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Messages - tortoul

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11]
Faction Halls / Re: [STR] The Strangers
« on: March 30, 2011, 04:20:51 am »
здравия желаю, иноземцы! у меня нет никого, кто бы мог за меня поручиться, я все еще слаб, много не знаю, но ваш клан мне ближе всех. ваши ряды мне дайте пополнить, и да не посрамлю меча богатырского!
i am from kazakhstan, unfortunately there is noone who can recommend me. but want to join you, guys. your clan is the best for me to join, the last thing is your decision. please, give me a chance, and i'll do my best!
P.S. Dunecat sending u my stats via pm

General Discussion / Re: Clan info ?
« on: March 30, 2011, 03:31:48 am »

General Discussion / Re: Clan info ?
« on: March 30, 2011, 03:11:28 am »
hi! wanna join a clan, but dont know how to do that.
i am not a kind of uber player - only 1st G, and i guess if team is ready to take a new player, team wants a good player. but with God's help it wont take for so long to become a mate to rely on)
smbdy, please, tell me where to search for a clan

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Advice on 1h weapons
« on: March 30, 2011, 02:42:59 am »
Those stats are incorrect. The main difference: Scimitar has 97 range and the Elite scimitar has 100. However, the Scimitar has 101 base speed and the Elite has 99.

My take on this: on foot, if you get used to the 97 length, the normal scimitar is better than the Elite Scimitar. But on a mount, those three points extra range make the Elite scimitar worth it. It's a hard decision though.

When 3x heirloomed, the Masterwork Scimitar has 103 (!) speed, being the fastest sword together with the Masterwork Side Sword.

If you like spamming, the Scimitar is just spamtastic. The Elite Scimitar is more of a compromise between length and speed. Both are excellent swords. I say try 'em both out, they aren't expensive to buy and see which one you prefer before you heirloom either.

Heirloomed, the normal Scimitar catches up with the Elite Scimitar. So it's all about those 3 points of range vs 2 points in speed. Oh and the normal Scimitar is really cheap for the stats it has. So if money is an issue for you, the Scimitar might be perfect for you.
Really there's no reason you can't use both the Scimitar and the Elite if those are what you're interested in, though. Use Scimitar when you lack a multiplier, or whenever you feel like, and Elite when you have at least a 2x
i've mixed up stats, sorry. i'm only 1st G, so i dont know much about heirlooming etc. and you really helped me with my problem. thanks a lot)
i like this two also because they have no thrust and this makes them spamtastic), sometimes a disadvantage, but i hate unpurpose thrusts
i have an incredible ping so i guess i am not going to mount:( at this case however i use both, a simple scimitar is more suitable to heirloom, i think.

 awesome!  thank you, guys

a question to admins and moderators. doesn't my avatar break any rule like "no commercial" etc. if does, a pity, but i'll change it

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Advice on 1h weapons
« on: March 23, 2011, 07:05:21 pm »
i prefer scimitar to niuweidao. but can't decide which is better: scimitar with spd 101, range 97 and 30 dmg or elite scimitar with spd 100, range 99 and dmg 31. does elite scimitar worth its price and repair price?
help me please, oh expert)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Advice on 1h weapons
« on: March 23, 2011, 06:57:47 pm »
Tortoul, you can heirloom any weapon that you can equip when your retire.

Example: Johnny only has 3 riding, so when he retires he CANNOT heirloom his courser but he CAN heirloom his rouncey.
It is a retirement bonus. If you retire at 31, you get a bonus upgrade to a weapon or armor. You can upgrade an item 3 times.

As well as the item bonus, you get +100xp per tick.
thank you, guys

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Advice on 1h weapons
« on: March 23, 2011, 06:29:20 pm »
Forget the Wakizashi, it may be fast, but its very short.
If you want a fast one, you should try Niuweidao. I have a Masterwork Niuweidao and i'm really happy with it.
looked up threads but couldnt find, so sorry if i write offtop
could someone explain me how to upgrade your weapons? or give me, please, a link
p.s. is armour upgradable?

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