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Topics - Boss_Awesome

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Strategus General Discussion / Strategus Battles - when time runs out
« on: December 27, 2012, 10:10:34 pm »
I don't really get why the defenders win when time runs out.  This seems to be an unrealistic and rather shitty mechanic.  It would make a lot more sense to have an army withdraw and not lose any more troops/equipment or perhaps a small amount like 10% as a result of the route.  As it is now, the defender can put so many troops into a location that the attacker must cap flags to win and if they fail they lose everything.  If the timer running out was considered a tie then we would see more battles overall.  Some of the city/castle sieges might take multiple battles to win as the attacker would have to grind down enemy troops.  It would be more realistic as well since sieges typically were not over in a single battle historically. 

Mercenary Recruitment / The Defense of New Tibault Castle
« on: November 11, 2012, 09:18:37 pm »
You wish to end this? You wish to go home? Then we must face that the price may be dear. I, for one, would rather die than spend my life in hiding. Our enemies call us outlaws, but I say we are free. And one free archer defending his home is more powerful than ten hired archers. Fighting the UIF taught me that. I will make you no promises, save one: that if you truly believe in your hearts that you're free, then I say we can win!

- A speech given to the defenders of New Tibault Castle.

Looking for NA/EU mercenaries for siege defense.  The battle will be at 11:21 AM GMT Monday.!?page=battledetail&id=1350

EDIT:  Since the time sucks so much we have put together an incentive package for our mercenaries.  We will be offering cRPG gold to the MVPs of the battle.  #1 MVP will receive 50k cRPG gold, #2 MVP will receive 30k cRPG gold, and #3 MVP will receive 20k cRPG gold.  We will mainly be looking at KDR to determine MVPs but may also look at other stats if someone goes above and beyond the call of duty.  Also, 5k cRPG gold for anyone with a positive kill death ratio, the castle is easy to defend so it shouldn't be too hard.

Strategus General Discussion / Requesting temporary strategus freeze
« on: October 31, 2012, 10:47:01 pm »
Considering that the latest patch will require 1/3 of the cRPG community to respec or retire, could we maybe get a strat freeze for 2 weeks to give people a chance to adjust and for the bugs ect to get worked out?

Suggestions Corner / Supply and Demand suggestion
« on: October 09, 2012, 09:27:18 pm »
Instead of an S&D value, change S&D so each fief has separate Supply and Demand values.  By selling in a fief it's Supply increases and Demand decreases.  Buy from a fief and it's Demand increases and Supply decreases.  Remove the fixed prices for goods and have the buy/sell price based on the current Supply and Demand values. 

Suggestions Corner / Zero Slot Weapons
« on: October 02, 2012, 12:28:13 am »
I suggest that some zero slot weapons be added that are actually somewhat useful for killing people.  When I play c-rpg I often hear people bitch about kiting archers.  However, as an archer with a warbow and 2 stacks of arrows, the only option is to fight with a steak knife, a broken tree branch, a hand rake or a carpentry hammer.   These crappy weapons combined with the fact that most archers will not have wpf in a melee weapon or points in powerstrike, mean the only option is kiting. 

Suggestions Corner / No Shows in Strategus
« on: September 25, 2012, 08:31:04 pm »
Currently, when no one shows up to a battle on either side, the attacker wins.  This should be changed so that the defender wins.  The risk should always be with the attacker.  Also, since the attacker can choose when, how, and how often to attack, they can abuse the system.  An attacker can spam attack a powerful target until they get a time where no one will show up or the server bugs out and they defeat a much more powerful target through bug abuse.  Fix please. 

Suggestions Corner / Sumpter Horses
« on: September 19, 2012, 07:38:39 pm »
The Sumpter horse is kind of a joke horse as is.  It is slow, weak, and basically useless.  My suggestion is to have it reskinned as a Donkey.  In addition, instead of rearing up like a regular horse, it should have the ability to launch a vicious kick to the area behind it.  This deadly back kick attack would make up for the Donkey's otherwise subpar stats. 

Strategus General Discussion / Battles not working?
« on: July 14, 2011, 04:49:50 am »
Doesn't look like strat battles are working.  4 Battles are set but all at 1:00am server time, which has already past with no update... Or am i misreading this?

cRPG Technical problems / Where is my anime hair?
« on: May 02, 2011, 11:17:52 pm »
There is a bug with the new patch where my anime turquoise hair is gone.  I have great faith in the cRPG team that this bug will be fixed ASAP.

Please give us the old ladders back. The new ladders are so fucking dumb.  They stop at 45 degree angle instead of landing  when they hit something.  I'm sure this saves a few thin skinned morons  from the horror of ladderpaulting but is it worth sacrificing the physics?  NO!  It's not worth sacrificing the physics.  Instead of needing to take a wall in siege, we get ladder ramps that run from attacker spawn all the way into the highest tower of the castle, maybe skirting around for asthetic or pratical reasons.  It looks fucking dumb.  Also, why is it that ladders constantly fall through the castle walls?  There is no way we can restart strategus if it works like this with ladders.   Is it because the walls were tweaked because some skill less noob cried that his weapon kept hitting the side?  (and was too much of a dumbshit to adjust fighting style) Or is this simply some other form of dumbfuckery associated with these new ladders. 

Solution:  Fix the fucking walls and give us the old ladders back.

I realize this is a rage post, but I have been thinking about this for a long time and feel that I need to say something.  I used foul language in order to enunciate my point appropriately.  A rage post for a rage worthy subject.

Suggestions Corner / Heirloom Resets
« on: January 24, 2011, 09:02:03 pm »
Seems like weapons are changing pretty often.  How about allowing heirloom resets for a large cash fee.  Maybe 100k to reset your heirlooms so you can pick new ones.  In case anyone heirloomed a piece of garbage that nobody wants to trade for.

Suggestions Corner / Realism based on weapon
« on: January 21, 2011, 07:39:06 pm »
I think Katanas should get a bonus vs. shields.  Since they were the greatest blades ever made, they can cut through almost anything in one strike so it would make sense for them to break shields easy.  Also, Katanas should do pierce damage to reflect how they can slice through heavy armor like butter.  Also, they should have a secondary mode where you can throw it, and it of course should do 200 pierce damage. 

Strategus General Discussion / Strategus History
« on: January 15, 2011, 01:04:01 am »
Strategus is down for now, and probably will be down for a while.  Possibly even being wiped.  In the mean time, I think it would be fun to put together a complete history of strategus.  I will continue to edit the intro post with any additions posted later on in the thread.  I didn't really get involved in strategus until October of 2010 so any events prior to then I have no real knowledge of and would love to hear individual accounts.  There was a thread on the old forums with some information so I will start by copy pasting.

From Nebun (DRZ Diplomat)
(click to show/hide)

From Boss_Awesome (Fallen Brigade Diplomat)
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The SeaRaiders/Nordmen of Fenada history:
(click to show/hide)

The Ninja clan's desperate plea for help and an account of the first war in strategus
(click to show/hide)

In Re Plazek (leader of the 22nd Battalion)
(click to show/hide)

History of the D'Haran Legion - from Lord Braeden
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Burning Bridges: the BRD experience in Strategus - from Kalam
(click to show/hide)

General Discussion / Why are leechers so stupid?
« on: January 11, 2011, 11:21:07 pm »
I've seen a lot of criticism of the new patch by people who say "You don't need to do anything to get money" and "there is no reason to try and win anymore".  Now it is pretty obvious that these people aren't too bright because they don't even mention the multiplier.  I'm not gonna bother wasting anymore time talking about these types.  What I want to talk about is leechers.  They have high level characters but don't wear much gear and don't try to help their teams.  They say they do this because they can make more money that way by avoiding upkeep.  What do they do with this money?  They don't wear gear so they don't need to buy anything.  They don't have to worry about upkeep so they don't need money for that... Why do leechers need money?  I don't get it!!!  Do they swim in a big virtual pool filled with money somewhere? 

General Discussion / NA Server Crisis
« on: January 04, 2011, 09:25:54 pm »
NA servers are severely overcrowded right now.  45 seconds after the password comes off the 120 server is full and the 80 server is perpetually full.  And of course, the siege server disappeared.  Where did the siege server go?  Finally the population is so full that people would be forced to play siege with me and it disappears.  I expect a much higher volume of playing when the patch comes out.  Any plans for NA servers? 

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