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Suggestions Corner / New equipment: Gladiator gear
« on: June 13, 2011, 01:01:36 pm »
Cheap gladiator gear.

Wooden buckler 1 or 2 skill to use high HP terrble coverage bad armour.

Gladiator helmet(s)

Gladiator armour.


Short Roman Sword.

All cheap or cheapish gear to use when you need to make some cash but want to look like a bad ass doing it.

Other / Re: cRPG_Australia
« on: June 13, 2011, 12:52:53 pm »
How much are you guys down by?

I saw this the other day all I have to say is that we have been having a lot of server crashes and mass kickings in the last week. How the hell do we know he wasn't trying to resolve that? I know the game type is DTV but that doesn't mean there isn't a perfectly reasonable answer.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Shield Heirloom very gimp now
« on: June 12, 2011, 03:26:01 am »
I like pole, ride it all the time. I gain nothing from a shield loom redist +1 to your cause brother man.

Suggestions Corner / Cash money for kills.
« on: June 12, 2011, 03:22:55 am »
I have no opinion on this either way, was just an idea I had. It could be good. but whatever!~!~!~!~!~!

The arse will fall out of the market. It always does... bloody tulips. The most gold I ever got my hands on at one time was 40k, using peasant gear, the moment I actually try and have, blam, my bank account empties. On the other hand, when I armour and tool up I often find myself on the nice end of an x5. So if the rounds really drag on and on then I can make a good bit of cash. Seriously though there should be some kind of gold mode, where buckets are sitting around on the ground and when you kill a well armed player you get 500 or something.

What really need is the ability to share gold across chars. Then flogging some loomed nonsense and getting a fat cash bonus will become a more common a fare and more useful IMO. Being able to through 400k into a new charcter to test it out by flogging some loomed middle of the road armour sounds pretty good to me.

I still have yet to ever rid a horse, I use pols and so have a deep burning hatred of HORSES! but would none the less like to try them but alas my tank, he is too fat.

Suggestions Corner / Allow restat through payment of gold.
« on: June 11, 2011, 05:25:33 pm »
I know there is currently a discussion going but I thought an actual poll might be a bit better.

First off personally I want to see it happen. I messed around with my build, I knew what its main focus was but I tinkered with it. The tinkering was a cock up. I have points in stats I have no use for. I tried throwing and put a good bit in it to see if got better over time, and it didn't. Being able to reset stats would allow me to have the build I want to be able to play the way I like to play, I think a lot of other people are in the same boat. They tried archery and then went tank and so forth.

Announcements / Re: Official Survey about item power
« on: June 09, 2011, 09:41:43 am »
lol looks like everything needs a nerf

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