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Topics - Corsair831

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General / Stronghold mode
« on: November 27, 2014, 07:33:43 pm »
As a huge fan of cRPG Strategus, i'm really interested in this mode, and whilst I haven't donated yet, this would be what I would consider donating for.

(As seen in this Melee: Battlegrounds — Stronghold video )

To me the mode sounds very much like Natural Selection meets Warband, both games i love.

I was just wondering whether the plan would be for a stronghold server to operate more similarly to Natural Selection, in that you have one match of approx. 30 minutes - 1 hour, 1 commander each team, battles are intense and finish relatively fast (~~30 mins-1 hour) ..
.. or more similar to the Red Orchestra 2 multiplayer campaign mode, where a single campaign can take anything from 3 to 4 to 10 hours to complete ..

Or, what sounds most interesting to me personally .. if there was some way a stronghold/campaign server could be made to operate only within the times with the highest player counts (so between 1700-2100CET for example), and then shut down until the next day, with a campaign taking anywhere from a week, a month, several months, etc etc.

Just curious :P ..

General Discussion / Game seems kinda laggy
« on: November 05, 2014, 11:13:21 pm »
For the last while (few weeks, maybe couple of months), the EU server has seemed unusually laggy .. well, more than normal :P

Seeing lots (read, constantly) of cases of people warping through each other (so much so that when you see 3 or 4 guys fighting each other it looks like they're standing inside each other), and lots and lots of cases of animations just not playing and hits coming out of nowhere, or animations starting half way through their hit.

Now, this isn't like unplayably laggy, but it is pretty damn annoying :( ... any way to fix it devs?

Game Balance Discussion / Why the War Dart Nerf?
« on: October 26, 2014, 01:27:43 am »
Last patch War Darts lost 1 damage, and 1 speed.

Why did they get nerfed please? I always thought they were really weak before that, and now they've been made worse.

General Discussion / pecores ts3 ip
« on: October 23, 2014, 04:41:55 pm »
what is it pls, i want to prais great lord pepe :D

General Discussion / new patch released!
« on: October 18, 2014, 11:35:43 pm »
patch has finally been released! :D restart launcher, patch downloads! WOOP! 

crpg ! WOOP WOOP! :D

Game Balance Discussion / buff wakizashi
« on: September 03, 2014, 02:44:18 pm »
it's so small, it's so low damage, and i went out and bought one like an idiot :D

honestly i have had both an italian falchion and a wakizashi for a good few months now, and on every single build i've tried the wakizashi is just vastly inferior to the italian falchion (same length; why i'm comparing them)

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i suggest giving the wakizashi 2 (perhaps 3) more cut damage to even the two weapons out. 5 cut difference on a weapon that's already so ridiculously short and low damage is insane.

(to put this in perspective, the steel pick is MARGINALLY shorter than the wakizashi, with 34 pierce at +3 compared to the wakizashi's 32 cut; the speed bonus of the wakizashi hardly makes a difference because A - it's so insanely short anyway, and B - the steel pick's damage is so crazy high that it instantly hits half the time anyway)

General Discussion / Banner Balance
« on: July 25, 2014, 08:36:05 pm »
it's only just come to my attention because of this whole byz/nords merger thing, that a lot of people don't like the banner balance.

please correct me if i'm wrong but it currently attributes a score to each player based on certain factors (which i don't know), like

level 34 =120 points
kdr 1.3 = 100 points
player's total points =220

etc etc etc

and then balances players based on their score, until you get a

total team 1 points 30,000
total team 2 points 28,500 or something

if this is in fact the way it works (which i'm not actually sure it is), then surely the way to fix banner balance would be to add score for people on the same team sharing the same banner, e.g.

(click to show/hide)

that way you'd be accounting somewhat for the advantage a player gets from playing with the same banner as his mates.

oh, and also, perhaps it'd be a good idea to include a player's round win/loss ratio as well as their kdr into the equation, so

(click to show/hide)
just an idea ;)

General Discussion / Byzantium is dead
« on: July 24, 2014, 11:52:40 pm »
Nord_Bagge and Byzantium_Chase had a high-stakes duel last night over an ongoing argument they were having; first to 7 (AKA best of 13) on EU_3, the loser had to disband his clan,

the results were

Nord_Bagge - 7
Byzantium_Chase - 5

Therefore, Byzantium has disbanded (many players are applying for Nords now, but i understand many others are looking for other clans to join)

not sure how many of you this will affect, but i just wanted to let the community know what's going on ;)

Official cRPG 5v5 EU Tournament / Corsair needs a team
« on: July 01, 2014, 12:56:12 am »
will play for any team, anyone need a player?

Game Balance Discussion / Buff Wakizashi
« on: June 08, 2014, 01:40:04 pm »

I would like to use the Wakizashi, it has a great looking model and a great name (you just got Wakizashi'd!), however currently I cannot justify heirlooming it in the slightest; there is literally no reason to select it over a steel pick, a short arming sword, or a short nordic war sword.

Therefore I propose a buff to the Wakizashi by 2 cut damage and 2 pierce damage. This would be an increase from it's current extremely low base damage of 29 cut and 21 pierce

Reasons not to select it over the,

Steel Pick - because of the 'dodgy-ness' of sweetspots, if you swing a steel pick, its damage is so considerably higher than the wakizashi's that it hits much earlier in the animation, thus meaning the Wakizashi's large speed advantage is completely diminished. on top of this, the steel pick does HUGE amounts of damage; 31 pierce compared to the Wakizashi's rather pitiful 29 cut.

Short Arming Sword - 10 reach more than the Wakizashi, 2 speed less (which considering the length and damage bonuses of the sword make the speed insignificant), 1 less cut and 6 more pierce.

Short Nordic War Sword - same as the short arming sword, but there is honestly no reason to select the Wakizashi over this weapon; the nordic war sword is 10 reach longer, does more cut damage (they are both cutting weapons), and is only 2 speed slower (which when weapons are already this short makes practically no difference, as they will already be relying on instant hits)

It's a small change, but it would make yet another weapon in cRPG much more usable; as opposed to the current situation, where i personally have never seen an heirloomed one, and in my 2-3 years of playing, i have perhaps seen half a dozen of them used.

General Discussion / Stop nudge from interrupting blocks
« on: June 02, 2014, 10:51:48 pm »
nudge moving people around is cool, really nice feature

but having it break blocks, especially on shields who rely on holding a block so much to play, really isn't fun
shielders rely on holding block a lot whilst fighting, thus making them move slow, therefore easy to nudge, and if in a 2v1, once nudged, they're pretty much dead.

whenever i'm fighting against a decent shielder with one of my clan mates, i know that there's nothing he can do, if one of us simply nudges him (mostly with a polearm or a shield); and the other attacks, there is literally nothing he can do to counter this, it's pretty ghey IMO. if there's no way to fight back against something .. mmmm :/

i propose you change it so that nudges move people around a little bit more, but do not interrupt blocks, so we get an end to this metagame of "shielder fights 2 people who know what they're doing, shielder has literally no chance if they start nudge spamming"

thanks, corsair

General Discussion / Please can we get old 1h right swing back
« on: May 21, 2014, 07:11:21 pm »
i used to get ~~ 1/3 of my kills playing 1h with the rightswing

it's honestly dropped to 1/20th at most

please for the love of god can we just have the old animation back

thanks, Corsair

Roll mechanic is great, get knocked over and it's a "skilly" kind of way to survive, don't know anyone who doesn't like it.

I was just wondering if it's possible to add something similar to the roll mechanic when you're dismounted from your horse?

Obviously this would give cavalry players a bit more of an advantage, so to make sure it's not OP you could also make it so that when a player's horse dies he takes a certain amount of hit points (or maybe 20% of his total or something), and if he manages to perform the roll successfully he doesn't take any damage.

Just a thought, let me know what you think, Corsair :)

General Discussion / Rename Nudge to "SpeedBoost"
« on: April 24, 2014, 11:38:14 pm »
It seems to me that people don't fully appreciate the true uses of the mighty "v" button, and i think this has a large part to do with the mislabelling of the command.

As stated in the title, instead of naming it nudge, it should be renamed to Speedboost; I use it far more as a way to make my allies move faster (and thus deal more damage), than I do to interrupt enemy attacks (for which it's not as good because)

Also, you should remove the ability to report when Speedboosting(nudging), why is it that when you're trying to help a teammate power up he can report you, it's a bit silly

I hope this is taken into consideration

Regards, Corsair

Diplomacy / Shogunate Declares War on Druzinha, and Claims the Desert
« on: April 19, 2014, 03:53:28 pm »
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Shogunate declares war on Druzinha

The Mighty Shogunate claims the desert and all associated fiefs and castles.
All resident Russians have exactly 4 days to evacuate.
Anyone who does not leave the area, will be summarily executed.
Anyone who opposes the Mighty Shogunate armies, will be destroyed in the name of the Emperor.

Obligatory quotation propaganda

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