / *BUG* strategus, sharwa castle!
« on: July 25, 2011, 02:33:22 pm »
Cant attack Sharwa castle.

it got:

0 army
0 recruits
0 owner

I thought i was lucky and tried to attack it. But then a error popped up (alot of numbers and other stuff)

Please fix it :)

Strategus General Discussion / *BUG BUG BUG* Sharwa castle
« on: July 25, 2011, 02:31:16 pm »
Cant attack Sharwa castle.

it got:

0 army
0 recruits
0 owner

I thought i was lucky and tried to attack it. But then a error popped up (alot of numbers and other stuff)

Please fix it :)

cRPG Technical problems / i cant use STF after 7 days
« on: July 24, 2011, 11:49:30 pm »
The cooldown is 7 days, and i've waited 7 days, but it doesn't work. Other who got the same problems?

General Discussion / Exp per gen
« on: July 19, 2011, 12:58:58 pm »
Why did chadz remove the 100 exp+ per gen? :(

now we only got 30 exp + per gen

please give us it back chadz <3

General Discussion / Is all this perm death a joke now????
« on: July 12, 2011, 03:54:40 pm »
i retired because i was afraid for getting a "perm death" i grinded to lvl 32 and now people telling me that it was a joke? WTF!!!
even chadz wrote somethign about that the "perm death" was true. So i believed him. omfg......!!!

GIVE ME MY CHAR LVL 32 BACK!!!! >_< or 2 heirloom points!!! :O

General Discussion / Char over lvl 31
« on: July 11, 2011, 03:06:11 pm »
Hey. As you know will char over lvl 31 get killed. Which means that people who got a char over 31 have to retire.

My char was lvl 32 and i had to retire. So actually i wasted my time from 31 to 32 (from 31 to 32 = 1-31)
So what about that chadz gave us 2 heirloom points instead of 1? :P,10184.0.html I DIDN*T GET TROLLED

Faction Halls / BrotherHood *New Clan* *Join Us*
« on: July 05, 2011, 05:57:45 pm »
We Stand Together!!!

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Brotherhood are a skillful clan of warriors who have grown close due to their many battles fought together, they once fought under the leadership of the great clan DenBitre, but lost communication with them whilst on a long mission. Once they came back into contact with them they decided not to rejoin under the clan but to ally with them, since their long time out of contact with them had changed the Brotherhood’s ambitions.
Brotherhood’s ranks are decided by skill and experience in combat rather than nobility or wealth; their headmaster is the infamous Phase and is commander of their party.  Entrance into the Brotherhood’s ranks is gained by winning a non-lethal duel against one of their members. Any disputes are also settled by duel if no majority decision can be reached by the members.


  • Stay friendly in-game and on teamspeak
    Stay Positive
    Stay Mature
    Stay Calm
    Love your brothers
    Respect your brothers, but also respect your enemies
    Any problems in the clan MUST go through the leaders, before people decide to do anyhting. If the leaders can't come solution. Will the players solve the problem with a duel

To join us is the requirements following:

  • You must be able to speak, read and write English decently.
    You must be able to use TeamSpeak 3.
    You must be on TeamSpeak 3 in one of our channels. - You can mute sound or sit in the AFK channel.
    You must be sensible, mature.
    You must be able to work as a team.
    You must wear our clan tag and banner.
    You must have decent skills. If you think our decision not to recruit you is too unfair. You can pick 1 of the member to duel you. If you win, you will join

Ranks and members:

(click to show/hide)



How to join us?
The Process goes as following:

You make an account on our official forums.
You write an application on the Application section in the format we stated to.
We discuss your application as clan together.
You wait till you see if your accepted or declined.

(click to show/hide)

cRPG Technical problems / gen 9 but can only heirloom 8 times?
« on: May 07, 2011, 01:53:58 am »
Hey Guys!

I'm gen 9 and i only get allowed to heriloom 8 times?

MW strongbow - heirloom 3 times
 Mw Danish - heirloom 3 times
Balanced katana (supposed to be MW) heirloom 2 times (WTF)

So chadz, can you please give me 1 heirloom more?  (i'll not be sad if you gave me more heirlooms as an excuse xD xD)

my ingame name is Risen_RoyalGuard_Blade! :)

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