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Messages - Corsair831

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General Discussion / Re: cRPG FRIDAY
« on: March 02, 2018, 03:39:06 pm »
So Ladies and gents AND shitturds.

Lets all have a nice friday with a lot of cRPG and beer, so basically anyone seeing this post get your ass on EU1 and lets rage together. I hate you all COME ONLINE NOW PLEASE.



But, Friday is the one night of the week we go out of the house to talk to drunk women, can't it be any other day  :'(((((((((((

General Discussion / Re: Nudge is Broken
« on: March 01, 2018, 10:02:24 pm »
idgaf that its "uncounterable" because I actually can counter nudge (sometimes), and even if I get hit I couldnt give less damns about it because my 11IF and 64h 79b 74l set doesnt agree with your opinion.

(click to show/hide)

crpg should be balanced so everyone can take 30 hits

Would be fun if all the other pros from WFAS came here and just played HA. Zpart wasn't even close to be one of the best :3

I apply as Eques_Black_Bird

Wait what, do people still play WFaS?!?! I thought that died years ago lol!

General Discussion / Re: Nudge is Broken
« on: March 01, 2018, 07:53:22 pm »
Nudge isn't broken and it adds a little bit more flavour to combat, the problem isn't even close to being as bad as you make out. My main is a hoplite and very very very rarely do I die to nudges, in fact very few people use them effectively or regularly enough to make it annoying, even if someone does get a decent nudge on me I can normally get my block up in time and if I can't, then kudos to them for fucking me up.

While warband/ cRPG doesn't try to be overly realistic if you think that irl 2 people vs 1 guy using a shield wouldn't try to get that shield off him by grabbing it or punching him in the face then you are plain wrong. At the moment you are plain inviting people to nudge you into oblivion because of the way you hold RMB and back away as opposed to swinging your sword like a mad fucker. As others have already suggested, your main playstyle is 1h/ shield thus giving you the most options for nudges, don't cry because you are not utilizing them effectively because it is a lot easier do than kicking. Lastly, it is poor build choice for a pure melee shielder to be dying in 1 hit.

To address your argument about it being un-counterable; so is HA for the normal infantryman, so is a group of 3 or more archers/ xbow, so is being ganked by 20 kill hungry lowlifes, so is being kicked... There are numerous things that will result in you getting your ass handed to you, that is cRPG.

You wear a lot of armour and can tank a lot of hits so you probably just don't notice it anywhere near as much

I die in 1 hit to arbalests and strength 2 handers, most of the time it's 2-3 hits. The whole point of the build is that the 8 shield skill tanks hits so i don't tank it on armour. If someone just presses a button and removes the shield, it completely breaks builds which rely on shields.

sure come 1vs1 arena on native BO7 i will twitch this fight and probably put it on youtube, ready? steam: South951

We can do if you like, but i'm not very good at duels o.O

General Discussion / Re: Nudge is Broken
« on: March 01, 2018, 04:17:57 pm »
ye pls remove one of cRPG's most unique functions because one is not able to survive 2 hits with the trashy build and the cheapes cloths he wears.

If you wear clothes youre supposed to be either super fast or a glass cannon. But both end up as cannon fudder for others,

It's not about the armour, it's about something being un-counterable

It's still annoying when it happens to you when you can tank the hit, it's just much more annoying when the whole point of your build is to try and avoid getting hit. Having lighter armour just emphasises the broken-ness

with every post you make, I realise that youre more trash than I originally though.

crpg is all about the dozens of players and funny maps and funny builds and range of equipment, not about skill/tournaments

i appreciate you borrowing money from germany to fund this tournament, and it's appreciated, we appreciate the appreciation and it's good of you to do, i appreciate it, but it'd be cool to organise an event about what crpg is about, which is crpg is all about the dozens of players and funny maps and funny builds and range of equipment, not about skill/tournaments

just a thought from a genius (IQ 831)

General Discussion / Re: Nudge is Broken
« on: March 01, 2018, 02:12:54 pm »
Nudge code is retarded though. Doubt anyone wants to touch it.

Yep, tbh i think the devs of cRPG did a hell of a lot of good work making the game, and when it had a huge population fair enough, but now that we get like 50 people on a good day i don't think delving in to messy af code is something anyone's going to want to do (although i have literally no idea about game development, it may as well be sex with attractive women, i have no idea how to do it, so who knows, it might be easy)

General Discussion / Re: Nudge is Broken
« on: March 01, 2018, 01:15:34 pm »
Ok I've actually changed my mind, after getting nudged from behind a shield I was unable to block without actually performing any action other than blocking with my shield.

(I blocked, held it, got nudged, and COULDN'T block before they swung)

Something sounds wrong with nudging to me lol. That shouldn't be possible.

Edit: Apparently that is a feature, however in the 5 years I've played the game not once has it ever happened to me.

Ta daaa. Imagine your whole build is that you die in 1-2 hits, and around a third to half of your deaths are to this. Would you be getting slightly irritated?

Exchange nudge with obscene gestures?

Would be funny, but too much work. Make it so that nudge moves people but doesn't remove their block, if any of the devs cba changing stuff hue hue (probably takes a lot of effort to do stuff like that, i know i cba hue hue)

Also, 1v1 in crpg absolutely sucks, combat too slow/glitchy, just comes down to spam/tanking/higher level better gear

Play 1v1's on native nabs, crpg is all about the dozens of players and funny maps and funny builds and range of equipment, not about skill/tournaments

Zero_Sat will win, hands down

horse archer cant beat board shields

General Discussion / Re: Nudge is Broken
« on: February 28, 2018, 07:29:08 pm »
i've been trying to get a video of quite how frequently i die to it; i play pretty carefully and try to gank as many people in the back as possible ... but sometimes, i have to fight 1v2+

almost every time i'm fighting 1v2+ now i'm dieing to people spamming v, and then their mate hitting me (and me not being able to block it because they nudged)

that's just not fun to play at all; i'm all for great game balance, but when there's something with no counter, where someone literally just presses v when they're near you, which kills you almost every time, it just completely and utterly ruins your experience of the game. i'd be fine if it was like 1/20 deaths or something, but it's literally every other death, it's just absolutely killing the game for me.

General Discussion / Re: Nudge is Broken
« on: February 28, 2018, 11:55:09 am »
You get hit by this a lot because you have the most predictable playstyle of all. Its great that you can distract and survive for minutes versus some people, but just holding S and right click without method should have some kind of quick kill counter, outside of having to carry an axe.

I've only been doing this on my new character, which is a bit of a trollolol character (8 shield skill). The armour i wear on it means that i get killed in 1 shot by most weapons, so i don't think it's unreasonable i hold my shield up a lot on that character. On most of my characters i use 3-5 shield skill and more armour however, so i don't play anywhere near as defensively.

Regarding it being without method, that's just completely untrue. I hover around mass melee with a spear waiting for cav to rear as well as ganking overextended players in teamfights, i protect archers, i choose where to fight tactically, not without method at all. In 1v2+'s i target select, spam, move, and am usually very aggressive (attack as often as i can). If anything's without method, surely it's the legions of heavily armoured 2h's who take no shield and yolo charge towards a teamfight where they mindlessly spam their greatswords until either they're dead or an enemy is dead?

There already is a quick kill counter; if i get hit with 1 ranged weapon, cavalry lance, 2h sword, polearm, most 1h swords, etc., i die in 1 hit. Having a system which makes it literally impossible for me to block (and therefore fight) in a 1v2+, is not a good system.

General Discussion / Re: Low server populations (poll)
« on: February 28, 2018, 11:49:23 am »
If i decide to solo push 3-4 archers as a shielder ofc im going to get shot but im also distracting 3-4 archers so longer i survive the better our chance of winning

I think this is the main problem, people wouldn't dream of charging 3-4 melee thinking "I'm definitely going to win this! This is going to be an even fight!", but people expect to charge 3-4 archers and think to themselves "I'm definitely going to win this! This is going to be an even fight!"

I think people just think, "Ranged isn't a threat", because it's quite far way, and then they get hit with an arrow and suddenly it's all tears

General Discussion / Re: So about that strat wipe?
« on: February 28, 2018, 12:47:14 am »
Hasn't all the strat player base kinda left now in recent weeks? o.O

Someone tell the Polish that Kuyak, Elite Scimitar and Elite Cavalry Shield all had their stats doubled, we will be swarmed with 10,000 Grey Order players within hours, it'll be great

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