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Messages - Nightmare798

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 142
you people are either the worst trolls ever or the dumbest creatures that can still manage to type somehow

either way, yeesh

pre-alpha tech demo, no textures, no colors, no characters, nothing you see matters other than the vision of the combat mechanics. no but keep criticizing the hair though, you're doing a great job
That is not the point here.

How can the game have any credibility of being realistic when it has two chicks with white hair brandishing katanas, dueling against each other in feudal Japan.
That is like calling call of duty realistic war simulator.


You catch on that and you completely ignore there are two chicks with swords in supposedly realistic historical japanese duel fencing game?

By the way, its not about the hairstyle itself, it is about the color...

General Discussion / Re: Why is a masterwork katana a flamberge?
« on: May 31, 2015, 02:48:26 pm »
He is right. Contrary to actual belief Japanese steel was shit, due to the islands being relatively poor. So they used what they could.


Japanese sword smiths were not deemed incredibly skilled for creating weapons that can cut through rocks, they were deemed as such because they were able to make relatively decent swords from the poor steel available to them.

Its durability was garbage. You cant directly block with a katana without it breaking to pieces and getting ruined. Blocking with a katana requires a specific blockingtechnique. Do it wrong and the blade turns to crap in 1 swing.

Which makes me further wonder WHY didnt japanese soldiers used shields before adopting firearms from portugal. Also. the thing about breaking is not necessarily true either. Yeah you will fuck up your blade if you will block with the edge (Which is what most newbies do), but that happens mostly with any bladed weapon.

But I agree that durability of those blades was mediocre.

Appearantly, ZoltanĀ“s idea of cleaning involves spitting the shit out of the place.

General Discussion / Re: Humble bundle mount&blade weekend sale!
« on: May 30, 2015, 04:08:16 am »
How many fat people have you fucked? How many humanoid animals have you fucked?

Please don't answer

Fucking as is two humanoid animals engaging in sexual intercourse, to which I deem photos of fat people being preferable, as in easier on eyes, because appearantly, everyone on this forum is prone to immediatelly assume the worst about the person and acting on that assumption.

General Discussion / Re: Humble bundle mount&blade weekend sale!
« on: May 30, 2015, 03:28:01 am »
Can you please go back to furries!?!
Your recent avatar really disturbes me.

I believe fat people are preferable to fucking humanoid animals.

Arigato sushi hentai boku no pico banzai sugoi naruto one piece bleach tenno heika banzai

Thanks sushi transformation made my pico Banzai amazing and ridge Piese b ~Ea ch shop Majesty Banzai

Google is aksing: is there something wrong?

Well it is still alpha and when they say alpha that's what it means.

The combat looks to be limited by the engine though, rather than the lack of development.

Also, arent they developing it like three years already?


Looks like it looks and runs much better from previous installments. Still not convinced with the combat, though.

The combat looks...well...

Worse than skyrim, and that honestly says a LOT.

Hmmm so when greys want to kick people out of a so called "fief transfer" it is ok but when others want it's ban for them lol. I don't know if crpg is more dead or more corrupt...

This is the first time I see you posting in different text color than yellow...

Spam / Re: The real question cRPG players are asking.
« on: May 29, 2015, 05:28:00 pm »
Some people would rather believe in a cabal of shadowy all-powerful manipulators directing and controlling major world events than accept the chaotic randomness of billions of often competing actors and how little influence event the most powerful people on the planet have over it. Need someone to blame, even if it's paranoid delusions.

Well, even psychpathical maniacs with great influence over the world need some past time.

General Off Topic / Re: THE anime thread
« on: May 29, 2015, 01:09:23 am »
You people are not gonna fucking believe this. Just look at that profile.

I just watched the original fate stay night. Fuck that ending man...  :cry: :cry: :cry:

Yeah I really rooted for Saber.

I didnt care too much about Rin or Sakura, but the fate ending really feels like a slap in the face. Also dont forget to play the novel.

Spam / Re: The real question cRPG players are asking.
« on: May 26, 2015, 02:17:23 pm »
I sincerely hope you haven't spent a single $ on getting information about 9/11... because then you... fed in to the most reasonable conspiracy theory I heard of:

Truthers being funded and made more extreme by undercover operatives to make them seem like crackpots. Then when that's been done dismiss any question regardless of how honest and relevant as: "You crackpot truther" by the "mainstream"(establishment) "media"(Propaganda machine).

Not really, just some information anyone can find. But you know something stinks when a plane crashes into a top of a building especially designed to whitstand an impact of crashed airplane and high-magnitude earthquake, and collapses several seconds afterwards in a way that is dangerously similar to a controlled demolition. When you look at the footage carefully, you can see that the building is falling way too cleanly downwards, instead of the top tilting to the side that was damaged more. That ignoring the fact an airplane made mostly of aluminium somehow managed to cleanly cut through concrete, steel and collapse a building that was way too big and robust to fall apart from something like that.

In my opinion, US government simply needed a reason to start a war in afghanistan and yet still somehow make it look like they are the good guys, fighting against terrorists and for freedom and what not, all that while capturing natural resources of value that surpass many times the cost of the both buildings. I am not gonna even mention WTC 7.

True, but only 3 Swallows? The fact is I am even bored having to meditate to refill them, can't imagine going through that Alchemy menu to make new ones after every fight..

You can just hit backspace, meditation adn set it to one hour. It takes like 5 seconds. I still wish they handled it differently, like allowing player to sleep at inns to recover health or something.

Spam / Re: This is ya' boy!
« on: May 25, 2015, 11:31:46 pm »
Is this even english?

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