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Messages - ecorcheur_brokar

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Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU] Uthyr Pendraeg
« on: April 04, 2016, 02:58:08 pm »
-imgur is banned in Turkey yes-
Hahaha most funny post on this forum! Is it for real? Maybe Erdogan should just pierce every turk's eyes, you never know when some eyes will stumble on some terrorist propaganda!

General Off Topic / Re: Sicario
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:55:18 pm »
Saw "incendies" from the same scenarist, excellent movie! Two kids living in Canada trying to figure out the past life of their mother during the lebanese war after she died. It has actions but in the same time is quite moving.

General Off Topic / Re: #dream is alive
« on: March 24, 2016, 06:20:47 pm »
And yes, you can carpet-bomb civilians and hope that some of the bombs hit baddies. Somehow it doesn't feel the same as when the UK and Germany bombed the shit out of each other as this was intended to cripple airfields, divert heavy industry towards air defence, and push the public in a more 'anti-war' direction to put pressure on their respective governments. The German Blitz was designed to break the spirit of an already fragile elected government without having to commit the resources to a sea/land invasion. The UK retaliation was to create a 2nd front without yet committing the resources to a sea/land invasion. And even this is something history has mixed feelings about.
The carpet bombing of Germany was made in the hope that it would alienate the population toward the chocolate chip cookies, it wasn't successful. Supplementary reason not to carpet bomb civilian if the humanitarian cause wasn't enough.

Roman Empire, the precursor of the European Union. Just proving the might of Europe.
And germany once again will contribute to its downfall by barbaric invasion  :lol:

Wouldn't it be fun to be middle-eastern looking? You could totally scam ISIS out of money and live the life you want for a few years before having to work again.
There was a story about women from russia or caucase, that were saying they wanted to join the caliphate but needed money to leave their country, they managed to fool isis and get the money twice.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU]DEPLOY_SHIELDS and Cassi
« on: March 23, 2016, 01:40:12 pm »
Cassi is bad admin! They were krems trolling on EU1 and she didn't ban them!!!! She's clearly biaised admin and she's racist against french!!!!
Remove her admin rights!!!!  :mad: :mad: :mad:

They have something similar in place?

Idk how the Swiss permits deal with open carry or concealed carry. They have assault rifles at home, but can they carry a pistol (even concealed one) in public places? That would be kind of a requirement if citizens were to be able to stop a terrorist act like in xant's scenario.
There's also a lot of gun's homicide in Switzerland higher per capita than other EU countries (you could see it in a graph in the other gun thread), although it went down since we can't keep army munitions at home only the gun. We can not carry a weapon in public place, we can carry them only to travel to the army or to the shooting range.

Anyway right now must of the terrorist attacks are sucide bombing so can't do much with guns..

*DISCLAIMER - I in no way think this is a good idea and would hate any government that chooses to operate this way*

Purely as a thought experiment, it depends on your definition of 'prevent terrorism'.

It wouldn't stop the attacks themselves necessarily, but the entire impact of these attacks (unless costing millions in damages to infrastructure) is the exposure. How could a terror organisation that's trying to be elusive possibly be able to compete with a system that can 100% hide the occurrence of a terror attack, completely mislead the populace as to the impact and lead people's expectations moving forwards. You cant spread terror if nobody reports your futile little suicide-bombings.

Also, an argument may be made that operating in this way would reduce the number of suicide bombings. I imagine that in order to suicide bomb civilian targets, you need to be pretty damn sure that your sacrifice will accomplish something greater. If you are faced with the reality that nothing you do will even make the local papers you'd need some *serious* brainwashing to believe that your bombing will achieve anything.

I just find it an interesting concept. I guess we'll know whether or not that would actually work the moment Russia starts being a global target for terrorist organisations.

The problem would be that news would be carried out by social media and rumours which would probably inflate even more the importance of the attacks. Plus numerous false rumours which could lead to a perception of even more attacks than there is actually.

You can witness the bad effects of distrust in official media and the use of popular rumours as reliable informations in some african countries like the ebola outbreak in Liberia, where people were thinking that ebola was a governement conspiracy or tourist killing in Madagscar when they believe they are part of organ traffic.

General Off Topic / Re: God, fuck you Kratos!!!
« on: March 16, 2016, 04:49:07 pm »
She's clearly into you if she went out with you and let you kiss her even tho she has a boyfriend. You could probably go on with her if you want but it's more up to you to decide if you want it...

On a sidenote, reading "panagiotis" makes me laugh everytime for whatever reason, 10/10 would read that name again.

General Off Topic / Re: God, fuck you Kratos!!!
« on: March 15, 2016, 12:00:35 pm »
Then about two weeks ago in a nightclub i go proper fuckboy mode after drinking too much alcohol and 5 red bulls, and dance with alot of girls and while im making out with one girl I get separated from her by the guards because it started becoming 18+ material.
It's interesting because modern society teaches men to be Blue Pill and assures that's what women want, and so we end up with tragic cases like BASNAK, yet girls are obviously still products of evolution and they prefer the caveman to the genteel and sweet "modern man." They want someone dominant and detached who knows what they want. Remember this lesson well.
Haha If that's too gentel for Xant taste I wonder what's his beast mode.

Anyway everyone got his own style and the best advice to receive is to not follow anyone advice but just to learn from your past experience and mistakes.

General Off Topic / Re: God, fuck you Kratos!!!
« on: March 13, 2016, 05:14:34 pm »
I think I can be classified as an Omega-male after what I did 4 months ago.

Went to the club with friends, had fun. 15 minutes before the club closes I get pulled by a girl to the middle of the dance floor and coupled with one of the hottest girls in the club. End up going with her to her sisters after-party. After talking for hours, everyone fell asleep except for us. As I am about to leave, she asks me to stay and sleep. So we sleep on a tiny couch together. Me being an omega expect we're just gonna sleep, but she puts her legs and arms over mine and her head on my shoulders very intimately, basically DTF. Me being an omega, I tell her she's pretty and gay shit like that and then we fall asleep together.

Now all my friends think I am gay and laugh at me. I've never regret something this much in my life.

Hehehe I wonder what goes in the woman's mind when in this type of situation with beta males.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU] Uthyr Pendraeg
« on: February 29, 2016, 10:17:09 am »
I used youtube tuto to learn to play. Maybe it takes a bit more time but if you are lazy as me it's great to avoid reading.  8-)

You seem to have great fortress Uthyr, you could make a "How long will the fortress EU survive?" thread, that would be great!  :D (try to find a mod to rename goblin as syrians for better visibility in off topic)

General Off Topic / Re: Genetic map of Europe
« on: February 29, 2016, 10:10:16 am »
I wouldn´t be surprised, there used to be a lot of traffic on the mediterranean sea

General Off Topic / Re: Osama Bin Laden
« on: February 25, 2016, 04:18:32 pm »
Well sure Bin Laden was a terrible man but chocolate chip cookies and red Khmers were too, still they got right to fair trial. This is the way you make justice and how (most of) people can afterwards agree on the resolution and the understanding of the motives can be a good insight to avoid having more people walking in their path.

Plus the way America has of conducting justice makes me more think of a dictatorship than of democracy. Killing your opponent without judgement the way cia does with drones, how to know who was rightfully defending his country and who was a terrorist?

General Off Topic / Re: Osama Bin Laden
« on: February 25, 2016, 03:43:01 pm »
I find it saddening that he was probably shot on sight without judgement. It would have been interesting to have his POV and defence on his action in a tribunal and would have shown America is not an imperialist empire at war with islam but a democratic country supporting a fair justice system.

General Off Topic / Re: Genetic map of Europe
« on: February 24, 2016, 04:00:39 pm »
I am sorry to do the "boring guy at parties" but: Haplogroups (R1b,J1, etc) do not represent a group of people, they are more or less carried by certain population but that does not mean they belong to this population or that they represent the population.
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