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Messages - Hugo_Stiglitz

Pages: [1] 2
General Off Topic / Re: SMEGMAR's cRPG art request board! (VERY NSFW)
« on: October 17, 2014, 10:42:04 pm »
Most skilled artist NA right here, the gorilla squirrel is my favorite

General Discussion / Re: Most hated class in cRPG
« on: November 27, 2013, 01:05:25 am »
horse archer in low pop is the worst scum.

Haha, I see now

You don't have to be a douchebag just because you are ranged.
Let others have their fights. No need for you to interfere if it's almost certain you will win the round.

Even early and mid round when there are not yet any real duels you can show some respect by not participating in the ganking of enemies.
If an enemy fights 3 other guys in melee, he will hate you for shooting at him and your teamates will get annoyed if you teamhit them.

Yeah, I get that. And i'm noticing that it's the ganking that does it

You can be an asshole with any class or you can be a gentleman with all.

I like

General Discussion / Re: Most hated class in cRPG
« on: November 27, 2013, 12:06:11 am »
I don't know how it is in NA, but in EU, there are some respected HA, and the others.
The others are hated by nearly everyone, since they refused to dismount/fight in melee when last, are usually delaying, and are utterly useless.
The respected HA are hated by nearly everyone, but that's because they're very good at what they do : valour farming, horse shooting, range hunting,...

Nice, all I needed was a good opinion. That sums it up pretty well.

I don't dislike people who play certain classes, but I do dislike people who make forum threads to tattle on people.

No, I could give little to no shits about what happened. Things like this just only happen when im on HA.

Hahaha , u tw me, juicy , and the cavalries guys consistently for 2-3 maps. Then at spawn that one round we punched your horse, but obviously you just take the screen shot of the press m part but not ur hp.

That is why I screenshotted at the end of that desert map. To show the score from team wounds/contribution. And the hp is in the picture.

But clearly your a pussy, who thinks you are superior to everyone else. U trolled the whole morning and frustrated everyone on the map by delaying rounds. Every round it would go to 1 min left and it would be 8 v 1

This is the reason for the thread

General Discussion / Most hated class in cRPG
« on: November 26, 2013, 11:45:25 pm »
I played Horse archer for 2-3 hours today in na1, I received quite a shit-storm. Not because I was an archer, but because I was on a horse.

At certain times, I was told I was delaying. Other times, people got mad because I was interrupting duels. Even if my teammates were outnumbered, the community thought that I was wrong to interrupt. If anybody can explain this, please do so.

One round, I started off with this
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These 3 were mad because I was shooting at the last 2 enemies before they could get duels started.

The rounds after
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The last time I tried to kill the only enemy left, a friendly stopped me.
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Teams were 3-1, Aldo wanted the melee to be uninterrupted, so.. I took one for the team.

Next round I bumped aldo, since I wasn't going to kill him in return, it was the best I could do to get back at him. After my bump he told me he was SS'ing me.

All this. Because I decided to play HA, for an extended period of time.

« on: November 22, 2013, 07:47:10 pm »
that's his font and the 'shit existence' part is HIS comment towards HoC.

Thanks for pointing out the reference. It was a hard one to catch.

Also, stop calling people retarded.

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Listen bud, hear that? The sounds of the whispering winds of shit.


Mercenaries need be rewarded for their service on the battlefield. And I have noticed how all of you cling on to that 500 as if it was a victory. Were you as successful the second time around?

Bonesaw had succumb to food poisoning. He did not feel the need to dirty his hands after he wiped, for he knew that only filth would follow his posts.

Racism is still alive because we keep getting offended by it.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Please add fat player models
« on: October 30, 2013, 01:00:35 am »
Can we limit the athletics though? All I can imagine are a bunch of naked heavy set 2h crutchers with 9 athletics derping around in battle. Bigger hitboxes or not, they shouldn't run fast.

General Discussion / Re: what's going on with all the crpg servers?
« on: October 29, 2013, 07:20:48 pm »
This is roughly how this piece of shit mod works

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NA (Official) / Ban Request - Try_Cikel
« on: July 14, 2013, 05:09:23 am »
~10pm EST, Na_2

Fighting, and get team wounded twice before death. The comments afterword are what got me, and the scoreboard pic is just for a reference for how he was doing.

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Closed Requests / Unban HoC_Duke_Vegan
« on: July 05, 2013, 03:01:28 am »
Eu_cRPG_5_Maxlvl20 server. 8:40 or so.

Empty server at the time, I joined and spawned as the only player.
A minute or two in, two players join, but stay in spectate.
About 30 seconds after that, they make a poll to ban me.
It passes 66%. I did not get their names.
Please unban.

NA (Official) / Ban Request - Cap
« on: March 08, 2013, 07:09:51 pm »
In DTV, Cap was complaining to all the ranged that wounded him for about 20-30 minutes before this incident. He kept blaming them for it and kept warning them to not hit him with "accidental" arrows all the time. When I accidentally hit him once, he came to the roof i was shooting off of and shield bashed me off. (During DTV it could lead to my death) So I went back onto the roof, waited for the round to end, then team killed him (because we spawned immediately after). Then I felt we were even, and I was done.

New round starts and he follows me on the roof, shield bashes me off of once. I get back up and tell him, "you will get me killed". He does it again, and I die to the sea raiders.
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At the end of that round, he stands back and watches them kill virgin.
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New round, we all go to attack peasants. I ask him to stop bothering me, he responds with "Have i killed you?" Team kills me, then quits the server.
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He was the only reason I died both times while playing.

NA (Official) / Ban Request: Arrowsuck
« on: February 19, 2013, 04:42:28 am »
Walk out of spawn, get 2 arrows in the back. Turn around and get 1 to the head, then he leaves.

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NA (Official) / [BAN] Oussama_Ben_Laden, Sadam_Usen_x_x
« on: January 07, 2013, 08:21:08 pm »
I was in cRPG_7 and these two archers under the same banner started shooting at me while I was fighting peasants. TW and kick, no reason.

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